Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1346, the crisis public relations of the home group (10,000 words, monthly ticket!)

All kinds of no nutritious bullets are full of live broadcasts, and more excessive is that there are many balances that are discussing the heat of live broadcast.

"The heat has risen again? But how do you feel that the number of migration is less?"

"The barrage is running, it is normal."

"No, GOG's new game function and ** live broadcast, there are many people to live broadcast, I see that the number of live broadcasts over there will be two or three times."

In the live broadcast of other live platforms, there is a shielded word, but all the audience know that this is a live broadcast of the rabbit.

"But the heat of each live broadcast platform has not fallen, but it has risen."

"This is amazing, then which platform is lost?"

"Anyway, the number of live broadcast is absolutely true, other platforms, huh, huh."

"According to internal trails, this GOG transfer is charged according to the heat."

"Heating charges? Is it possible to adjust it?"

"This is the place where the official business ghosts! Which live broadcast platform is willing to lose your own heat? All is a swelling face and fat, I would rather change the heat, pay more, and I will never lose the heat! "

"Is this wave that is willing to hook?"

"Although this news is very dramatic, I don't believe!"

"It's likely to be like this, because I noticed that the GOG game of several small live broadcast platforms is unlikely, although the recommended bit of the home page, the heat is not as good as some small anchors on the platform."

"If the GOG broadcast is truly charged by the live heat, then it is really explained!"

"What is this? Tengda does not make the poor money? The big platform is a lot, the small platform means that it means?"

"No, it should be said that you can earn a face money, you will be more, you can face it, it is less, it's very embarrassed!"

The game is still playing, there is a small group of people actually in the gap in the game, is still discussing the problem of live platform heat, and is also a clear flow.

After intermittently, I read the discussion of these people, and Yan Qian fell into silence.

Because he knows that the power of the GOG is indeed charged by heat!

But I didn't expect that it will produce such consequences!

Not only the income of the transfer is not reduced, but the key is to label the label to the platform other than the live broadcast of the rabbit.

The true impression of the live broadcast of the rabbit tailed, because the performance of the rabbit tail is not beautified.

Through this chance of this final, it has been labeled with other live platforms.

High heat, it is a data fake platform that loves face, to spend money;

The heat is low, that is, the doors, the wrong data fake platform.

Anyway, come back and go back to a fake platform, only the data of the rabbit live broadcast is the most realistic, the most advanced function!

This is obviously far-reaching, even after the end of the GOG Global Invitational Tournament!

"Zhao Ximing! You pit me!"

Yu Qian is simply not playing.

This is the idea is Zhao Ximing to think out!

"Thanks to me, I also regard you as a stock, let you think a plan, actually do this?"

Yu Qian always wants to arrange Zhao Xuming to the third list.

However, he recalls the scene at the time and dispelled this idea.

"Hey ... etc., Wrong."

Yan Qian suddenly realized that the statement that Zhao Xingming proposed that the broadcast cost is hooks with the real number of live broadcast platforms.

It is Xian Xian, and I feel that the platform can improve it yourself, so it is changed to the heel linked.

Now think of it, if it is hooked with the actual number of people ... I can really earn less!

Because a large number of audiences were shocked by the live broadcast of the rabbit, the actual number of these big platforms declined, and the money of the transfer of the power will naturally be less.

But now, the actual number of people is reduced, but the big platform still has to swollen face and will continue to maintain high heat, which leads to the live broadcast of rabbits, and the GOG's transfer rights have earned again ...

Yu Qian was in meditation.

"That is to say ... the pot is actually my back? I am wrong Zhao Xu Ming?"

"Zhao Xu is confident is the minister of stock, give me a good suggestion, but I am wrong?"

This makes , there is a kind of pot and returned to the helplessness on his back.

"Forget it, the pot is really not Zhao, that is nothing."

Yu Qian has nothing to say, can only look at the game.

I feel that the fries in my hands are not fragrant ...



December 3, Monday.

The Marketing Department, Director Office.

Gao Ming has been busy these days, and even the weekend is still unable to rest.

Of course, the entire home group is not only how he is working overtime, the high-level is also overtime, and the public relations department is also overtaking.

After all, the crisis of public opinion, the stock price fell, so that the investors were damaged, and the days of the housing group did not have good.

Although it is the matter of this public opinion, it is a public relations department, but the Director of the Marketing Market will not run. After all, this scorpion is he smashed.

If the home group is forcibly going to the "real estate intermediary simulator" that the heat of the propaganda film, most of them will not be so wolf.

