Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1309 Operation of the Latest Theoretical Research Achievements in Human Resources

It is another song, and the Chen Ben and Zhang Yuan are returning.

The audience in the scene is still waiting for the next, and the result is that the fummy has not returned to the stage, but a host that came to the GPL league.

The home of the GOG Global Invitational Tournament in Europe, the most host of the GPL league, I have also gone to Europe, but everyone is not going to go at the same time. It is a batch of batch, and some people have a visa problem. There is no way.

Have the host, some were pulled to the GPL league venue, some to all over the country, go to the big cities, and explain the second, third and Nth.

This can be said to be two days, both of them have their own lives, and let the audiences of each city can be taken, and you can listen to the different official explanations on site.

All programs on this stage include Chenqui, Zhang Yuan's sing, and the host of the host, all in the GPL venue, simultaneously broadcast to all lines of the country, and there are special live broadcast rooms. .

Seeing the host, many viewers are not happy on the spot.

"? Architecture?"

"Let Chen Equate continue to sing! I haven't heard it!"

"Almost, Chen Equate sang so many, more tired, really thought to open a concert? I suggest that Zhang always draws! The whole hero full skin account first smohes a thousand!"

"There is another hour from the start of the game, the Chen Equate will go, is it ready to open the next half?"

"Don't arrange anything dance performance or COS performance!"

The audience is still wondering, and the host has been revealed.

Under the introduction of the host, ten players wearing DGE clubs were in turn, after greessing the audience, sitting in front of the computer.

This is the exclusive welfare of the domestic watchmaking, the warmth of the DGE Club!

These two teams have been a team that DGE has cultivated the Nth, and has not been clear. It is the first few.

Because these two teams have always been old with new models, people come to go, not all being sold out.

Anyway, as long as the furniture is missing, I bought it here, and then the DGE club will continue to find a seedllar.

Originally, the audience saw Chen Lei, but also expressed dissatisfaction on the barrage, but saw DGE to play hot field, the crash wind direction changed.

"This is good! Let Chenqu are resting!"

"I don't know how this DGE is, don't give Huang Wang, Jiang Huan, these seniors are shameful!"

"Welcome to the DGE Club Site Promotion Conference, winning MVP players will receive the gangli of all major clubs and the annual salary!"

"Dear boss, a new group of DGE got players have been fresh, ready to pay!"

"Good guy, is this pressure on the team? At the time of the World game, the boss saved the newcomers on the spot, the old players can be too powerful!"

Just because of the atmosphere that is hot in the warmth of the warmth, it is more stepped.

As a club in the country and even the world, the legend of the DGE club has been circulating in the rivers and lakes.

At the time of GOG, the DGE club's players conquered with strong strength and the muscles of the somewhere conquered the audience, and the ten team members were split into the various teams, directly let the entire GPL league horizontally flew.

Many people have thought that DGE club will gradually fall into silence after being purchased in the first ten star players, gradually fall, but the fact is just the opposite.

The DGE club has always maintained this high level!

Because the DGE club has become a perfect springboard, it has become the place where the most talented young players in China are squeezed to where they want to enter.

Everyone knows that entering DGE can be a teammate with the best young players, and after a while, as long as it performs excellent, it will be traveled directly by major platforms, and don't worry because child labor contracts have caused low prices to work at the peak period.

For other clubs, a DGE club is a total industry. It has an official background. It is necessary to take care of it, two DGEs, screening, but also to take less the risk of mining players.

Anyway, as long as it is playing the name of the name in DGE, it will not be wrong with the eyes of the eyes.

Various factors combine, leading to a new generation of the most colorful players, most of them are plated in DGE club.

It's hard to say, it's a DGE club training, or because the DGE club is famous, it is really good to have a source of life. The young training player is a talented, and can you make ahead?

Anyway, most clubs and audiences, just want to dig up newcomers with potential, then turn your eyes to DGE clubs, right.

This time, I arranged a warm field for the DGE club, which can be said to be a lot.

For the audience, the warmth of the warmth will make the audience to enter the launch in advance, there is a game to see the total ratio and talk about it.

For DGE team members, they can exercise their attitude towards the contest, and formally play their career.

