Give this game name, more difficult.

Because it is not particularly clear.

This game of strongest design, its emotional tone should be the sad feelings of the chaos, "white bones can be used in wild, thousands of miles no needle", is "Ning to do Taiping dog, do a chaos", is a demon, life Such as the feeling of the mustard.

Relatively speaking, it is not suitable to name the protagonist or behavior.

Because in the game, the player can choose four different identities for the protagonist, and the final ending has different.

Named the identity of the protagonist, it is difficult to take into account four different identities. After all, the concept of Confucianism is a huge gap. It is difficult to find a common point. It has found a common point, it may not be adequate enough, not suitable enough.

If you are named by the behavior of the protagonist, it is not very good.

Because the attitude of the protagonist depends on the player's attitude, the player's attitude may be positive, take the initiative to pursue the perfect ending, the person who saves the world is in the water, and it may be relatively casual. Which is a simple The Ranger is in the middle of the man, and he didn't think about changing the world.

Therefore, it is not very good to deal with the behavior of the protagonist.

It can only be named after the entire cultural tone, highlighting this kind of chaos, emphasizing that players in this chaos, implement their own way, choose their own way.

In addition, this name has to have a certain Chinese culture, can't be too straightforward, otherwise it will easily dilute the game.

The name of the game has to be good, but also lanted, can't be too uncommon.

Strictly rampant brain juice scrapes his poor ancient Chinese knowledge, and finally did nothing.

Have no idea!

There are several names that appear in his mind, or it is too straightforward, and it is not enough, or it is not enough, some budes.

Yan Qi knows that his ancient world is also here, and there is no significance to race your brain, can only help to the audience.

But where can I ask for help?

This is not like writing a novel, but also a copy of books.

Go to the player group?

Let the players playing this group of "Empire Blade" mobile games to do this kind of feeding, technical difficulty and high Strictly expressed highly suspicion.

Suddenly, he became a flash.

How about going to the rabbit tail?

The rabbit is lived, but there is a group of young scholars and graduate students in a large group!

Although this group is not live broadcast every day, there are several liver emperors are often online, go for help, isn't it just right?

This is a technical activity, or a professionals go to horses.

Thinking of this, Yan Qi immediately opened the live broadcast of the rabbit, and selected a big live broadcast.

At this point, the big brother is chatting with the audience in the live broadcast, from the poetry song, to the historical art.

These scholars are not a lot of people in the live broadcast. After all, the live broadcast itself is a very low information density, and then cooperate with academics, and doing no effect on live broadcast.

However, they have been collected by the lectures before, and the playback is very high, and they are still growing.

These scholars can take money by the video of the lectures, and they can use the contents of the app, and the live broadcast is also a gift income.

More importantly, talking to the water friends, sharing knowledge, it is also a more interesting thing, so there are several "liver emperors" often broadcast, they have matured.

The name of the scholar in this live broadcast is Murong Tie. It can be seen from the net name. People are spoken, but also more wind and humble. Talking about some history, it is also one of the liver emperors on the live broadcast platform of rabbits. It is quite popular and is the first choice for many people.

Yan Qi wants to think, first send a small gift, and then send the barcation saying that it is hoping that the big music can talk to himself, there is something to ask.

Because there is not many people in the live broadcast, Yan Qi also sent a small gift, so soon attracted the attention of Murong Tie, and private chats sent a phone number.

Soon, the two people passed the phone.

Strictly explained the story background of this game, focusing on some requirements.

First, it is necessary to highlight the sad feelings of chaos.

Second, it is best to have allusion, there is a certain forcing and cultural heritage.

Finally, I have to make a good idea, can't be too uncommon, the name is not too long.

That is to say, it is necessary to use, but it is not too slightly literary, but it is necessary to reflect some cultural connotation and can't be too uncommon.

Murong iron plugs also caught pensive, obviously this requirement is quite high.

However, after all, it is a professional, and it has been combed and summed up for related themes when they do content with the app, so he will soon have an idea.

"I think two names now, you can choose one yourself."

"The first name is called," the avenue is hidden "."