Can also feel very embarrassed, how can he guess this is actually a bait?

The "intimate tube home" business of the home group is a new business model that is set up in the morning, which is passed on the high-level meeting, and the Director of the Marketing Department is just to make propaganda in line with this business.

Now things are in this way, and all the online boiling is all directly referring to the profit model of the home group. Is this the problem of high Ming energy?

And the part of the public relations department is also a bag, and there is nothing to know how many times in the back.

From the perspective of the bystander, Gao Ming is simply sending the head to others, but in the eyes of the high, this series of operations is completely reasonable.

Who can guess that the home group has always been no hatred with the late studio, but suddenly being smashed?

And it's so deep!

Don't talk about Wu De!

In the first time of public opinion outbreak, the Ministry of Public Relations of the Home Group had emergency response and issued a crisis publicist.

Pleasant is a high concern about this public opinion, and the company will launch a deep anti-provincial, self-examination, and further rectify the relevant business, and promise to give public a satisfactory answer to the public.

In addition, there are some sets of talks, such as the home group help hundreds of tenants to solve the problem of living problems, always pay attention to the rental experience of tenants.

Although this manuscript did not play much more effect, but at least did not pour it on the fire, and was wrong.

There is no way to the public relations department, and the lace is difficult to be no rice!

There is a so-called "5S principle" in the crisis public relations, which is to take responsibility principles, sincere communication principles, speed first principles, system operation principles and authority.

Simply, when the crisis appears, the company's company's company cannot escape or refuse to take responsibility, it should be paid to it;

To communicate with the media and publicly communicate with the media, it cannot be surface communication, and it is actually rejected;

To make a response as soon as possible, use the gold time of the crisis public relations;

There must be a plan, fully engaged in work, and take into account all aspects;

It is best to strive for the relevant competent authorities, authorities, or individuals with certain reputation energy.

Generally, if you can do these five points, the crisis public relationship is successful, and even the crisis will be reversed and become an opportunity.

The crisis public relations of the home group have done the principle of responsibility, the first principle of speed, and barely achieve sincere communication principles.

After all, in the short term of public opinion, the Ministry of Public Relations of the Home Group has issued a statement, not dead, but low-end, indicating that it will self-examination within, and rectified, and a meeting in the short term.

It is not easy to make such a response in the short term, which is not easy, and always stronger than those who are more black.

After all, this time ordered is the earning model and value of the home group. This is the most fundamental thing of a company. The bad impression of the home group gives tenants is a little difficult, which is to reverse it. Can I reverse it?

Therefore, the crisis public relations first acknowledges the error first, leaving some time studies to the internal, and finally give the rectification plan, this is already the best solution that can be done in the short term.

As for the principle of system operation and authority, this is completely exceeding the capacity of the public relations department.

After two days of working on weekends, I finally gradually studied the way.

The current business model is certainly impossible to have a fundamental change, because this is related to the interests of the home group from top to bottom, not only does not only help, but will make the profit fall, resulting in the shares of snow.

So, is it white or first considering how to spend the difficulties in front of you.

First make a serious posture, and also do a surface article, but I have passed the public opinion, and the heat on the Internet has changed. When the netizens have gradually forget this, the home group can slowly Restore the vitality.

This housing group decided to release a rectification announcement and then with an open letter of the interior.

The former is a number of measures to rectify and give the public an explanation; the latter is to see the company, emphasize the value of values, and enhance the internal cohesiveness.

Of course, the so-called internal open letter is also seen from the bottom of the root.

This rectification measures include the following: Seriously rectifying the intermediary, signed a variety of deception, deceiving tenants to sign contracts; check the false homes on the internal network to ensure the authenticity of the listings; Talking about cooperation, focusing on ways, reducing phone harassment; set up a complaint mailbox, and listen to the opinions of tenants.

In addition, it is also to emphasize that "intimate business business" is also help to change this status quo. I hope everyone can more patience, more understanding and support.

After all, this is the business of the home of the home, so many prepared, spend so many propaganda resources, can't you just give up directly?

Although these rectification measures have not touched the fundamental problem, the key is to always have more than other intermediaries?

As long as it comes to the public relations department to make a "other intermediary company is more black, the home group is already the most conscience", the public opinion should be able to make this public opinion.

After all, the domestic intermediary company is such a few, others are not as good as the homes, the tenants have to make trouble, can you only choose this?

This is like that story, you don't need to run tigers when you are chasing it, and you have enough to run your companion.

The current approach to the home is to show all people, and we will win other peers.

As long as you all recognize this, then this crisis, the homeship group is also safe.

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