I saw a new announcement released, and Gao Ming was finally grown.

You can temporarily slow down.

The first time of public opinion events, the home group has also made a statement, but that declaration does not have a substantive content, just a kind of slow-moving, first acknowledging the mistake, let the public feelings, and give a solution.

Now this announcement is sent, and I also give it to the solution, although some people will be embarrassed, but the entire public opinion should gradually calm.

Of course, this is not only the matter of the Ministry of Public Relations, and the market department of Gao Ming has also entered the cooperation.

How can I have to buy a water army with a wind direction, what is the evaluation?

Gao Ming is very clear. In fact, the public opinion of netizens seems to be very powerful, but it is actually very fragile.

Because everyone's strength is insignificant, not to mention on the network.

The water army and the control review, although it is not possible to reverse public opinion, but at least you can mix public opinion, let different netizens change.

Some netizens have seen the spoke of the Survival, and I feel that the home group has made a compromise. The struggle has made progress, but also is satisfied; those who have not put it, because there is no big sound, soon I consciously boring, and the flag is good.

The first time after I published the video in the morning, Gao Ming was staring at the relevant public opinion on the Internet, and there was a petty momentum of the incident.

Although there are people who are jealous, it is obvious that many people have lost interest. Maybe everyone will not have hope for complete changes, so they see that the home group is now, it is hard to accept it.

This is a good phenomenon.

Gao Ming was slightly tone, although it can't completely fell lightly, but should there be no problem in at least in the short term?


In the afternoon, Gao Ming temporarily completed other work, and then check the public opinion on this event again.

The two-day public opinion crisis made Gao Ming busy, and also delayed the original normal workflow of the market department.

The next few days have to continue high strength work and complete the original work content.

Gao Xiaolang sighed, there is no way to this.

The outside world is a high-managed hand of a listed company. The social resources and energy are far super ordinary people. This is a fact, but the heart is very clear, it is a senior player, and there is no category of socialitis. Most of the time is still unwiserable.

He will open a variety of social media and forums under the consciousness, check out the new announcements of the home group.

According to a series, after a series of operations, the situation has been treated generally, and now the situation should be more stable.

However, let me feel very wrong, it is true that the sound of the sound is really less, but the yin and yang strange and ridicule sounds!

The entire public opinion environment not only does not improve, but it is more deteriorated in the morning!

"How is this going?"

Gao Ming is very puzzled, this netizen is wrong, why don't you follow the route?

At this time, the director's office came out of the rush to knock on the door.

"High! You will see the joint statement of Shenhua Real Estate, late line of studio and lazy apartment!"

Gao Ming is not "".

Although I don't know what the specific content of the statement is, but the three names are put together, it is enough to feel that the situation is very bad!

He quickly searched online, found that the three companies really released a joint statement, and they were not long before!

The statement is official, but roughly summarizes the following points.

For late chamber, they will extend and upgrade existing features of the "real estate intermediary simulator", such as:

Let the room function can be implemented using VR glasses, no need to be bound by the PC, which is equivalent to splitting the game into an experience version and full version, and has also upgraded from a pure game to the game and practical software;

Players can freely upload real listings, or screen out different rooms in different cities, establish a virtual platform for a landlord and tenant's online viewing, no longer being disturbed by "third party";

With Shenhua Real Estate, the lazy apartment jointly funds the establishment of a new department, responsible for the operation and maintenance of the platform to ensure that the platform information is true and effective.

Of course, the recommended resources of the platform will definitely be tilted about the house of Shenhua Real Estate and the lazy apartment. This is normal, after all, these are high quality homes.

The task of Shenhua Group and the lazy apartment is relatively simple, mainly for money, resource, and brand joint endorsement.

In addition, the lazy apartment has also announced the next stage of the plan, which will change the model of the buyer in the past, change to the binding combination, and expand to other cities faster.

In other words, the lazy apartment has actually started "rent" business.

