Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1301 Ordinary Employee Li Yida

Yan Qi decided to begin to conceive your next game.

Of course, as a mature game producer, doing this kind of game can not play, can't take a brain.

After all, the game producer does the game, it is not all for yourself, but also for the company's upper and lower employees, it is also for the players.

If the head is hot, it has been exhausted, and everyone is exhausted, and finally the game is killed, and the blood is not returned. How is this to do your efforts?

If stronger is very rich, give everyone a variety of welfare treatments, overtime pay and all kinds of bonuses are also full, the game failure is failed, he will not be too embarrassed, after all, in the material, give you compensation enough.

But the key is that Yan Qi has nothing money.

The money earned by the "Blade of the Empire" is not less, but if you want to develop a new game, especially stand-alone games, this money is estimated that all have to be smashed, not necessarily enough.

In this case, what kind of welfare is full, what overtime pay and various bonuses, it must not think.

Only the next game has become, it is sold to expect.

Therefore, it is careful, well thought.

Strictly built a document, first accumulating inspiration, smooth thinking, and determines the basic form of this game.

At present, he is actually a relatively clear big direction: a single game.

3A quality may not be reached, but it is a goal that is struggling.

In addition, he didn't have a lot.

When you do the "Blade of the Empire", it is entirely in accordance with the taste of the player player. It is a western theme.

The stand-alone game is not a code at all.

On the one hand, the taste of stand-alone game players is too much to play players, on the other hand, the development difficulty of two games is different.

Simply, the art material quality of mobile games is relatively low, the mobile phone screen is small, the details are slightly almost, the action is slightly stissible, can't see it on the small screen, the mobile game players don't pick it.

If you get the computer screen, let those players who have played a lot of 3A action games, taste picky players, this is another thing.

Therefore, Yan Qi is a bit grabbed.

"Don't worry, slowly."

"Action game can be said to be one of the top game types of development, and there is a short board anywhere, which may lead to the failure of the game."

"At present, which place can be shrunk, only the quality of the combat system and the foundation, the quality of the screen does not shrink. Hand, hit sense, movement, special effects ... These as long as they do nothing, they will lead to a big discount. "

"It's better to have a high technology level, nor is it completely unable to do it."

"The time of the game is slightly narrowed, or with the content that can be repeatedly played, as long as the game price is lowered accordingly."

"The key is to make the player look bright, let them think that this game is very special, not replacement."

"The words come back ..." Looking back is the shore "is not the perfect answer to" Yong Yu Return "?"

"Sure enough, it is always very powerful. When I developed" turning back is shore ", I have seen all of this, studying the only standard answer of domestic stand-alone action games until now."

"" Yongfeng Return "battle system is new! If I can think of this idea."

Strictly think, the more you admire the five-body investment.

He is itself a fanatic fan of action games, but also a loyal player "back is the shore" and "Yongxuan Return".

After I have been in half a day, I found that "back is the shore" this mode is simply domestic company, especially for their small company, do the optimal solution of action games.

Because it is a small company, there is not much funding, which is weak, so cut some game length and game capacity, use the content of repeated play to fill, is a good way to control costs and risk.

And to stand out in a good action class, you must have two points: the first is that the game quality is too hard, the feeling of the hand is compliant, the better, the second is there is a unique memory point and special.

"Looking back is the high-end story" breaking the secondary wall ", and there is a unique combat system of" Yonghao Returning ", which is unique memory point and special.

The two points are all done before they can succeed.

Otherwise, the quality of the game does not meet the standard, the player will not buy it; there is no memory point, it will not be able to cooperate with Xuanfa to burst into the fire, and the last is mostly the cost.

"If you don't say, I'm always a genius game producer, I don't accept it."

"I still have to study one."

Yan Qi's idea, you can't help but turn to the "back is the shore".

"Looks, I'm always don't plan to do a moving game for a long time. After all, he is a person who likes to challenge yourself, like breakthrough, never indulge in the past success."

"The battle system like" Yonghao Returns ", can be used to do" back is the shore 2 ", or another new action game, but,, but only, it is only a DLC, which is clear that the degree of innovation has not been made. A new game level. "

"This is a good news for me, after all, the domestic market is relatively vacant."