For major clubs, you can take this opportunity to see the color of the new batch of DGE players, see the outstanding players inside, ready to pay.

For the electric competition, the arrangement of heating shows is really difficult.

Because the audience of the electric competition, what you like is really much.

Get a cosplay, or a female group dance, it is really not visible.

A slightly better activity is to sing, it is an event that is universal and received, but the spectators will be greasy if you sing more than an hour.

Everyone wants to see it, it is really a game.

Therefore, it is best to arrange a warm field, and the two parties of this warmground competition have to have certain components to maximize the mobility of the scene.

It seems that this arrangement can be said to be quite successful, and the domestic audience has attracted praise.

In the cheers in the scene, the DGE's first team's game officially started!

The young people on both sides have been riveted on this day, and strive to make things in the usual training, do not lose to the operators and execution of the professional team, especially the uniqueness of young people, let the scene The shout is high as a wave.

Occasionally, because of the nervous, let the scene laugh, the snoring.

Each time I play a wonderful lens, or the lunch lens, there will always be the barrage floating.

"This tower is anti-killing two people, and the price is doubled!"

"How is this aid flashing? The price is clear!"

"A team of fights, it is estimated that it is 500,000, is there a higher?"

The lacition started to estimate the price, let the live broadcast seem to become a vegetable market, the program is full.

In other competitions in the world, they are still watching the competition. When I hear it, the domestic audience has entered the status of the game in advance!


Backstage of the GPL venue.

Zhang Yuan is turning on the forum and see the audience to sing the evaluation of himself.

The evaluation is actually quite positive, but people who urged him a little more a bit more.

Obviously everyone's motivation is not simple.

The Chen Episode said: "Zhang Ge Bao knife is not old, is there interest to come to me next concert?"

Zhang Yuan huh, smiled: "Forget it, I am still very clear that I have a few pounds."

"In fact, the truth is telling you ..."

Zhang Yuan was lowered by the sound: "I am not singing at the show, I just want to avoid disasters."

Chen Equate stunned: "Avoid disaster? What is this saying?"

He is a bit of a little solution, what is Zhang Yuan? "

DGE Club is the most profitable club in China, because other clubs have spent the purchase of people, they have a huge cost, but DGE is pure seller, and the surroundings are also sold.

As for the electrical competition, it is also a gap.

Zhang Yuan slammed from the touch of fish net coffee to the electrical competition, it was very successful. What is the situation of the avoidance of the waves?

And how do you avoid disasters?

Why is it afraid to sing a song?

Zhang Yuan looked at the four nos, Chen Buple is a good brother who is trustworthy, so I am smothering the sound, I am distressed. "Not because of the suffering of Baoxao's trouble!"

"The first batch of person in charge has already went to Shennongjia, and the finger is calculated, and there will be one or two weeks left, and the second batch is going to go."

"The first batch of lists is the important person in charge of the core department of Tengda, like what Huang Sibo, Hu Xianbin, Xiao Peng, etc., there is no run, all caught!"

"I think Xiao Peng is for me to block me. If I still touch the fish net, Xiao Peng's name will be replaced with me."

"But I hide, I have hide, but I'm going to fight, now the GOG World Finals are so hired, I am afraid that I have escaped the summit ..."

Zhang Yuan is simply sad.

When he came out in the first list, he was back to cool down, deeply.

In order to save, Zhang Yuan races his brains and thinks.

Now that the knife in the eyes of painting is to fall, can this be anxious?

The arch is shocked: "Ah? There is still this? However, can you sing a song? Are you sure?"

Zhang Yuan shake his head: "Uncertain, but worth a try."

"In fact, this is the latest theoretical research result of colleagues on the Ministry of Human Resources. I am experimenting with a pioneer concept. I don't dare to say that I am sure, but what is successful?"

Chen Bao is interested in: "The latest theoretical research results?"

"Good guys, your Human Resources is also responsible for engaged in theoretical research?"

Zhang Yuan nodded: "Of course, Tengda is summed up by the Ministry of Human Resources, and has to say it is quite useful."

"The content summed up in this Human Resources Department has changed. I look at it, is this not just responsible for the original intention of the pain, this is a standard answer! So I immediately decided to copy it, try it "

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