Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1308 Zhang Sing Singing is so good!

Previously, it was also a investment in this studio, and it also made money, and gave this investment company a certain return. According to reason, it should be not difficult to pull a investment.

The problem is that this investment company is not as strong as a number of two, and this investment company is not so strong. It is the "Empire Blade" because of Yan Qi. It is the mobile game he taken.

Step by step to a single-machine action class, such a big risk, the investment company willing to pick it up.

Everyone knows that the risk of a single game failure is very high, big investment, a single game game is even more likely. In China, I can always guarantee a single fire, and other companies are not too good.

What's more, the mobile game with the stand-alone 3A, which is not a level.

It is enough to be a hand to do a hand, two or three million are quite rich, but also cover the promotional funds into parts, but 3A masterpiece wants to ensure that the 20-hour standard game is long, even Under the current level of technology, it will have hundreds of millions.

Even if you can compress the process, even if you can extend the game time, you can use some repetitive games, fitting, and other systems, but in the final analysis, millions of R & D funds are already the bottom line.

"Looking back is the rail" research and development funding is relatively province, that is because the whole story is relatively pure, unlike "" is so complicated.

This road has been taken by the patriarism, and Yan Qi can only take another road.

And this, money is not enough.

Where can I do so much?

Strictly fell into confused.

"Well? Why are you still tangled? Haven't you already thought?"

Li Yida came out and slipped a circle, just seeing Yan Qixi and sighed on the seat.

Her thought, so knowing is so bad?

I have been telling you so clearly, even if the details of the game have not been made, I have to have a big direction, a big frame?

As for it, do you sigh here?

Strictly smiled sild: "Li Jie, the idea is there, but there is a more severe problem ..."

"No money."

Li Yada stunned: "Well? The idea has been there? I have a look."

Yan Si's side, Li Yada pulled the chair, and viewed the design of "".

After reading, Li Yada picks the thumb: "Yes!"

"I think this idea is quite good, at least let me think that in front of you, there is no such type of game on the market."

Strictly laugh: "But use it, I want to make this idea not castrate, this research and development is less than 100 million."

"Our small studio can't get it, you can only find investors. The game industry is a high-risk industry after all, who is willing to give a single game to invest a billion? 35 million give a mobile game ! "

Li Yada is silent for a moment, saying: "Maybe I can help you think about it."

"I just met a few investors, especially with the dream of venting, the relationship can be."

Strictly stunned, the expression gradually became shocked.

Good guy, this is this?

Li Sister is really a deep hidden!

Just started to think that she is an ordinary employee of the Dynasty game platform. As a result, Tengda also learned people, and the dream venture has also known people?

Dreaming, is it a Tenda's investment company?

Does Li Yada are separated from Tengda?

That impossible, Tenda's so good benefits, how can someone will take the initiative to leave?

Well, it is also possible to be the relationship between the Dynasty game platform.

Strictly I don't know who the investor behind the Dynasty game platform is very mysterious, but knows it, it is definitely not bad.

Dare to play like Dynasty game platforms, it is absolutely unfair money.

It may also be the boss behind the Dynasty to meet these investors, and Li Yada as a platform of the platform, also known to these investors, can speak.

Thinking of this, Yan Qi seems to see the first line of dawn: "Really? That's great!"


Yan Qi still feels a bit of virtual: "I heard that the dream venture capital is also a very special investment company, there is a set of rules, I want to get investment, I have to queue, and the amount of money is also dead, no Maybe it is billion. "

"Moreover," "This game is still just staying in the stage of the concept, even Demo is not, even if you have this relationship, you want to get investment is also very difficult ..."

For investors, investment is just right, it is necessary to talk about the return rate, it is always impossible for a friend, and hundreds of millions of money will come out casually.

It is really so sloppy, it is estimated that this investor has long been able to ban himself.

Therefore, it is not a letter to this level, but the key thing is not a small thing to borrow a three or five hundred dollars.

Li Yada thought about it: "Well, you have to do some preparation a little."

"This way, you will simply write a plan according to the format that dreams of dreaming."

"I will help you moisturize, introduce this game from my perspective, see if I can move ... investors."

Li Yada almost said "see if you can touch the total."

Because she is very clear, the congratulation is definitely reported to the total investment.

