Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1325, Meng Chang, another way of life

November 24th, Saturday.

Today is a rest day, Meng Chang has no job on his hand. After all, for the publicity of the real estate intermediary simulator, it is already all the best, and it is waiting to be a foot.

However, he didn't stay at home this weekend, but go out, ready to see an old classmate who had just returned from abroad and has been gone in two years.

The two people touching the fish nets nearby.

"Fan Xiaodong! Here!"

Seeing the old classmates came in, Meng Chang raised his hand.

Fan Xiaodong is quite high, wearing a long windbreaker, it seems quite a little informant.

He saw Meng Chang, and his face also exposed a smile.

However, after the smile, it quickly revealed a surprised expression.

After sitting down in the coffee area of ​​fish net coffee, Fan Xiaodong has some doubts: "Brothers, I can't see it in two years, how do you mix this?"

"I heard it forever, you are not pulling into investment, do you have a fast-selling brand? What is the situation now?"

Fan Xiaodong and Meng Chang are university classmates, and the two people are undergoing, and the relationship is excellent.

And both people belong to a very smart mind, whether they are very tonis, and it is also a well-deserved leader in the school.

After graduation, the two people's trajectories were completely different. Meng Chang chose to stay in the country, hosted a big company, ready to accumulate experience, waiting for the business; and Fan Xiaodong is studying abroad, currently in a financial company in the country.

In the impression of Fan Xiaodong, Meng Chang has always been very paying great attention to his image. From the outside, there is a kind of tattlicity.

Moreover, I have heard that he has established a fast food brand in China, and it has made Feng Yidong, and Fan Xiaodong is very envious.

After all, although he worked in financial companies, it was quite abundant, but the expected income with Meng Chang's entrepreneurial success was still better than.

But after the case, Fan Xiaodong is not very clear.

When he works, he is very busy. Second, Meng Chang silently smashed with most friends and classmates after the failure of entrepreneurial failure, and it was a hard time in Tengda, so the situation of the two did not share it in time.

Until Fan Xiaodong returned to China, this only contacted Meng Chang, deliberately detaping in Beijing.

After the results, Fan Xiaodong was very surprised. What happened to Meng Chang?

Although the spirit is still very full, it has become a lot of untruebrows, it is no longer as delicious as before.

And from temperament, it seems to have changed.

No matter the success of entrepreneurship or the failure of entrepreneurship, Meng Chang has no reason to be the state of this state.

According to Fan Xiaodong's understanding of Meng Chang, if the entrepreneur is successful, that Meng Chang is definitely a big flat banner. The tail can go up to the sky; if the entrepreneur is fails, the Meng Chang is full of gray, one is weak.

But now this state ... I feel a lot of peace, it is much more.

What exactly is going on?

Meng smiled and smiled and shouted the waiter to the two cups of coffee, then said: "The cold noodle girl failed, I have a bip. However, there is a good thing."

Fan Xiaodong stunned: "Can there be good things? What good thing?"

He is very unexpected, after all, the risk of domestic entrepreneurs, he also knows that Meng Chang said to have a butt, that is absolutely not a small number.

Meng Changteen suddenly, said: "I have encountered a high person."

"Tenda's , although I started in his hand, he also taught me a lot, I think I will come out."

"Wait for me, don't say that it is easy to finish these debts, and must also rise to the mountain!"

Fan Xiaodong silent for a moment: "... you can keep this optimistic mentality, it is very good."

"But I am still not understood, why do you start a business, but also thank him? Also said that from him?"

"You sound like it is PUA or CDGO syndrome ..."

Meng Chang's mouth slightly picked up: "Don't be stunned, is I am a kind of stupid?"

"It is brainwashing, or I learned to be true, I can distinguish it."

"Forget it, this is too complicated, I am too deep, I will explain with you in the three words."

"Or say you, how is it recently?"

Fan Xiaodong drunk the coffee: "That way, floating abroad, not good, hungry is not dead. Income is OK, but this environment is not enough."

"I will always play rice stocks, how much to earn some money anyway."

With Meng Chang's understanding of Fan Xiaodong, he knows that he is definitely modest, he called little money may be a salary of some of the work sessions.

However, Meng Chang will not think Fan Xiaodong is forced. After all, he is so many people. After making more profit, the number of orders of money is not so sensitive. Maybe these money is really small in Fan Xiaodong.

