Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1344, Joe, how to make it more, the more it is, the more it is.

December 1st, Saturday.

It is a pleasant weekend.

I woke up naturally, then wake up for breakfast while gotting this wonderful holiday.

GOG and IOI World Face are still playing, but now there is no game at this time, and I have to wait until afternoon.

Then how the time should spend this time in the morning, it is a problem.

Yan Qian wondered, there is currently no game that I want to play.

So he silently opened the Ili Island website and refreshed a dynamic.

As a result, a brush was frightened, and the account of Qiao's wet has sent a new dynamic!


Don't you cut a video with your phone? Still, the previous inventory is released?

If you do this again, the level of threats on the little book will continue to rise!

If you suffer, you can't satisfy you, then I can only find ways to continue to develop other more exciting projects!

Considering that the roller coouting project of the hostel is complete, then you can build a larger "wondiance", and Yan Qian does not mind to expand the horror of the hostel. Ultimate terrorist ", optimize Qiao's old wet play experience.

When the result, I went in and looked up.

Fortunately, not a new video, just a simple text dynamic.

"Don't remind yourself, today's live broadcast! Old place."

The time of sending text is 7 o'clock this morning.

Yan Qian looked at the table, now it is 9 o'clock.

According to reason, the live broadcast has started?

But where is the specific live? On the Ili Island website, the live avatar of Qiao's wet is clearly not lit.

Click on the reply below the dynamics, and then find the live broadcast location in the reply of Qiao's wet fans.

"Finally, I want to broadcast? Too good, I thought that Lao Joe is going to put our pigeon!"

"It's just nearly a week. Now I only open a live broadcast, what is the heart?"

"Just, the most bitter days didn't give us a few days? This is take us as a outside person, take it!"

"So where is it live? Didn't be in Alitland."

"New audience? Even where the old wet live broadcast is not knowing?"

"The name of the enemy is not enough, as long as it is the most special platform, it is enough."

"Oh! I understand, that is, the platform must be paid to the GOG game seamlessly."

The III website is also doing live broadcast business, but the current volume is still a big gap with live broadcast in Wolf, still in the state of the circle.

And Qiao's old wet is broadcast live in the rabbit.

Of course, with the popularity of Qiao Liang, if you want to go to the platform such as the live broadcast, you can also get a good live contract, but Joe is not going.

Because he is a lazy dog.

Signed a big synonymy to ensure that the live time should be guaranteed, and the three different five may have PK, play, ask for gifts, and Qiao is tired.

In the heart, he still regard himself as a video producer, UP master, and a video are his main business.

Now this kind of video is used by the fans, and I have a lot of energy because live broadcast is scattered. There is no time to do video!

The contract is easy. If the live broadcast is not reached, the salary is deducted. If you want to change the platform, you should also bear the high default, isn't it?

So Qiao Liang feels good to broadcast live in the rabbit.

And the atmosphere of the live broadcast of rabbits is also very good, and the spray is significantly less.

It may be because people who can watch live are people who have been tested for an hour. It is not so weak, launching the barcation is particularly polite.

Of course, there is also a little more important.

Yan Qian did not know that Qiao Laowhe's heart has a live road history, just feel very well.

I have tossed the rabbit tail to be like this. Do you want to live in this?

Is there a problem with the live broadcast of rabbits, or have you?

OK, you have to play, I can't stop you, I can only talk to Baoxu, let him give you and Chen Yufeng more.

Yan Qian silently opened the live broadcast of the rabbit, and I want to find the live broadcast of Qiao's wet, but I find that I have to learn about one hour in learning mode or focus.


, what is the one who lifted his own feet?

No way, honestly brush a hidden learning video.

In fact, as a boss, , ,,,,,,,,,,

It is mainly difficult to serve.

This one-hour restriction is what you are mentioned, and now you have to go, this is not very suitable.

As the saying goes, the emperor is committed to the crime of the people, and the rules I have gone, I have to follow it, otherwise it is not a mess?

It is also acceptable for an hour. It is also acceptable. Now there are still many big giants in the live broadcast of the rabbit. Also count in the contents of the learning area.

These videos are basically in 20 to 30 minutes, seeing two three videos for a time.