According to the total personality, most of us will support domestic excellent games, but as subordinates, Li Yida also reports the risks and problems of this game, so that will make the most correct decision.

If you don't think it is, then this point is not reliable, and it is also a failure, then persuading Yan Qi still don't do it.

If the total is recognized, willing to invest, then explain that this game is no problem, it can be assured to develop.

Strictly nodded: "OK, then I write a plan."

He also didn't take too much hope, but since Li Yada's line, try it always.

Write a plan, write a design preliminary, which is not enough.

What can I pull in investment? Pulling a billion, pulling to 50 million, then it is!

At that time, you can sell a first-selling demo version, engage in predeques, maybe you can stick to it.

The two are very busy.



November 10th, Saturday.

GOG Global Invitational Tournament officially started!

On the other hand, IOI's global finals are also carried out in the same period. After all, two games are in Europe, and there are several weekends.

However, although these two games are on Saturday, the time is not the same.

GOG is open at 9 o'clock in Europe, it is equivalent to 5 pm in China, and IOI is open at 3:30 pm in Europe, which is equivalent to 11:30 in the evening of the domestic time.

Obviously, this is a problem with a hierarchy.

Because Europe and the domestic deviation of 6 to 8 hours, the galays are inevitably displaced.

The GOG is because Tengda acts as the organizer, deliberately requested the game on the morning to start, so although the audience of Europe is not particularly friendly, but relatively compromise, take care of the domestic players.

Moreover, in the schedule, most of the domestic teams have also rushed forward. If you don't want to stay up late, you can go to sleep, you can go to sleep, don't worry too late.

As for IOI, it is obvious that it will not take care of domestic players. They have to seize the European market, of course, to arrange the game to gold time over Europe.

As for the domestic audience, stay up late to stay up late, it is really not taken care of.

In the afternoon, Jinsheng Square, Tengda Experience the air area in front of the big screen of the store, has been crowded with the audience.

The Line of the Global Invitational Tournament can be said to be in full swing.

Many large shopping malls across the country have a large screen in a layer of hall, many cinemas also use empty vast videos.

The most lively place in the next gait is obviously the air in the door of Tengda experienced shop.

On the one hand, because the screen is large enough, people who are accommodated are much enough, and on the other hand, it is the venue of the GPL competition.

When GPL regular season, a large number of people have gathered here, and has formed a tide and habit.

Although it is already in November, the weather is cold, but the crowd is turning, the audience is still very enthusiastic.

There is still more than an hour to play, but the activity in the scene has been arranged.

Chen Ben Dengdai sang, the situation in the scene was broadcast live to other lines of view, and became the exclusive benefits of domestic audiences.

In the square, several viewers are listening to the singing and arguing.

"Can you invite Chen Lei to sing to the domestic audience, but also tune the time of the game, really good, feel the people who are properly placed in the domestic players of GOG, completely different from IOI."

"Chen Press is also because of the pole of the pole, come back to sing a song, brush his face in front of the player, add some popularity, this is a win-win situation."

"Who is this guest with the Chen Equate Chorful? Singing, it is the level of a bar singer, so you can go to step? Or sing with the Chen Equate?"

"That? That is the general of the Evolutionary Department, formerly to touch the person in charge of the fish netfa, the head of the ROF installer, the person in charge of the DGE Club and Evil Division, the GOG game, theoretically returned to his tube "

"Lying? Is it so big?"

"That said, Zhang always is too busy, so the big music can still sing this level, Tengda is really talent!"

"Yes, according to the small news, Zhang Zong is the first time to touch the fish net coffee and seduce singers. Before the arrogant, he is in the singer."

"and after?"

"Later? Later, I almost sang Huang Hui, fortunately, I was picking up, and I could come over."

"Petty, I don't allow you to have a good night!"

"That is! Zhang always sang too nice! It's better than Chen Estate! Zhang, I cheer for you!"

"Zhang, the signature of DGE all players can not arrange? Can the GPL team limited to a lot of pump?"

"Is this ROF top with a machine?"

"Zhang, the whole hero full skin account is pleased!"

"I want to play a career! Zhang, you see me!"

I heard Zhang Yuan's identity, the scene of the scene was turned to 180 degrees.

Everyone said that Zhang always likes the identity and status, and I will sing to everyone, and sing is still good, it is a blood to earn!

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