Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1343, there are more than half of it!

After all, Linzhou and Lin is a brothers and sisters, many things don't have to say.

Lin Duality knows that in Linzhou's personality, if this plan is not feasible, he will definitely not agree.

Capital and private affairs, Linzhou has always been very open.

Now, since Linzhou nodded, and said that it is necessary to promote the key projects in Shenhua Real Estate, it means that he is very optimistic about this program, and believes that this program has been promoted by God's real estate transformation.

In this case, then there is no need to say nonsense, hurry to study the details of cooperation.

After all, this kind of public opinion environment is now uncommon, this is a series of layouts, including a lazy, "property intermediary simulator" and exquisite propaganda programs.

The heat on the Internet is sometimes limited. Although everyone now gives the home group to the blood of the dog, plus other competition companies also fall in the stone, leading to the stock price of the home group, but if nothing does not do anything This kind of heat may be able to calm down and can't set off too much wave.

Waiting for the home group, how is it?

If the heat is waiting, then the business will be launched, and the attention and heat will be serious.

Therefore, you must take advantage of this festival, so that everyone will see the possibility of changing this industry, and it is the strength of Shenhua Group and Tenda Group, a reputable company.

In this way, it is equivalent to cooking oil to make these heat truly value!

Although the people have always said that the people are the creators of history, when they make a hero, they have to admit that sometimes heroes will have a certain leading role in history.

In the peaceful age, the big company should take a certain focus of leading social progress.

However, many companies have developed with a good environment and support, but they don't consider the social responsibility, but in turn, they only want to continue to expand, monopolize, lying down, can say that it is completely embarrassing road.

The home group is a typical representative of this major company. Lin Nung has always been deeply affected by this company.

Even her feel that the Shenhua Group also has this trend and tendency.

Therefore, Lin Xia has a rejection of "Go to Shenhua Galash", on the one hand, because of his ideal conflict with his own career, on the other hand, I think the Shenhua Group is better than other companies, but it is good, she is not I feel that I can change this roast.

But after Tengda works for so long, Lin's night is also changing.

She feels that I can cooperate with Shenhua Group on the basis of adhering to Tengda's spirit.

On the one hand, it is possible to use the Shenhua Group to shake more resources, better completion of your goals; on the other hand, with the in-depth cooperation between the parties, the spirit of Tengda can gradually affect the Shenhua Group, govern it. Big company disease.

Listening to the studio, Shenhua Real Estate, Tri-lazy Apartment Three-party interests, each has a certain resource, and quickly finalized the initial cooperation program.

Some of these details have not yet been fully finalized, but these thin-branch festivals do not affect the three-party announcement.

Linzhou decided to return to Shenhua Real Estate and then immediately opened a meeting with the high level. After all, such a big thing, or to know.

If you really encounter problems, then this thing may be delayed, but the possibility of encounters is almost zero.

The late studio and the lazy apartment are not available, because the two architects are different from Shenhua Real Estate, the ship is good.

In the end, the tripartite decided to release the joint statement in the afternoon, and the cooperation plan is officially official.

Follow-up around this program, there will be a series of publicity activities, but it is all after.


In the evening, Meng Chang ended his work and went home.

This month's work is perfect.

He looked at the date, tomorrow Saturday is December 1, in Monday, he will start busy for the new propaganda program for the new month.

Although I have taken more than 30,000 communities for a long time, Meng Chang has received an unprecedented satisfaction.

In the knowledge you have learned, is it a hundred million yuan in the district?

As a result, I just didn't have long, and the phone rang.

Fan Xiaodong called.

"Brothers, you are really too bright! Too cattle!"

"The public opinion storm has continued to ferment, and the stock of the home group has been more than 13%. But I didn't dare to do too much in the original, and I only earned 200,000 knives."

"These twenty thousand knives, the two people are half!"

Meng Chang's first response was a bit surprised: "Earn 200,000 knives? Are you voting so much? Or say, on the leverage?"

Fan Xiaodong smiled: "Hey, don't we do this this? Starily starving and dying, earn a little smaller, you have to play."

Meng Chang also touched, although this time made money, Fan Xiaodong also assumed a lot of risks.

When he thought, he shook his head: "This money must not be half a minute, the risk is you, the money is you out, I just revealed a message, the value is not so much money. You still ask me to eat Rows younger. "

Fan Xiaodong immediately said: "How can it be?"

