At this time, Yu Qian just got up.

Just brush the news, I found that the recent stocks and funds have fallen again. There are many people on the Internet to mourn, saying that there are thousands of thousands of pieces of me.

"Fortunately, I don't understand, never buy this."

"People, I have to have some understanding, don't rank yourself, I don't know."

"Otherwise falling up to 10,000 pieces, that is much more difficult than I have to make one million to the company."

Yu Qian couldn't help but praise your smart and wit.

After washing, let's take a takeaway while selling, while looking at the IOI World Finals.

There are many players in the forum in discussing, some posts are issued during the two days, and some are new posts at noon today, but the number is relatively less.

"The FV team began to live a fire?"

"Those abroad have also begun to interact!"

"After all, the FV team is now high."

"The popularity is really true, last week, the group race has been turned into a car. It has the result of direct explosion of domestic and foreign countries. After the event of the event broadcast, the analysis program has almost 70% of the contests in discussing this game. Discuss the weakness of the FV team ... "

"There is no way, last year, the impression of the World World is too deep. It has always been a big magic king, and other teams can win a game."

"The FV team is adjusted as soon as possible, the finger company is really too long, this version is updated too targeted! Now, live, really worry!"

"Hey, where doesn't live in the world? Everyone is low-key, there is no ignite before the game, and it is also very exciting."

"The events and other clubs are obviously cooperated. Didn't find more interactions between clubs? And the propaganda film of the event is also seen, it seems that people in creating a big devil gives the FV team. Assume."

"Can they prefer ICL's team?"

"Don't make trouble, this is the first to raise the confidence, so that the protagonist of winning the counterpanic will be beautiful enough, understand?"

"I understand ... The official set of roads!"

Since Yan Qian hit the phone, the FV team began to continue to play the superior traditions, not only to review other team competitions, but also interact with opponents or other popular teams before and after the game.

The events and other clubs are also well-fitted to fly heat around the FV team.

In China, Weibo and major forums can also see this trend.

However, the domestic audience is also very smart, it can see this is not the official in the FV team.

This situation can only be said that there is no way, because the FV team is self-contained and traffic because of the relationship of the championship last year, and the FV team is very good at fire, the influence of foreign forums is also very strong. .

Want to avoid the FV team, hard to help other European and American teams? It is a bit difficult.

In this way, the effect is very poor, and the chance to expose the opportunity to expose.

Therefore, the organizer of IOI actually took another more secure way. It looked at the FV team on the surface. It also gave a lot of facial opportunities, but once the FV team lost, win him The team can take the heat to take the heat.

At that time, the organizer can use these heat to make God, create enough topics, and transfer these heat to yourself.

There is no way, the current discussion of the Ioi World World is a bit too low. It is really uncomfortable by the heat of the GOG Global Invitation.

It turns out that this is really effective, and the last key is to see which team can eventually win.

Seeing this situation, Yan Qian slammed slightly.

Whoever won the championship first, you don't have to say, at least the heat of the IOI World is coming.

Yu Qian is not the most afraid of the FV team to win, but the heat there is always no temperature over the IOI World. It is not a threat to the GOG.

The two harm should be light, if the FV will win the championship again to fly, it is not a result of an acceptable result.

After turning a few pages, I didn't see any new post.

After all, IOI's game is only started at night, and the game has been discussed yesterday, and now the heat of the forum is significantly lower.

However, Yan Qian has intended to quit, just brush it to a new post.

This new post is not discussing IOI game, but discussing GOG!


Yu Qian has a hint of hints in an instant, and hurry up.

"The version of GOG is updated, and there is a new galaxy system, directly open the game and live broadcast platform, although it is still the beta, but the players have played, all waiting for today's game. Oh, IOI It's really nothing here, this kind of thing will always be slower than others, and it is no wonder that I have been riding on my head. "

Soon many people have messages.

"Slow step? You are determined to just slow step, I think this feature IOI can do it in half a year!"