Yan Qian rushed to turn, found that the content of the live broadcast of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast is really a five-flowers, and even a lot about the content of car knowledge, such as driving skills, vehicle maintenance, car evaluation, and even some cars People are stationed, but the playback is not like.

Yan Qian is not very interested in this, and has not much careful, looking for a video of finance and study, it is very soon for an hour.

When I saw the countdown, when the live area was unlocked, I was inexplicably a feeling of liberation.

This feeling is a bit like a primary school student finally finished the homework, and you can enjoy your feelings.

Yan Qian immediately locked the live broadcast between Qiao Liang.

The heat between the live broadcast is quite high, it is obviously not only the fans of Qiao's wet, many live audiences live broadcast are also attracted!

After all, it is now on the morning of the weekend, the game is only started in the afternoon, and there is nothing particularly interesting on the platform.

It can only see Qiao's wet and other big giants, and you can uncover the mystery of the pain, this kind of good thing can be seen for free, who can resist this temptation?

In the live broadcast, Qiao Liang is shooting the huge climbing wall in the hall of the Training Base.

I saw that everyone climbed a place, and the movements were clean and neatly.

After a week of special training, although the physical quality of everyone cannot achieve huge improvement in the short term, the skill of rock climbing is much improved.

In fact, the movement of rock climbing is not fully affected, and many times is to rely on labor skills. Tengda's employees were good because of the year-end fitness, and the physical strength was good. Now they have professional guidance, so progress is very fast.

Only ridged ridge, the gap with everyone is getting farther and farther ...

The barrage between the live broadcast is basically a state of polarization.

A group of people said: "The trough, everyone rock is very jealous, isn't it to say that most of this training camp is Tengda employee? It is all deserved?"

There is also a group of people who are saying: "It is not difficult, but didn't ask to climb to the top, just climb like a short distance is not a hand?"

After all, most people have never been contacted in rock climbing, so there is no clear concept of the specific difficulty of rock climbing, or if you think too difficult, or you want to be too simple.

Baixu stood on the side of supervision, like an unselfish evil supervision.

"Qiao Liang, to you!"

Qiao Liang wished to stand up from the ground, handed over the shooting equipment to Baoxu.

Baowu smiled slightly, reached out.

Qiao Liang came to the highest artificial rock wall, sigh silently.

After the first day of climbing the entry-level climbing wall, he was the only team with no climbing, proper team.

Then Baixu said that he will do special training for him, let him catch up with the majority.

As a result, it is useless!

He has indeed progressing, but others have improved faster, which is what to do?

He is so fast, and the training project naturally has to add difficulty. It has added this highest imitation natural artificial rock wall for a week.

Of course, now everyone can't climb up to the top, but according to this speed, it is a time problem.

Instead, it is Qiao Liang, and other climbing walls have not been climbed. They also have to bite this highest.

In fact, according to Baoxao and Sakara, it is a franchise, you can climb this highest artificial rock wall. You can continue to practice on other climbing walls. When do you practice it, it doesn't matter.

But Qiao Liang resolutely refused this proposal.

No way, he is also a person who is a face.

This is like going to the swimming pool, others all go to the deep-water area, and the result is that you still rely on the children's district, and the average person can bear this humiliation?

What's more, you have to live a live broadcast!

Qiao is wet, can't afford this person.

Of course, now the highest artificial rock wall is now, it will also be shameful, but it can also look good.

They are all shameful, and they must also choose a little less.

I saw that Qiao Liang was climbed and the barrage was unified, and it was normal.

"Ah, is this the true situation of ordinary people climbing? Disturbed!"

"I feel that this suffering is a bit wrong. Why seem to have only Qiao's wife and a person suffering? Other people are adapted to be very fast?"

"It is not necessarily, although other people are adapted very fast, but seeing expressions are also suffering. In addition to and Yao Bo seems to be in it, others are only physically adapted to suffering, and there is no psychology. adapt……"

"This should be banned from live? After this broadcast, add the previous documentary, who will sign up in the future?"

"But it is obviously no live broadcast. Do you think that travelers Baixu is not to take the initiative to shoot the camera? It seems that others don't know."

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