Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1349, the total work efficiency is really high! (Qiqi monthly ticket ~)

After leaving the horizon, Meng Chang locks the goal of this month's promotion of "successor".

In fact, Meng Chang is more inclined to follower, but it is necessary to find some questions.

Now, it is ok, it is determined that this roller coaster is really not suitable for the , of course, there is no need.

As long as you engage in a project, you can use the project that can fire, you don't have the use of Dragon Slayer.

According to Meng Cas, the shooting work on the "successor" is still smooth, and has taken the three episodes of the front, and the rear is still in the shooting.

In fact, the specific storyline he already knows. After all, there is a "successor" in the end of the Chinese online.

However, there is still a big difference in the performance of the film and television drama and the novel. How should I propagate, but I have to see the details of the "successor" film and television drama to make further planning.

Meng Chang just prepared to take the car back and the phone rang.

Fan Xiaodong called.

"Brothers, you are really god!"

"Yesterday, Shenhua Real Estate and Tree Lazy Apartment jointly engaged in the announcement of the intermediary platform, the stock price of the home group, the same night!"

"But I am very puzzled, you don't know this insider message."

"Is it in advance to hear the wind, or is it a pure proposal?"

Seeing this news, Fan Xiaodong is of course ecstatic.

Because this means that the stock price of the home group will continue to fall, and it may fall more than the last time in these days!

This time, it can be said to make a big hair.

The only thing that made him feel confused is that Meng Chang immediately made him late, said: "With my understanding of the general understanding, this thing will not end."

That is, Meng Chang seems to have no relevant information at the time.

This makes Fan Xiaodong feel a double doubt: Meng Chang looks like a message, but why do you seem to be in advance?

But I want to say that Meng Chang doesn't know, and how will it happen to this thing?

I feel that this money is earned, and it is very strange.

Meng Sheng smiled and explained: "I didn't hear a little wind in advance."

"You don't think weird, the totalventure style is like this."

"He attaches great importance to the confidentiality of the multicultural industry. Many plans have been fully planned when others are not realized. Even if they are internal, people only know what they are related to their own departments, for other departments I know very little. "

"Unless you need multiple sectors to linkage."

"You can truly master the details of the entire Tenda Group side, only the total."

"Although I am also responsible for some work, I have been far away from this aspect, I have not arrived at that level."

"But in my understanding of the total, it will definitely have a backhand, the cannon has already raised, and it will not only be fired once."

"I can guess the baili, but I can't guess how the hand is the same. This time, lease the hand of the studio, the resources of the game, integrate Shenhua Real Estate and Tree Lazy Apartment," The business of the lazy apartment is once again large-scale expansion, which is really very unexpected. "

Fan Xiaodong: "Okay, I am in the air."

If you just start Fan Xiaodong, the words will be suspicious about Meng Chang, doubting that he is being cheated, that is now convinced.

After all, what is earned is a real rice knife, and money will not be lie.

Moreover, the combination of the home group is also really killing, and whoever brought into the role of the home group, it will feel that it is cold and chestnut, and I feel that the summary is deeply affected.

Fan Xiaodong donned, and said: "That, I am looking for a suitable timing, then picking up the money to you. Or just before saying, half points."

Meng Chang rushed: "Don't hurry to turn money!"

"I am being executed now, the account is frozen, I can only use the minimum consumption, you will transfer it to me, I can't use this money."

"You are holding for me, we are in one place, and we will make this opportunity in the future."

"You can't always let you take a risk, this is not suitable."

Meng Changqi is hope that this money can continue to live, but give to themselves, then can't give money.

What's more, compared with the previous, Meng Chang wants to finish the money as soon as possible, and the desire to leave Tengda is not so strong.

In the place where there is a place to eat, although it is not high for consumption, travel, etc., it is not a student's mentality, which is equivalent to suffering, learning.

This is a learning, Fan Xiaodong's money, etc., etc., can be returned, and may not only pay attention to the debt, but also support it from Dongshan.

Is it not beautiful?

Fan Xiaodong said after a moment: "Okay, let's sign a simple agreement."

The brothers have also made the accounts, let alone the two are just good friends, not the brothers.

