Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1302, the story behind Tengda game

The words of Li Yada let Yan Siyu are ashamed.

Although it is a pot of cool water, it is very crafted by people, but it also objectively wakes up a lot of brain.

Indeed it is.

For this game, he doesn't have a very strong impulse that I want to make, I just think that I am very happy, and how to conquer the player, let the player feel that I can't stop?

But in relation to the transformation, Yan Qi also feel that Li Yada is a little standing and talking without backhash.

What can I innovate?

If innovation sells Chinese cabbage like street, is there so many garbage games every year?

It's really thought that the producers who do garbage games are bad because of my heart?

Of course, some producers or investors may do not understand, or is indeed a heart thoughts, but there are many people who are unable to do, what can I do if I can't do it?

I have to have the brain, I also do different types, and after the game, the players still have to buy explosion, which is more cool.

Who doesn't want to do a single game? Who doesn't want to open a mountain? Who wants to learn from others?

The key is not still there.

After all, he is responsible for the livelihoods of dozens of people under the whole studio, and the cost of failure is too large, and it is indeed unbearable.

Strictly think that Li Yada is also a game circle, but after all, it is a channel.

The channel is developing, it is two completely different worlds.

According to the current relationship, the channel is equivalent to Party A, picking picking picking in a bunch of games, choosing a satisfactory game, if you encounter unsatisfactory, you can also change the game developer.

The development is equivalent to Party B, which is more miserable. In addition to a few companies that have a very strong research and development ability, there are people who speak the right to voice, and most of the other small companies are not allowed to have their own main, after all, according to the channel requirements, Recommended and promoted resources.

The Dynasty Game Platform is indeed a platform standing to earn money, with this qualification, Li Yida as the staff of the game platform, this personality can also understand.

But the key is to consider the objective situation of stroning.

Otherwise, isn't that a mistake of "why not eat meat"?

Yan Qi and twice: "Li Jie, I also want to make an innovation of the era, can you also consider objective conditions?"

"The Blade of the Empire" is a Pu Putong's mobile game. I intend to transform the action class stand-alone game. This is already a big risk, and then unstable, pursue innovation, pursuing new, I am afraid of the steps. It is too big, it is easy to pull the egg. "

"There is no more accumulation, you will have a transition, you can't have a transition."

Li Yida pushed the glasses: "Before the" back is the shore ", the team also did not do the experience of action games."

"The previous game is" game producer ", which is not at all."

Strict stylus: "This ..."

"Li Jie, I will take me with the summary, is it too much to get me."

"I have to have a kind of brain, then I also dare to take risks, but I am not."

Li Yada said after a moment: "Do you have considered it, or you may have a causal relationship?"

"You think that the summary is the first, and there is a change of the courage."

"But maybe I always have courage to have the idea of ​​change."

"Is it possible to determine your mindset or a mentality decision? Do you think a person, is there a correct mentality? Or is there a mature ability?"

The words of Li Yada are obviously her work in Tengda for so long, and she has been designed for so long, summarizing the words of the lungs.

Is it always a game design genius?

of course.

But to say that the total success is complete because of his ability, this is obviously not objective.

In fact, the most amazing is the most amazing thing is not his game design capacity, but is determined and courage.

Take the "back is the shore", the design details of the game have not been intervened in the design details of the game, but only repeatedly emphasized, the difficulty of the game is raised, and the adjustment is high.

The reason is very simple: improve the details of the game design, this is the work of every master designer, even the ordinary functional designer of the development group; and raising the game difficulty, risking a large number of players to persuade this design The concept, but it is only what I can do.

Only by has this determination and big concept, only the responsibility can always bear such responsibility.

More than just "back is the shore", in fact, most games in Tengda are playing fire, they are risks that risks risks repeatedly.

But if there is no such determination, these games will not be born, and there will be no descriptions.

And in daily work, the total cultivation of the subordinates is also encouraging more than advice.

There are always few hands to teach the lower hand, how to design, how to think about the problem, but encourage the subordinates to think independently, to solve this problem in their own way.

Top more is a prompt, let the subordinates yourself.

For those unconfident subordinates, I always tell him repeatedly, rest assured, you have no problem.

The last designer of Tengda game is growing in this encouragement.

Therefore, this is actually Li Yada's words, she feels that she can achieve this growth, mainly because of the general leadership, gaining the courage of this change.

