Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1303 Tengda's designer people will

Yan Qi is not a browning micro-wrinkle: "Law and trick?"

He is very puzzled, I have been working in the game industry for so many years, why didn't you hear this kind of thing?

The game industry is like a novel, movie, and strictly speaking it is a creative industry, and the idea is very important.

And what is the rule and knock on the door? Isn't it full of spiritual light?

If creative can be copied in batches, the creation of the cultural industry is simple, nothing more than a creative is constantly stacking.

The truth is that artificial is never lacking, and creativity is always scarce and cannot be copied.

So in this industry, those real game design are all respected.

This is exactly their scarcity and irreplaceability.

Therefore, for Li Yada's words, it is a bit unbelievable.

Li Yada has seen the skepticism of strongest, and he knows that his suspicion is actually normal.

Most of the outside designers, they will feel that creativity is a shot of the brain before they have cooperated with the total cooperation, and it is entirely on luck.

But all the designers who bring it out, changes will change.

Indeed, ideas is unsurable, but this does not mean that there is no law and trick.

The general design method is, in fact, in the premise of conforming the game design law, change the angle of viewing problems.

Compass with rich experience, powerful game design capabilities and precise control of the player's mentality, the miracle appears.

Li Yada knows that if he directly with Yan Qi, he is definitely not believed.

After all, Li Yada is now a general employee of the Dynasty game platform, saying that there is no persuasion.

Can only continue to ask "Friends working in Tengda" to help.

Li Yida pushed glasses: "In fact, this is also what I listen to the friend who works in Tenda. She participated in Tengda's new game discussion, participated in several successful game design processes."

"These rules and tricks are she summed up according to the general design process,"

"Of course, this is nothing secret in Tengda, and the designers of the game department understand it."

Strict expression turned into a moment, from the will offenders, it will be very expected.

Is this a general design method?

That's not wrong!

If others say that the law and tricks have been mastered, it is definitely not to believe.

Because these people don't stabilize outstanding games, what kind of persuasion is this?

Just like someone told you that he has a pointer to the stock market, and the results are carefully, and he is not as good as the interest in the stock market. Is this not a liar?

In the whole domestic game circle, Yan Qi only served one person, that is, the total.

Because .

What games are done, and it is still a fire.

If you have always mastered the laws and tips of the game design, it is a letter.

Because the achievements and contributions made in this industry are enough to prove this.

"Li Jie, you will tell me what laws and tricks?" Yan Qi showed a strong curiosity.

Seeing a strict expression, Li Yada knows that the paving is almost.

Even if you still have to hear it, you will still think carefully.

In this way, Li Yada's purpose is also reached, at least not to the piano.

"In Tengda, every time I decided to make a new game, I will give several special unreasonable requirements, let designers have reverted the full picture of this game based on these requirements."

"The designers are based on repeated thinking and scrutinizing these requirements, and finally determine this game in the final form of the total heart, and design it."

Strictly stunned: "Special unreasonable requirements?"

Li Yada nodded: "Taking the" back is the shore "as an example, the summary puts forward five points: first, Huaxia background, a large number of ancient puzzles and text content; second, ultra-high difficulty; third, large scene action class Game; fourth, the longest refund time limit; fifth, the game name is "back is the shore". "

"After giving these requirements, the poor is not to ask the specific design of this game, but let the designers will play freely."

"After the game Demo is made, I also toned the value difficulty and joined the 'Pudu'."

Speaking of this, Li Yida remembers.

When Lu Mingliang is still there, Li Yada is also in this meeting as an ordinary designer.

At that time, she had heard the sum of the requirements, and the whole person foggy, completely couldn't think of the possibility of this game fire.

I didn't think of it. I didn't have long, I became a master designer and took over this game personally.

I didn't expect that now I have come to the Dynasty game platform, and give Yan Qi's example to explain the generals involving the summary.