Fan Xiaodong does not know how big the money will be rolling in the future, Meng Chang handed this money to himself, this is the trust of his own, what should I do if I can't resist the temptation?

So, according to a business man, everything is signed an agreement. The two people are in their hearts, and they will not have any mustard.

After all, I will have a partnership in the future, and I will win mutually beneficial to win. There is no need to generate it in this matter.


After returning to the advertising marketing department, Meng Chang sat slightly in his own station, and then prepared to find a total.

It is said that the contents of the "successor" have already come out, but it is currently in a high degree of confidentiality, so it is brought back by Huang Sibo, Meng Chang has to look at it.

This film has a total of 12 episodes, about 50 minutes each episode, from the volume, is equivalent to the amount of some rice dramas.

But if you put it in China, this form of episode is still relatively rare.

Because domestic episodes are often short, the number is more, such a benefit is a good head of the ship, each episode, the cycle of the clip can be shortened, and the number, the update is fast, and the heat can be maintained as much as possible.

Even some network short dramas have time to press the time to more than ten minutes, and there is a trend toward the anime drama.

However, Zhu Xiaote's director believes that "successor" is not suitable for this model, so I still insist on shooting according to this diversity.

These are the homework that Meng Chang has already done before.

When I came to the meeting room, Meng Chang couldn't help but be shocked.

Because I have already arrived.

Meng Chang quickly looked at the time, and five minutes from the date of the meeting, it was obvious that he was not late, and the summons could not be because of the company, so it came in advance.

The projection screen of the conference room has been put down, the original writer of Huang Sibo and "Successor" is present, and there are several staff members of flying yellow studios.

As for Zhu Xiaote director, of course, is still suffering, so it can't come.

Yan is always talking to Huang Sibo, simply asking the "successor" shooting related things.

After all, the entire crew is far from the rice country, and it is basically the case where it is not possible.

Meng Chang sat down to sit down.

At this time, a movie appeared at the door of the conference room and gently knocked the door.

"Torry, the next stage of the lazy apartment, I will let people go in your office."

Liang Guangfan is obviously coming to the general view of the plan, but I have seen it, I plan to put down the plan first.

Seeing Liang Liang Fan, Yu Qian's face was in an instant.

Good guy, you have a face to see me!

How old is Shenhua Real Estate with late line!

However, I think about, after all, I am a home group, that is nothing.

Yu Qian looked at the time: "Nothing, you take the plan to see it."

There is still five minutes to meet, and the time is 5 minutes.

Anyway, just see if you don't look at it ...

Liang Guangfan immediately nodded and handed the program.

Yan Qian reached out, turned over.

Yes, anyway, it is still a matter of yourself, in other cities, especially big cities expand, nothing more than a "Realistic Service Department" cooperation with late line of business.

For the Home Group, this may be a matter of great enemy.

But for Yu Qian, this is not called at the Tenda Group, and it is estimated that all the top ten is not in the top ten in his most worried things.

When Liang Liang sails, this moth, after work, it is not enough to arrange for hard travel.

So he turned over and then handed it back: "Okay, do it, it is not a very important thing."

Liang light sail nodded: "Good ."

Although I only finished the entire plan from the head to the end, I only used it for three minutes. It is very suspected that I haven't seen it seriously. However, I have said that I have seen it.

Besides, this program is also made in accordance with the general guiding ideology.

So Liang Guangfan did not say anything, nodded and took a plan.

But Meng Chang sat in the side, but could not help but show a shock expression.

Other things are even if this is so big, and the cloud is still so dark.

One program is finished for three minutes, this work efficiency is not a person!

It is also unfortunate that such a large company is strictly managed by strict implementation of the eight-hour working system.

Meng Chang felt that he was still too tender, nothing more than knowing the inside news, he made a good stock to earn hundreds of thousands of stocks, it is happy to make this.

The real behind-the-scenes black hand is always, but it takes a three-minute look at the program. It is also said that "anything is not an important thing."

What is the pattern?

Have to say, the success of the summary is not accidental, and it can be seen from the consideration of the program.

After leaving the eye-catching Liang Sail, Yan Qian looked forward to Huang Sibo: "That will look at the film?"

After turning the meeting room, after the light is turned off, the projector's large screen starts playing the top three episodes of the "successor".

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