Baixu, Sahran and Li Yalian and other staff have been waiting for a long time, there are special staff responsible for reception, registration, distributing clothing and equipment, and telling them about various considerations in training.

Qiao Liang is somewhat confused: "How do we three people? Other people?"

"Don't anyone can't come?"

Baowu huh, smiled: "It is now."

"One will not be less."

After listening to this confident words, Qiao Liang can't help but be a little ashamed.

Yes, Tengda's employees estimate under the leadership of the generals, have already exercised the will of steel, how can I want to escape the soldiers like me?

This idea is a little bit of the heart of the mind.

The voice just fell, I saw a small bus stopped outside, and Tengda, who participated in the suffering, got off the bus.

One of them is full of faces, "Happy", as if the prisoner of the execution ground.

The eyes got off the bus, the driver also got off the bus and covered with Baoxao: "A total of seven people, all to Qi, finish!"

Baoxu nodded: "Hard work!"

The two are seamlessly connected, just like changed.

Qiao Liang: "..."

It turned out to be wrong.

He thought that Baixu was so confident, so he was so confirmed because of Tengda's employees trust, believed their courage and gut.

But now it seems that it is not so incredient!

It's just because a small bus is coming, no one can run, so Baoxu said that "one will not be less"!

Soon, ten people replaced training suit, wearing equipment with rock climbing.

"Come, everyone will make a warm-up exercise with me, and the activities of the bones." Li Ya Ling began to warm up with these people.

Qiao Liang can't help but pick a thumb, this is bitter! Have a good-looking girl, should not be so hard!

And it seems that it seems to be a men and women, not separate.

In this way, Qiao Liang does not have to worry about it is the last one, no matter how it is said that the natural physiological gap is always better than the sisters?

Qiao Liang came this time, it is a live device that can live live.

But he is not intended to take it now.

Let him first make sure that this is not allowed to broadcast live, when is allowed to broadcast, two is also determined first, and you can't broadcast your most eye-catching side.

It is still better so far, it is that Baoxao seeing people's eyes seem to be murderous, let people feel fur.

The Qiao Liang did not know that Baoxao glanced at his eyes did a murder, this is not his illusion.

Because the summons are in private, there are several people, they must give me a key arrangement!

The first place is Qiao Liang.

In the back, there is also Yan Guangjian, Chen Yufeng, Zhu Xiaote.

No way, who makes them so out of exclusive, make people more revenge?

In fact, for Yu Qian, the person in charge of the most exciting hate has already been arranged in the first batch, and the second batch of these leaders are relatively serious.

Mainly I hope I will clean up Qiaoliang and Yan Guangjian.

However, Yan Guangjian is very likely that you can't get it. This person is likely to be happy, so it is still tortured.

As for Chen Yufeng, it is mainly because the recent GOG's gaze system leads to skyrocketing, and dragged down the two departments of GOG and rabbit cells, and brushed too much existence in front of Qian.

Therefore, Yu Qian thinks this person should also focus on it.

As for Baoxu, he certainly did not have any opinions.

For Baixu, all of Tengda's staff will be pulled to suffer, but it is definitely a leak net.

In this case, what is it polite?


Soon, Li Yida took everyone a warm-up exercise.

Baoxao stepped forward, clear clear, and once again emphasized the relevant precautions again.

"Next, we officially started training, starting with rock!"

"Considering that many people do not have rock climbing, they will be simple."

"You can climb this wall in turn, we will record your performance and to formulate the corresponding training programs for sexually."

Baoxu said, refers to a manual climbing wall next to it.

This special training base is originally transformed with a climbing hall, so there are several different sizes of rock climbing walls. The shortcomings are for sale, and they can practice almost to climb the highest natural rock wall.

Of course, the climbing wall is not necessarily, the more difficult it is, depending on the specific shape and route, this piece of climbing wall to the new hand is just the shortest.

I heard this, Qiao Liang lit up.

Record performance, and set corresponding training programs to sexually

That doesn't mean that if I express my weak chicken, the amount of training will also reduce it accordingly?

It seems to have seen the idea of ​​Qiao Liang, Baoxao added: "The result is poor, we will give him a class, trying to let him catch up with the big team as soon as possible."

Qiao Liang: "..."

Take bamboo shoots!

Different "makeup"? Then I can only go all out!

What should I do if I don't go down?

Qiao Liang felt that his future was bleak.

Bao Xu's eyes swept the people: "Qiao Liang, you first!"

Qiao Liang squatted: "Ah?"

Everyone has already entered the eyes of encouraging: "Joe is wet, come on! You can!"