Speaking of rice stocks, Meng Chang suddenly thought of something: ", right, home group is listed in rice?"

Fan Xiaodong nodded: "Yes, recently the gains are not bad, do you want to buy some? I can help."

Meng Chang immediately shook his head: "Buy? Of course you can't buy it, if you have a trust, it is recommended to do it."

Fan Xiaodong stunned: "Doing the Sports Group, the month of this month has just been issued in the third quarter, the development is good, including the data within the market share."

"As far as the current share of the home group is in the market, other similar companies want to make a threat to it is too early."

"Previously 'formaldehyde housing" has basically calmly calmly calmly calmly calmly, countless, the stock price that falls in front will start to rise back, and it seems that there seems to be a big emotional incident, but it is the recent propaganda. It has made a good heat. "

"How can this look like a small wave, how can I do it?"

The so-called empty is a little "buy fell", stocks have fallen to make money, and they will lose money.

And it is very high, theoretical losses are unimomes.

In this case, do the empty home group, this is a long life?

Meng Chang drank his mouth coffee: "Specific situation, it is difficult to explain in a few words."

"I can only say that this project I do now, it is possible to devastate the word of mouth of the home group, and make a huge public opinion crisis for them."

"Of course, what extent can be done, this is not good, after all, the home group is big, it is difficult to hurt the bones. But I have a certain grasp, this wind wave will not be small."

Fan Xiaodong blinks: "What do you do now?"

"How many expenses can you cause huge public opinion crisis on the home group?"

"What handle is it?"

Meng Chang shook his head: "There is no illegal direct handle, and there is no too much scandal."

"I can't disclose it, I can only say a lot."

"But this is not a focus."

"To trigger enough attention, manufacture public opinion crisis, have a more high way."

"I can't explain it in detail now. It is also difficult to explain. I can only say, if you believe me, I can consider getting a less important money to do the empty home group, pay, don't blame me, make me, please Eating dinner. "

"I am now there is no money, I have money, I am sure all myself to do it."

Fan Xiaodong has some incredible confidence: "So confident?"

Meng Chang nodded: "Yes."

"Where are you confident?" Fan Xiaodong asked.

Meng Jun said: "" From the perspective of higher dimensions. "

"The Sundure Group is a huge thing, in fact, there is a fatal weakness from the root, but only people can't catch it."

"Because they either don't have this sound and influence, or it is not clean."

"But I always have this ability and this idea."

"This is a way to use only Tengda, I happened to be an executor."

Fan Xiaodong didn't ask more, fell into a short silence.

After a moment, he nodded: "Well! Then I will take a single money to do it slightly, I believe you!"

"When I pay, I don't blame you, if I earn, I will pay my money with you!"

"The relationship between the trick, you don't have to see it, as long as you have this accurate news, you can tell me, let's make these big companies' money not fragrant?"

If others say to Fan Xiaodong to do an empty home group, he certainly does not believe.

But after all, he is an old classmate, and he trusts each other, and also knows that Meng Chang is very smart. Although it is sometimes adventurous, risks and benefits are proportional.

This is so confirmed this time, it must be reasonable.

And like him, the eagerness of the opportunity is also much more intense than the average person.

Meng Chang nodded, and there is not much to say anything. Anyway, it can be seen in the end of this month.

Fan Xiaodong asked: "Hey, you said it is to have this idea, and you happen to be an executive? If you don't always do it early?"

Meng Chang did not expect that he would ask this, stunned: "Then I don't know."

"However, it seems that I have never heard of the stock market. If he thinks, you can open a securities or fund company to play, I believe there will be many people to grab him."

"Maybe it is too high, not rare these low-level tricks."

"He took money to make games, filmed, do physical industries, or doing investment, which make money, is not more than playing stock market, and there is nothing risks, because he did it."

Fan Xiaodong nodded: "It is also right, if it is 100% success, if you start a business and wind, you can play the stock market, but also our poor points to the stock market to earn a quick money."

"Then, when you said this public opinion crisis, when will you explode?"

Meng Chang thought: "This month or in the beginning of the month, it is difficult to accurately to a specific date, but will not be late from the 15th next month."

Because there is a certain public opinion fermentation time after the "real estate intermediary simulator", Meng Chang is not sure how long this time is, if it may be exploded in two or three days, it will take a week.

But what's more, it will not be dragged too long.

Fan Xiaodong said: "It is already accurate enough! Then I will arrange it right away!"

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