First, it is not bound by the strip box that is stable, and then there is only qualifications to talk about design, talk about innovation.

Li Yada did this really let Yan Qi stunned.

After his details, he felt that it seems to be a bit truth!

From the surface, the ability and mentality are equally important, and it is not possible.

But a person with no good attitude, it is impossible to have the ability, because the ability is cultivating, exercising, not produced in air.

If a person is not good, even the most basic ability to cultivate, how can it be successful?

It is not necessarily successful to change the determination to change, but if you look forward to your attention, the result will fail.

Strict silence, suddenly realized a question: ", Li, listen to you, how seem to know about Tengda?"

Although it did not disclose the specific situation inside Tengda, this kind of peaceful tone is like very clear.

Li Yada stunned: "... I also have a friend in Tengda, listening to him, saying some internal things, especially the story when" look back is the shore "."

"Oh! Is it! Can you tell me? I also want to listen!" Yan Qi is coming to the spirit.

He was working in Magic before, and then resigned and founded a studio, came to Beijing.

According to him, Li Yida has been working in Yangzhou. The entire Beijing-State game circle is not big. She knows that friends who work in Tengda are not surprising.

The story when "look back is", it is too attractive.

Li Yada opened this head, can't take it, I have to nod: "Well, then I will tell one."

"It is said that when the development of" turning back is the shore ", Demo has made Demo. At that time, the designer went to take it to the story."

"There is always no play yet, let her add the monster's attack power to three times."

"Then I will always get started."

"The position of the original game is difficult. The initial village is a small blood volume. Everyone feels that this is already high, and the result did not expect it to change directly to 60%."

Strictly interested in the moment: "It turns out that" back is the shore "is what is this? It is that I have seen Demo."

"Yes, I remember that the initial mocks cut the player a knife is 80% of blood?"

"After that, it's not a way to turn the monster after a pass, then I feel that the difficulty is too low, so it is hitting the damage?"

Strictly saw a lot of videos who had no injury clearance "back is the shore", he as an old player, although it is difficult to do without injury clearance, but the monsters of the abuse novice village are still very easy.

After all, the novice village's mob movement is slow, the move is stiff, the hurt is high, but the players who are slightly skilled will not be touched.

I don't say it to be a designer, I don't say it very easily, at least there should be a horizontal level?

Li Yada shook his head: "Well ... the result is similar to you, but the process is not the same."

"There is always a hand, the speed is killed twice twice, and then take a magnification of 1.3 to the mob damage."

Strictly stunned: "Ah?"

Does the bail have been strange?

In this way, I always pay hard to add difficulty?

To say this, that is indeed, the general determination and guts are sigh.

Strictly ask, if you have a game, the result is a small mob in the novice village, which is definitely to lower the difficulty.

Not only don't adjust the difficulty, but also give a small blame, this kind of thing is really not able to do it.

I'm really a special talent.

The story of Li Yida is indeed from the side to the previous statement.

Although it sounds a little bit a little bizarre, Yan Qi felt that Li Yada was very reliable, and it should not be lie to himself.

"Well, I agree with you, the courage is more important than the ability, the courage is the first step in making changes."

"But the problem is that there is no courage is not enough, I don't have a right direction, I don't have a right direction."

Li Yada said after a moment, "this is ..."

"It is actually a certain law and trick."

She said the law and tricks, in fact, some game design concepts learned from Yan.

Following the master of the Master, made a lot of successful projects, naturally, there will be experience and gain.

Just starting Li Yida and hesitated, revealing this concept to Yan Qi, will not be very good.

But let's think about it, I always never be a closed person.

The old society has the statement of "Church apprentice starving to death". Many craftsman are all hidden. Some martial arts family are also home to succumb, never pass through, but that is, the old yellow calendar of the past.

In the field of gaming, the total of the total is "up to the best" attitude.

For example, the destination plan, such as the Dynasty game platform, such as the external to develop games with the Tianhu Studio ...

I have always worked hard to influence the domestic game industry, and the whole environment is changed.

It is better to get a little help like Yan Qi.

If it is the general, it will definitely not finger.

Now I have a long time to pass on, nothing more than the disciple, it is to practice Tenda spirit, in order to make the game environment better.

Besides, the general design concept is relatively deep, just like the inner work.

Yan Qi can't solve the lottery, how much can you have learned, you can see himself.

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