"After the" back is the shore "and" Yong Yu Retrieving ", there is no particularly excellent work."

"Although the foreign action class 3a is also there, the domestic game is natural extra points. After all, because of the cause of cultural separation, only the Chinese designers can most understand the Chinese players."

"Just like this kind of cultural heritage of" back is the shore ", foreign designers should be difficult to make."

"So, in this direction, it should be a good choice."

"Do a class" back is the shore "game?"

"Well," look back "has cultivated a batch of dead loyalty game players, high difficult, suffering this label, and it will not persuade players, but gradually become a popular game type."

"In the action game, if the difficulty is not high, it is embarrassed to say hello."

"If I also do a difficult action class game, combined with the heritage of the traditional Chinese culture, the quality is still OK, it should still be sales."

"So ... what should I use in the game background?"

Strictly recorded on the documentation, while the document is recorded.

It is not a lot to find that it is not much in the direction of his choice. "Looking back is the shore" seems to be the most correct standard answer, and even let him feel that this game is very good, there is no change.

It seems that the best is to retain the kernel "turning back is the shore", change the packaging, and change the card.

Although this is a bit no thinking, he still shoulders the livelihood problem of all employees on the entire studio, and there is nothing wrong with it.

As long as the game quality is still, you can make money, then it is successful.

If you want to break through, you can come back again.

The transformation is still as stable as possible.

But writing, and feeling that it is always a cloud of Yunshan, and the idea in the mind is not thorough enough.

There is no kind of sudden thigh, shouting "this absolute no problem".

This makes striking very tangled, and the document is written and stopped, and the consciousness is short.

"How, is there any problem in the game?" Someone asked.

Yan Qi has been immersed in his own thoughts, and there is no real thing to see someone around. At this time, it is found that a staff member, Li Yada, who is the show platform.

The reason why the staff is a staff, because Yan Qi didn't know what the specific position in Li Yada in the platform.

Dynasty game platform includes Tang Director, everyone's position is more clear, and Yan Qi does not know the name of their specific position, but can also know that a department is dry after the handover.

Only Li Yada, this person is more special.

She is a group owner of the Dynasty game platform to communicate with all the producers, directly responsible for communication with these producers, and the things inside the game platform, she seems to have participation.

Moreover, whether Tang Director or other people are respectful to her, attach great importance to her opinion.

The status is a bit similar to ... consultant?

Strictly feel that this is definitely not a general person.

Usually in the group, Li Yida also occasionally bubbled with the production of people chatting, strictly compacted with the Dynasty game platform, so two two people were more familiar.

"Oh, Li Jie, I am worried about the new game, doing the game really, it is just no hair."

Yan Qi also unclear who he is with Li Yida, but the Dynasty game platform, all people, Li Yida called Li Jie, he also followed this, just a respect.

"Well? Is it difficult to do the game? I think it is forth."

"What is your new game intend to do? Action game?" Li Yada asked.

Strictly point: "Yes, I want to do a single action game with" back is the shore "."

"The document is some of my thoughts, it is not particularly mature, if you are interested, you can check it out, give it to the opinion."

Li Yada nodded: "Action game, especially if" look back ", I still know."

In fact, she knows, "look back is the shore" is what she did, "Yong Yu Ren" is also taken behind him after Hu Xintin, and then it is given to fly.

It's just that there is no thing over the side of the game platform, Li Yada is going to see Yan Qiqi, when you are asking for shortness, just come over, just talk.

Just pulling a chair next to it, Li Yada screamed the content written by Yan Qi.

"This is the" back is the shore "." Li Yada saw it at a glance.

Strictly a bit is a bit embarrassed: "cough, first draft, first draft, there is a big changeable space."

"Mainly, I think" look back is the shore "is already the standard answer of domestic action games. It is really changed."

Li Yada shook his head: "How is this?"

"It's not to say the problem of imitation, in fact, the gameplay is so much, it is normal."

"The key is that there is no innovation, there is no breakthrough, there is no courage to change, even if you can't conquer, how do you conquer players?"

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