Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1327 Is this high rock climber wall?

In the afternoon, Longyu Group.

The people of Kletian, Jinyong and IOI Operation Cooperation held an emergency meeting.

Everyone left, and the atmosphere in the conference is quite dignified.

Jin Yongmo has a feeling of recognition.

This scene ... seems to be often happening.

At that time, I sat in the primary position. Arake, sitting next to Zhao Xuming, and Jin Yong is only a participation, not comment.

Now that Eric and Zhao Xumin have been in pairs of good partners, replaced by Kletie and him, this placeholder is still exactly the same.

However, there is a little and before.

I often take a break at home, I was urgently shouting to the company's meeting, because Tengda seems to always like this big rhythm in holidays.

But this time, everyone is working on the IOI Global Finals in Saturday, so this will be very convenient.

I don't know if this should be lucky or unfortunate ...

At this moment, at this moment, it is obviously thoughtful, and it seems to be engraved with Eric's mold.

After a long time, Crettyan sighed: "This trick is really good!"

He looked to Jin Yong: "How does our follow-up marketing schedule?"

Jin Yongru Real Answers: "There is no change in the current arrangement, or surrounded the topic of the FV team, it is impressed by the relationship between other teams, and then drives the entire event in the discussion."

"What should I do, have you changed?"

Kletian is some annoyance: "How is the key to change!"

Give the FV team with heat, there is no way to them.

The FV team is the last defending champion, which is good at fire, and has a very high attention at home and abroad.

If you skip the FV team to market other teams, it is too obvious, it seems to be deliberate, and the effect is not good.

Therefore, the finger company has decided to adopt this marketing method: marketing around the FV team, driving the heat of other teams, and then weaken the power of the FV team through the version change, so that the new champion can take the heat from the FV team It is completely inherited.

This way, as long as the FV team can't get the champion, it will become the best support, and only the protagonist is more legendary.

For an example, if the IOI Global Final is a group of mountains, the FV team is already the highest mountain in the mountains.

Now I want to pull this group of mountains, so regardless of FV, it is actually a very stupid thing, but it is better to try to pull the FV team, so I can connect the mountains together, other hills can also be separated from heat .

What can't be disadvantaged is that the accident appears!

The new function of GOG has fundamentally greatly enhances the discussion and heat of the GOG Global Invitational.

And the heat on the network is limited, you take a little more, I will take a little less.

This is equivalent to a big flood drowning, and the hill is very slow, but the water level rises very quickly.

Slowly, these shorts are overlooked by water, only the highest hill is also floating on the water.

Does this mean that only the fire of the FV team is left? !

Now Cletan will hold this meeting, this is a procedure problem, must be held.

I can't always be a problem, I am still indifferent?

I have to say how to solve the problem, how to solve this?

Withdraw the heat of the FV team? Don't let the FV team is profitable?

The heat of the entire IOI World game will be affected, and those marketing funds previously put into the water are drifting.

Is this also developing a similar watch function?

The key is that the problem with this feature is not in technology, but is there is a platform for cooperation.

With Kletan's understanding of the fingers, you want to make a plan during the IOI World game, find a platform to cooperate, and develop this feature ...

It is almost impossible.

Don't say that during the World World, this feature can be burned over half a year.

Don't say a similar function, even if you can't even have a similar way to improve the IOI game.

Continue to maintain the current state?

Then even get some heat, the heat will also be cheap FV team.

Unless otherwise won the championship in addition to other teams of the FV team, it is a more acceptable result.

Everyone faces each other and re-enters the familiar rhythm.

It means not to see us, can we do?

Kletian also wants to say, then I can't do it!

Everyone is speaking, and Jin Yong proposes: "Forget it, or call it on the phone."

"I can only hope that other teams can give a little bit, win the FV team, then everything is said."

Kletian is a bit helpless point: "Ok, you can only do this."



November 26, Monday.

Percuted travel special training base.

Qiao Liang looked at this quite a stylish venue in front of him, suddenly played the drum.

It feels a bit wrong!

Before doing the ideological preparation is a matter, you can see that this venue is a high-rise room climbing wall, then it is another thing!

Qiao Liang is now full of question marks in the brain.

who am I?

where am I?

Why do I come to this place?

So high climbing wall, is it what I want to climb?

I am equipped?

I do not deserve!

And this is just in-room training? Is it difficult to have a formal suffering?

Now Qiao Liang understands why there are many fleeing soldiers. There are so many opportunities before the battlefield, but they are biased to the battlefield to escape.

Because of some things, how do it make ideas, it is still ready to go to the scene!

The mind of Qiao Liang is not coming to the idea of ​​escapies, while the two legs have begun to retreat from control.

"Lao Qiao! You are here, so early."

"It is also forced to see if you can see it."

Qiao Liang looks back, and Yan Guangjian smiles down from the car.

Like Qiao Liang, he didn't bring a lot of baggage, only a small bag.

According to the perspective of suffering, people who participate in suffering, as long as people arrive, no use, from wearing clothes, food to the training required by the equipment, are provided by suffering.

Joe lingering angle slightly picked.

Can't wait!

I am more than saying that I have earned a small party than saying that it is mainly to observe in advance. If the situation is not going to open it in time!

Although it is a bit no authentic, but after all, it is still a dog.

Deli, give you general, apologize for the fans, even if you lose some money!

I believe everyone will understand.

"Cough, you first go first, I feel that I have not made psychological preparation." Qiao Liang did not help but retreat independently.

Yan Guangjian has some accidents: "Did not do psychological preparation? Nothing, I have not made psychological preparation."

"In fact, I am just like you, I don't want to come. In addition to being afraid of ghosts, I have never eaten from Xiao Jiao, but I feel that I will smoke, I don't want to blame."

"Come, we support each other, take each other, stick to it!"

Yan Guangjun said that he would come over and walked in Qiao Liang.

Qiao Liang is very fast.

You still have a face you are afraid of ghosts!

Are you afraid of ghosts?

Not excitedly!

This estimate is also the same urine, and the mouth is saying that he has not eaten and suffering, in fact, it is really a rock climbing, and it is estimated that no one is better than anyone.

con man! Never believe you!

Qiao Liang did not move, the desire to survive made him stand the pull of Yan Guangjian and still worked out.

At this moment, a car stopped at the door, Yao Bo came down from the car.

"Hey, are you coming to participate in the suffering? I am Yao Bo, two is ..."

Yan Guangjian and Qiao Liang suspended pulling, simply introduced it.

Three people saw it.

Yao Bo is very happy: "I have heard of two big names, fortunately, fortunately! I didn't expect this to make it."

"Hey, I will raise a respect from the small, I haven't eaten anything, I heard that the two are people who have received Tenda's horror of the hostel. In this regard, I hope to help me with the difficulties."

"Where do we go in?"

Yan Guangjian nodded: "Okay, walk!"

The two people did not help but drag the Qiao Liang.

Qiao Liang was very resistant, but I saw Yao Bo came again, and I have happened in my heart. I have been pushed by two people in half.

Because he has been approving these people on the list before, I know that Yao Bo is Jinding Group's gorge, he said that he has helped the respective place, did not eat anything, this credibility is more than Ruan Guang, Joe Liang is still a letter.

In particular, Yao Bo said "I heard that you have been horrified."

The front feet people just cheered, and they ran in a smoky. Is this like?

And look at this team, there is a son of the benefit of the respect, there is a sister, Joe is thinking, if you have become the only way to this team, then you have a lot of people!

Therefore, the shame is overcompassed, and it has been dragged to the hall.

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