Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1348 is very optimistic, so do not give publicity programs

After reading these comments, Gao Ming's heart is cold.

Because this time, there is essentially of the previous public opinion crisis!

The video of Tian Gong was hot discussion, fully discussed, forwarded repeatedly, this can be said to be a kind of war.

It exposes the current causes of these intermediaries, clarifying how the intermediary company has changed the root cause of the soul without changing the medicine, and even predicts the future development of the intermediary company.

That is to let the tenants understand that these intermediary companies say that for tenant services, the facts are to earn more profits in the way.

Of course, the company earns profits, this is the meaning of the sky, there is no profit, and the company cannot develop.

But a company is also valued.

Pursuing the behavior of profits, there is no bottom line? If you put the profits and responsibilities in both ends of the balance, it's weight to be heavy?

At present, most of the large number of intermediaries in China are far more than the responsibility of profits.

Therefore, there are all kinds of incidents that harm the tenant life, will be famous for the unhappy campaign for renting a house.

Even emphasizing responsibility, it is just to do a surface article, better expand the market, form a monopoly, and return to the end of the place or for more interest.

Before the netizen truly formed this consensus, they may be confused by the rectification measures of the home group.

After all, it is a short of the general, and other companies are not as good as the home group.

But in this theory is widely spread, after wide recognition, netizens realize that the rectification measures of the home group are far less than enough.

But if only this is only, the home group is nothing more than a few words.

After all, there is no practice in the air, it is powerful, it is good, I know what is good, but I really want to take out the arrogant silver to support, and I can't find a place.

But now the situation is different, because a new model has appeared!

The "Real Service Department" of the late studio creates a platform for the "real estate intermediary simulator" into a platform that is completely different from the home group, is equal to the business model and evaluation system of traditional intermediary companies, giving everyone a new one. select.

Those content that have been hot on the Internet before, naturally, all become the help of this new platform!

Of course, after a new platform appears, there is no heat and attention to the attention, and there is enough resources in your hand.

After all, the business rules of the real society are very harsh, no resource is fixed, hiding the level of the vested interest.

But the "Real Service Department" of the late studio is resource, it integrates the resources of Shenhua Real Estate and Tree Lazy Apartments!

The funds are not shortage, reputation is not shortage, and the heat is not lacking.

The only lack of lack of time.

The project of Shenhua Real Estate is spread across the country. Just take a small part to do a rental house, you can form a good advertising effect. It is not countless for their annual marketing funds. Maybe it can also promote the sales of houses;

Once the lazy apartment opens the model to rent, the expansion is inevitably accelerated.

Just like the other entity industries that touched the fish net coffee, taking fish takeaway, hosted fitness, and anti-wind logistics, etc. Mature, expand out, that is the trend of wildfire!

This time, the hit will be more heavy for the home group.

Because the cost of the stock price is just because of the public opinion crisis.

Now, a powerful competitor will declare war directly, and there are two giants behind this competitor, and there are countless resentment orders!

Of course, the volume of the volume and the entire rental market, the home group is nothing else, but the problem is after the environmental setting of this kind of public opinion, the home group has naturally short.

And in the future, it is foreseen for a long time, this is a short board that the home group can never make up.

As everyone knows, the most good at the best in the flexible flexible fight against competitors, the competition of GOG and IOI is a fresh example.

Gao Ming is sitting on a chair, a brain blank.

Just then, the phone on the table rang.

Emergency sitting!

One wave is not flat, one wave, this thought that at least the public opinion will at least let this public opinion style, but I didn't expect this to be calm before the storm, and the bigger crisis is brewing.

Gao Ming silently stood up and rushed to the conference room.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something like a housing group: It is clear that it is still a way to make a look.



December 4th, Tuesday.

In the meeting room of the house area of ​​the hostel, Meng Chang is drinking tea, while chatting with Chen Kanguo.

All day and this morning yesterday, Meng Chang has already examined the project of the hostel roller coaster.

This roller coaster called "Skytrang Action" has been completely completed, and it has been tried for a while. After all, it is a roller coaster, to ensure its security.