"This allusion is coming from" Book ", talking about two different states of society, one is the 'Avenue trip, the world is the public', the other is 'Today's avenue, the world is home'. "

"The Avenue is hidden, that is, the current situation is not ideal society, but people are all kinds of society, self-privacy, full contradictions and struggle, is the terrible fact of 'in the potential, the public is". "

"In this state, people think of the power and wealth, the minister, his father, the brothers, uncle, just like" Spring and Autumn ", , Dead country is five2, the princes are running, and must not be able to protect the society. "

"Of course, about this interpretation of this article, the connotation is more complicated, as an ancient thought, in fact it is not completely correct, but you can show what you want to express."

"The second name is called," "."

"This allusions are" Wang Feng · "in the Book of Songs, is a poem that is very prosperous."

"'I know that I am worried about me, I don't know what I said,' is from" "."

"The background of this poem is a vision, after weekeeper, see the site of the temple laminate, there is no city's prosperity, only a blame of Yuao grows, so the subversion of the Zhou Room, Can't bear it ', the poems express their feelings of the country. "

"This poem is a long time, affecting a lot, and the literati in the later generations often writes to the history, often, such as Cao Zhi's" love poetry "," thinking ", Liu Yuxiang, Jiang Wei "Yangzhou slow · Huai left name", etc. "

"Later, this emotion of this feeling in the country is called '' s sorrow '."

"How do you think these two names? You are the original author, which name is more appropriate, or you want you to come up."

Strict is a good time.

It is a big, I think so soon, and there are two names to choose!

He considers it later: "I think" "better."

"On the one hand, it is because" the avenue is true "is the Confucian thinking. It is relatively high, and the game is the four systems of Confucianism, and there is no obvious tendency."

"On the other hand," the avenue is true "is four words," "is two words, more simple."

"And I suddenly thought that the whole story is overhead, but the historical background can be mentioned in front, which makes people feel more than ancient ancient times, which is more able to bond the background of the name" "."

"Thank you!"

Murong iron bolled smiled: "Nothing, raising your hand. You decided to be a Chinese background game, this is a good thing, I am also looking forward to it!"

"If you have any questions in the future, please feel free to ask me, I am very happy to answer!"

After Thank you, Yan Qi quilt exited the live broadcast.

Previously, Yan Qi always felt that the live broadcast of the rabbit is an alternative live platform, but it was found in this key moment, it is really top!

And the useful app with the live broadcast of the rabbit, really wants to do something, in a specific professional area, you can really find the answer you want.

The only pity is that the filling speed of the content on the app is too slow, which is a bit can't wait. After all, it is involved in the knowledge of all walks of life, and the professionals need to enter into the country, which is an individual.

The name is touched, and it took some time again to complete the design concept of "".

He even thought of this game's publicity map.

An ordinary person who is not long, enters the chaos, seeing the demon, the people do not talk, naturally have an emotion of sorrow and Sunday.

The back of the protagonist is in the abandoned ruins of the palace that is full of flourish seedlings, and the sword is in front of the sword, and the far-sighted is a light red sky.

There are many details before, but also in the way.

However, Yan Qi will soon realize a more serious problem, that is, the volume of this game seems to be a bit too big.

It is completely exceeded the scope of this small studio!

Of course, if you don't want to make limit operation, you can't say it is completely impossible.

Under the premise of official editor, and the technical level has greatly improved, all people in the studio poppters, and then sell the iron, put all the income of the "Empire Blade", or go to the house. Category……

Maybe it can be developed, but this time is not well determined.

It may be a year or may be two or three years or even longer.

This is still under the premise of the official editor, the game development time is significantly shortened.

Just, this is not exemplarous.

Or, too stupid, have not left the way at all.

Strictly feel that he can't be like a heads, we can think about something else.

For example ... pull investment, recruiting people?

Now he is a little short of money, it is a little short, forcibly developing, if the quality of the game made does not meet the standard, isn't it a good idea?

If this idea is only a semi-finished product, it will make it strict.

The recruiting thing is relatively good, after all, it is still money.

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