Qiao Liang thought, early death, you can rest after the first one, it is not bad.

So he bite his teeth and came to the artificial rock wall and started climbing under the protection of the staff.

This startup, I found that this is simple, it is really difficult.

As a person without any basis, I feel that I can't get it, I'm not allowed to make, my hands and feet are not placed. I have no problem in flatting up. I have a little bit of a few minutes. I feel a little bitter.

Qiao Liang is also out of the "supplementation", and the hands and feet will be climbed up, and the people watching the next side are constantly refueling him.

Finally, Qiao Liang feels that he really can't climb, look up, this artificial rock wall is not high, and it is still a little bit to climb it.

Is this good?

So he began to have a sudden drop in the case of the staff to help adjust the rope.

It's hard to work hard again, Joe Liang feels a bit soft and exhausted.

A warm applause was immediately sounded.

"Qiao's old wet is good!"

Qiao Liang is sinking, but there is a bit fluttering, there is a feeling of "I am very cattle".

Baosao swept everyone: "Chen Yufeng, you second."

Chen Yufeng can't help but I don't help but I don't want me, is it behind Qiao's wet?

If the qualifications, the performance, many people here are more than their own?

He also felt that he did not have a live broadcast in the rabbit, and it should be attached to it.

But there is no way to name the name, I have to get climbing before the artificial rock wall.

Although the body is exhausted, the heart is pleasant.

This is like the teacher who looks back in the ancient text, the first one is very desperate, but after the back, there is a feeling of light and clouds outside the moment.

However, watching Chen Yufeng climbs, the higher the Joe Liang's expression.

what's the situation?

Not right, Tengda's employees should not be a very ordinary office worker?

Although I am a UP Lord, I am a freelance job. When I don't have anything at home, I can use the intelligent fitness clothes hanger to exercise. Why do he climb faster than I?

Obviously Chen Yufeng is also the first climbing, many movements are not standard, but his physical fitness is obviously better, and finally climbed to the top, and slowly down.

Qiao Liang is a bit speechless.

"I forgot that Tengda's employees are members of the gym. There is a fitness with the forced schedule. It is really better than me. The two knives of the net nets are much better ..."

"Nothing, my goal is not the bottom, no matter what, Yao Bo and the two sisters have no reason to exceed me?"

Bao Xu did not say anything, continue to sign the next: "."

Yan Guangjian came to the artificial rock wall, looking up, the face is difficult, it seems that I don't know how to start.

Then climbed up with body shape.

Qiao Liang: "..."

Oh, you will know that it will be like this.

the man.

It is not enough to expect Yan Guangjian, and Joe Liang is highly suspected that this hang is not a carbon-based living. There is no matter what he is not good at.

But fortunate, there is someone else.

Finally, to Yao Bo.

Qiao Liang re-entered the spirit and looked carefully.

From the appearance, Yao Bo is not very high, and it is more thin and weak, and it is not too similar to the type specially good at sports.

However, Yao Bo just climbed the artificial rock wall, and the heart of Qiao Liang had a cold half.

From the physical posture of this standard, this is clearly the older who climbed many times!

Sure enough, this small artificial rock wall is simply a piece of topless, and it is easy to get it.

The feeling of climbing is like some adventure games. It seems that as long as the finger is pressed by the X button, you can let the protagonist swings in the top of the stone and easy to climb to the top.

Qiao Liang is simply a blow.

Since so far, everyone in the entire team climbs to top, he didn't climb!

But there is also hope, after all, there are two sisters ...

However, in Hao Yun and Qi Yan, it will slightly climb the artificial rock wall, and after successful climbing to the top, Joe is thoroughly speechless.

"I am really a brain into the water ..."

"Tenda's employees are a group of monsters ..."

Qiao Liang is completely desperate. I originally thought that I didn't have a bottom, there would be one or two huskies to be almost the same.

But now I found that this is a veritable wolf group, and Huski only has one!

Create thinking, this is also very reasonable.

All employees of Tengda are members of the hosted gym, all have a forced fitness task.

Although the strength is not as good as boys, but the body is light, coordinated, and balance will only be stronger than Qiao Liang after exercise.

As for Yan Guangjian and Yao Bo, one is a talent, one is because people have money, and they can't play this movement of rock climbing.

"This is a good!"

"There is still two months old!"

Qiao Liang font is sluggish, I feel that the whole person is not good.

When I saw the expression of Qiao Liang, Baoxu gently patted his shoulders.

"Don't worry, although your start conditions are the worst, but this month we will start training for you, you will let you keep up with most teams!"

Qiao Liang slowly turned his head and looked at Baoxu, and he was spendless for a time.

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