"Call the game client and live broadcast platform? What is it used? Is it different or watch a game?"

"Of course, not, the details of the game are unbed, you can discuss how much more content! If you don't say anything else, the IOI game is the last injury panel, other data, like a bearing, treatment, eye-catching, The player skills plus points and the current experience value, you can't see or get the website to search? Even some data can't be found on the website. But this system is allowed to directly OB on the client, Free switching lens, point hero view attribute, you can see! "

"Isn't that I can't hear it?"

"Do you think that people you can think of? You can self-contained the function, you can change the different explanation, you can also play the official live broadcast between the pop-up window, it is not delayed!"

"It sounds a bit black technology!"

"What is black technology, it is said that it is not particularly high-profile technology, but it is more complicated in this intention, and the game company and live platform are difficult to achieve cooperation."

"I think it is very perfect with the Gog itself. It seems that Ioi seems to pay much attention to this, how many players have mentioned it, it is not changed, or it is still so difficult!"

This post will soon have a lot of reply, and the players of IOI are expressing envious and hate, but also a little hate iron in the IOI.

This kind of emotion is complicated, and it should be used to it, but it is still sour.

Is this feature that improve the ornamentality of the game?

It is definitely there.

On the live platform, it can only follow the official OB's lens, many details are difficult to avoid being ignored.

Many viewers want to rehabilitate, and can only look at the official video over and over again. It can't see the details.

Including a lot of eye-catching time and techniques, the details of the line, each player's decision-by affected factors, want to dig out this information through official video, need to pay a lot of patience.

But now the GOG audience can be free OB, I want to see where, all the information in the whole game is all invisible.

More information will inevitably bring more topics and higher discussions.

Inside the audience never lack of Wenhuk, they are most good at finding the key points affecting the trend of the competition in a very subtle place, and the new function of GOG, there is no doubt that give the Lie Wenhuk and also match. A more high-definite microscope!

There are still many people who are discussing. When is this function to develop?

Some people say that this feature is definitely developed, at least for several months, as a World game;

It is also said that this function is not difficult to in fact, not to mention that GOG has made a very perfect OB system in the game, staying up the interface, and can make it very quickly;

Some said that this feature itself is not a key. The key is to cooperate with live broadcast platform. The two sides have a conception. It cannot be pulled with each other, otherwise it is impossible to make it.

Yan Qian wondered.

Yes, this function does it?

It seems that I should have been prepared for a long time, is Chen Yufeng secretly touched?

Then this suffering can not be ignored him, and even give him the weight!

The result is brushing a post, the post disappears.


Obviously the moderator seeing this post is getting higher and higher, the firepage flavor is getting more and more serious, so I will have deleted posts.

Because with the increase of the number of discussion, many people naturally start to compare the GOG and IOI, and the IOI is painful, and the two dials are easy to quarrel, and they are so smoking.

The moderator also knows that this matter is no meaning, the key is that the finger is not possible to show this feature? It's better to delete the post, let everyone continue to discuss the game and discuss the game.

This is also a way, let everyone discuss this, then this forum is the forum of IOI or the GOG forum?

As a result, this obviously has no sense, because everyone will go to other places to discuss!

Yan Qian fainted, he felt that the situation seems to be a bit wrong!

This is not a simple watching system.

This viewing system allows the details of the details of the audience to become more than the market, that is, this will give them a lot of discussion material.

This will inevitably improve the discussion of certain key scenes!

Because I really want to take a microscope, every player's performance can water, a few posts, the line performance in the game, key group war, etc., can also have several posts.

Coupled with many UP main production, the analysis of the video can be OB, which will greatly promote the secondary transmission of the event.

There is also a key point, that is, this function is binding directly with the live broadcast of the rabbit, which is equivalent to all GOG clients built a live platform on a rabbit tail!

If the GOG will invite the game, the heat after the game has skyrocket, the iOi has just been smoldering the heat, isn't it to be pressed?

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