Yan Qi's brow, listening carefully, the expression is very serious, it seems unwilling to miss any one word.

His brain runs quickly and thinks about the meaning behind these five requirements.

At that time, Lu Mingliang heard a face with Li Yida, and didn't understand the general design intention, even if it was fascinated until the game Demo came out, it was analyzed the summary design intent.

Yan Qi did not master the "standard analysis method of ", but he played "back is the shore", and also analyzed the details of this game, and even a series of incidents just after selling.

Use the finished product to control these requirements, which is equivalent to seeing the standard answer to look at the contents of the title, and the interpretation is natural than Li Yada.

"The story content written by Huaxia background and ancient text is to highlight the cultural connotation, stand the label of the 'domestic action game'; the ultra-high difficulty is to let the players challenge yourself, let the game more identifiable, on the other hand is In order to break the secondary wall ... "

Strictly rushed from the head to the end, discovered that the sum of the five points of the country is really a shortcomings, from the game design to the initial propaganda, all have a relationship.

After Demo came out, the "Puru" was added, and it played the effect of painting dragons, so that the "back is the shore" from excellent work to the god level.

But after the analysis, Yan Qi is more confused.

"Li, I probably guess these reasons for these requirements."

"But ... this is obviously that always has a final form of the game to plan from the beginning?"

"I can only say that I have always said that I am too intensive, too strong, and other other designers who have relying on the total ideas."

"The 'rules and tricks you just said, how are you?"

Li Yada smiled slightly: "When I first started, I was almost the same as you."

"But then carefully thought about it, I don't think this."

"I ask you two questions."

"First, Qi Zong only mentioned such a request, but some details of the game design never ask. So, how to determine if the game is made, the game is the same as it?"

"Second, these points require, how do you always think?"

Yan Qi's expression is awkward, caught in meditation.

Yeah, how can I make the game will be the same as my expectations?

Strictly, according to the finished product of "back is the shore" game, it is inferred that there are several intentions of the total number of conditions, but it is equivalent to a horse behind.

In fact, the light starts from these conditions, the large direction is fixed, but the details can have many practices.

I always give these conditions, I don't care, how do he know that the game does not run?

Only two explanations: First, he believes that the designers will have their own intentions, and they must make their own expectations in their own hearts; second, he may feel that the details don't matter, just make sure these The main point does not run, then no matter what change is changed, "look back" is still "turning back".

It is also possible that both are both.

And let Yan Qi more careful and is the second question of Li Yada.

How do you always think about these points?

It is definitely not generated by the head of the brain, and there must be a source.

Suddenly, Yan Qi Ling is flashing: "You said, these points require not only the control of this game's direction, but also the total stone of the game when designing this game, can analyze the total Source? "

Li Yada nodded and nodded, and quite satisfied with Yan Qi's understanding: "Yes."

The expression on Yan Qi's face was shocked.

What is the production process of Tengda game?

I always give me some requirements, and then the person in charge will be perfected by the whole game based on the requirements.

And these points require both the general control of the game's big direction, and it is also the game of the game that he is derived from the source of inspiration.

Why do you want to do this?

Obviously, on the one hand, in order to train, the designers under the exercise make them do not turn into tools, but everything can be a master of game design; on the other hand, because the total work is busy, things to consider More, it will be unrealistic to design the game.

It is also difficult to Tengda games so high yield, no wonder that will always have a variety of high quality games.

It is because this is caused by this different development model of other game companies!

Strictly wondering, I am also a producer, and I am also a production person. Why is it a good game for a few months, I have not finished it, and I have only one, I am still getting angry, exhausted ?

Obviously, the two have a gap in design capacity and management, but also have huge differences in the most fundamental philosophy!

Confirmed this, the next thing is more critical.

By reverse analysis of these requirements, it is the cornerstone of the game design, you can analyze the summary source.

And this is the "law" and "trick" that Li Yada has emphasized before Li Yada!

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