The next step is to officially open to tourists at the end of this month.

Chen Kanguo with confident smile: "How, this item is great? Is it enough to be a fist project in the hostel?"

Meng Chang nodded: "It is true."

Chen Kanguo's smile is more strong: "That ... this publicity resource ..."

He is of course clear that Meng Chang is coming.

After the inspection, the propaganda plan!

Nowadays, the marketing promotion of most projects inside the Tenda Group is Meng Chang's management, and even a lot of companies that are not directly affiliated to Tengda Group, such as late studios, new product propaganda is also Meng Chang is responsible.

Have to say, this permission is still very important.

Promotional funds determine the thermalness and visibility of the initial period, and also affect the success or failure of the project to a certain extent.

For Chen Kanguo, this "Skytrang action" roller coaster is condensed with his quite a lot of effort, whether the first inspiration broke out, or the long construction of the year, let him pour it on this project. Many feelings.

Therefore, he certainly hopes that this project can be supported by propaganda, the more resources are, the better!

Now look at Meng Chang, it seems to be quite optimistic about this roller coaster.

In this case, is it more propaganda fund?

This logic should have no problem.

However, Meng Chang drank the tea: "I don't plan to give a propaganda program to the 'Skytrang action'."

Chen Kanguo's smile is stissible on his face: "Ah?"

"Isn't it true that I still say it is quite optimistic about this project?"

Meng Chang nodded: "Yes, it is because it is very optimistic, so don't do publicity programs."

Chen Kanguo scratched his head and his eyes were confused.

Meng Chang explained: "Although Tengda is large, the promotional resources mastering are also limited, and it is necessary to use the most needed place."

Chen Kanguoti nodded: "Yes, 'Skylark Action' can vote for more than 100 million, which is also a major project in Tengda, and the operation of the hostel is good, and it has not received marketing for a long time. Don't you take care of it? "

Meng Chang said sharply: "Don't worry, listen to me."

"According to the total thinking of Marketing, it has always been a big way to spend a big matter, with the least marketing funds to achieve the best publicity effect. Although Tengda's marketing is more, you can't palatinate."

"You have to know that Tengda's project classification is not to invest in investment, but look at the deeper nature."

"Some projects, no use, naturally, it will be fire; and some projects may not be accepted, but after a certain way to operate, everyone will have a complete reversal, which is ushered in More successful. "

"Marketing funds naturally can't give the former, but to concentrate on the latter."

"Now 'Skylark Action" This project is obviously the former, naturally, will naturally fire, do not need me to make a marketing plan, more this. "

"Of course, the marketing funds will also have, engage in routine propaganda, but this is not related to my program."

"What's more, there are other investors behind the horizon. This promotion fund is not lacking."

"In my opinion, I still need me even" successor "."

Meng Chang said one of the reasons, but not all reasons.

There is also a very important reason ... he thinks that "Skytrang Action" This project will not be able to promote the publicity method, and it is not "can't go!"

In addition to the safety of safety, it is fun, it is not fun, it is difficult to have an intermediate fuzzy state.

And "Skylark Action" is obviously very fun in Meng Chang, and there is no need to promote the propaganda of Yan's publicity.

Because the is the skill of the Dragon Slayer, in other words, it is definitely not good to blew the chicken.

What's more, Meng Chang still wants to take it.

Chen Kang Tu's ability is a bit unfair, after all, who doesn't want to give yourself a little propaganda resource?

But he wondered, and Meng Chang was quite reasonable.

Meng Chang as the person in charge of the advertising marketing department, has a co-ordination, and now the "successor" is obviously more propaganda funds than "Skytrang Action".

Moreover, Chen Kangu can also find ways to propagate, whether it is to use the horizon of the hostel, or go to Li, they will talk about cooperation, or want to talk to Tengda games, using "marine fortress" DLC and The heat of "mission and choice", this is not a good way.

As a Tengda, take care of the overall situation, there is no way to see the portal, this is always emphasized.

Thinking of this, Chen Kanguoti nodded: "You also make sense, well, you are busy" successor "there, 'Skylark action" I first think about it. "

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