"Our brothers' feelings, also say these words?"

"Everything is earned together, as long as there is a chance to make a fortune in the future, what is the 100,000 knives in the district?"

"Why, if you don't want to open me, you can eat alone?"

Meng Chang is somewhat speechless: "Where can I want to eat alone, and I don't have this capital at all."

Fan Xiaodong smiled: "Is this not a knot? You have a message, I pay for the money, earn money to half points, nothing bad. I am not the kind of little family, you don't look flat. "

Obviously, the reason why Fan Xiaodong is so relieved, on the one hand, because he and Meng Chang original relationship, on the other hand, it is also shocked by Meng Chang.

At that time, Meng Chang said that he had vowed, saying that this month, at the beginning of the month, the latest is no more than 15, Fan Xiaodong is a little unbelief.

The key is not to believe in Meng Chang's news, the key is that time is too accurate.

As a result, I didn't think this was less than a week, I was effectively, and the effect came so violent!

If Fan Xiaodong is trust in Meng Chang, go back immediately and arrange it immediately, hesitate to hesitate, delay for a few days, this money can not earn.

This also allows Fan Xiaonong to see Meng Chang.

Although Meng Chang owed a butt bond, he really can raise the stock price of a listed company between his hand, this is terrible!

Like this kind of person, is he owed to debt, is it important?

Therefore, Fan Xiaodong directly puts money half of it, and I hope not to have anything else to Meng Chang.

If this time doesn't pay for money, I will not say anything in Meng Chang, but I will have a news again. Meng Chang is likely to go to others.

Just in order to this money, it is sinful that friends have broken their own way, Fan Xiaodong is not so stupid.

Now Meng Chang accepted this money, then explaining the two people's alliances have been established, and it is unbreakable.

Fan Xiaodong is very happy: "Okay, after I have the next two days, I will find a chance to give you money."

It is not limited to the space-not limited space, but the securities liquidation company charges the liquidation fee is calculated on day. The longer the amount of the stock, the higher the borrowing cost, and the profitable space will be reduced relative.

Obviously, Fan Xiaodong feels that the closet is the perfect time in the near future.

When he is empty, he just rushed to the housing group's stock, and now the stock has more than 13%. As a public opinion style, this stock has fallen.

In the next housing group, it will not sit in, may make some public relations operations, and some of the retail households or institutions in the financial market may also feel that the stock of the home group is out of stock, and decided to purchase some, causing the stock price to pick up.

Continue to wait, even if the stock price of the housing group is stable, it is not seen more than the cost of lending.

In case an unexpected situation, the stock of the home group rose again, and the twenty thousand knives have to shrink.

Meng Chang silent for a moment, said: "You don't hurry, wait."

Fan Xiaodong stunned: "How, you still have a backhand? Can you let the stocks of the homes fell?"

Meng Chang shakes his head: "I haven't been behind, but I have said that."

"According to my understanding of the general understanding, this is not his first time for the home group, I always feel that this time will not be so easy."

"The stock price fell 13%, or too light, unlike the style of,"

Fan Xiaodong has some doubts: "Poly style?"

Meng Chang explained: "The general style is to treat this company absolutely will not hand, just like the cold winter, it must be rushing."

"When the 'Anxin House' happened, the chips in the babers were not enough, so they didn't hurt the hurt of the hurt of the hurt."

"But this time, Tengda Group rapidly developed, strength, I think I can't make this incident so simple."

"So ... I suggest it to wait, wait for about two weeks, or at least one week."

"If I always arrange the backhand, it will give the current heat to the home group, and these will appear in two weeks, otherwise the heat has passed, not rushed. "

"Waiting for one, there will be a little loss, but if the bet is right, then you can make more."

The phone is over, Fan Xiaodong is silent.

Last Meng Chang's decision, it is still a set of programs and plans.

But this decision, it is directly based on "understanding the general understanding".

Based on this, it will not be a bit too unreliable.

However, Fan Xiaodong changed, this money is earned by Meng Chang's news. In this case, do you believe in him once again?

What's more, it's just more than one week, nor does it take much risk?

"Well, then listen to you, I will observe it again!" Fan Xiaodong promised very simply.

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