Although the lazy apartment did not emphasize that he is different from other rentals companies, netizens have spontaneously recognized that the lazy apartment is certainly different from the traditional rental company of the home group.

Because the lazy apartment has always had excellent reputation, he deepens the trust of tenants.

The most interesting thing is that the names of this new department, called "Real Service Department" together!

This department is actually affiliated to the late studio, because the equity architecture of the latecomer studio contains some part of Tengda Group and Shenhua Group, the new business is still three joint funds, so put it in late studio here. Also said.

But the eyes can see that the business of this department is not in the main business of the late studio!

Your late studio is developing a VR game, the new department is a platform, this crossover is too far away!

But this name is very magical to tell the relationship between the new department and the late line of life.

Realistic Services, means that this department is mainly using the game of late line of business, better serving reality!

There is a feeling of breaking the secondary wall in an instant.

This announcement has not yet been issued, but it has triggered a warm response online!

The employees of Gao Ming and the Marketing Department were even a bit a bit after knowing.

This cannot blame them, on the one hand, because they have overtime, people are so dizzy, all kinds of things are busy, on the other hand, because they have no attention to these three companies.

Because in their concept, these three companies do not directly end motivation, because everyone's business model is too far, not directly constitute competitive relationships!

Shenhua Real Estate, Making Mall, Office Building, Residential Building;

Late walking studio, doing games;

Although the tree lazy apartment is also renting, their rent is a rendering of the building, in addition to rent, in addition to rent, also cooperate with real estate developers, working with some furniture manufacturers, and earning the Sports Group The difference between the difference is essentially different.

Here is the reason why the lazy apartment barely has an intervene, but the lazy apartment has always been a quite a state of the Buddha. It has also impacting the housing group in the nearby border near Beijing.

Just starting home groups, I am also very vigilant, but I found that the lazy apartment has been strictly followed by the first to buy a rented house, it is considered that there is a fundamental difference between the two business models. It is not possible to be a heartbeat.

Who once thought that these three were directly mapful, and they came!

This is like an old tiger called Wang hegemony in the forest, seeing another number of carnivores, I feel that I am not empty, and everyone is all eating, so I haven't been too much. alert.

There can be a day from other carnivores that suddenly unite to surround the aged tiger to the group, and the tiger is aware that he is cool!

Gao Ming himself is also in the state, and even a little doubts the authenticity of this matter.

Netizens are obviously , but compared with Gao Ming, it is another kind of force.

Gao Ming is a great panic, and netizens are the ecstasy of the tarts in the sky.

"My God, Dream Cross-border linkage!"

"The name of this department actually called the reality service department, it will be leaving! According to me, it is simply called 'reality intervention department' more domineering, the game intervention is reality, the Zhidai crisis is coming!"

"The game manufacturers engage in renting business with real estate companies in realities? He has always broken the secondary wall than me!"

"I am afraid that you don't know if you are taking you with you, the studio is investing in Tengda. The backbone is the front staff. It is said that the game ideas come from the summary, plus the cooperation of the lazy apartment, I want to say this. Without the planning, do you believe? "

"Great! I have been thinking before, when can I open to me? I finally saw hope!"

"Shenhua Real Estate is also in the real estate business, and the word of mouth is relatively good. At least there is a serious quality problem, the level of service of the property is also high."

"To tell the truth, I am not particularly trust in Shenhua Real Estate, but I believe that I have always believed in the lazy apartment. As long as this new platform has a total participation, then it is definitely reliable!"

"Before Tian Gongzi's video said, don't despair, I want to expect companies that break the current situation of renting a house, grow, this is not there? This time, it is no longer a small trouble, but another business Model innovation! "

"Such a comparison, the statement of the home group is not painless. Hey, it doesn't have much expectation to this company."

"In fact, the video of Tian Gong is clear, who is also looking forward to the home group? Nothing is some water troops spend money, the stock price of the home group is mad, sitting."

"For this, I just want to say four words: increase your strength! I can't give me a dinct from these intermediaries."

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