Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1351 Stars Fitness also expanded together

The author's story has become a text, which is likely to have a lot of access to the expected;

Huang Sbo's top three episodes of "successor", in fact, there is no strong confidence.

On the one hand, the story of "successor" is itself a satirical theme. Many plots inside may make people feel that they are not conforming to the common sense, and it is difficult to use traditional standards;

On the other hand, the top three episodes should be the "successor" three episodes.

The Phil is the protagonist. When the appearance is a strong man, and the tears on the rooftop are so angry, and the ocean is exhausted.

In the following plots, it is also the maid and housekeeper of the family, and it is impossible to make the audience feel discomfort.

Phil went to examine the story of the superhero draft show, there is a necessary pavement, there is no such story, and the story behind will not be established, but it is also relatively weak to the main line.

There are few more places in the rear, there are few big scenes, whether in the election show, students in the election show, or the final series of public safety incidents, super heroes are very effective, at least be very busy.

Only the top three episodes, there is no big play.

In summary, this episode may have been in front of the sword, without catering the taste of the public, and the three episodes of the front are still in the pave, and it is not cool.

Although Huang Sibo has also seen the original, he is to look at it, and the reading book itself can be a very 10 line, quickly skip these plots, so he didn't think this problem was so serious.

Now after the film is out, I suddenly worried: I will not be sprayed into a dog after the three episodes go out?

Don't say the audience, Huang Sibo can find a lot of spoof.

But these spots are strictly not spray, and the key to understand this story. A part of the audience completely unacceptable, in another part of the audience, it is the essence of this story.

This makes Huang Sibo tangled, and the heart is not unprecedented.

If this drama is a very low small short drama, the key is that it has a big investment!

This is a loss, the brand of flying yellow studio also keeps lived?

However, let Huang Sibo didn't think of it, but the : "

Yan Qian is almost the feeling of Huang Sibo, the top three episodes are finished, the plot is quite happy!

Of course, the details of this film are very good, the actors' actors are online, all kinds of details, and the techniques of shooting are also mature, which is completely high quality episodes.

Lu Zhiyao, Zhang Zutang and Lin Jiaqiang and others, they also went to the dragon to run.

Among them, Lu Zhiyu drove a Chinese superhero, and the drama is relatively.

Zhang Zutie played a judge of the draft show, after all, is a professional household;

Lin Jiaqi has played a lot of people in a drama, representing the ordinary people who have been played in the information in the information in the information.

In addition, several old friends of Zhang Zuting, even the staff of the crew also ran a little running, playing a passer.

This drama also did a good performance of the original core of "successor", but the problem is that the original is not like!

After all, it is a drama that is not very consistent with the mainstream aesthetic. The image of Phil is very annoying, and it is still in the novel. It really uses the picture, this disgusting degree Rathable.

The drama was taken in Mi-Dang, and the investment is not small. It is only in the domestic line but also in English. Naturally there is a persuversion effect.

This three episodes will be put out, then they can't open the door, oh, open the door black?

Very good, finally there is a good news!

Yu Qian even a bit of a bit of a bit of Zhu Xianshen, let him get rid of his suffering.

However, it is time to think about this thought is temporarily.

As a result, this episode has not been released, and it will not be able to say that "the beautiful tomorrow" is not enough, but who can think of?

Two, I can't get it, Zhu Xiaote is now suffering because of the box office earned by the movies, even if the "successor" is really over, it is necessary to reward, it is also the matter.

Seeing the total satisfied expression, Huang Sibo could not help but have doubts about his judgment.

Is it so optimistic?

Obviously, I am too confident!

I don't think it is also right. "Successful" is the copyright adaptation project of Jiji Qizhen, which is naturally highly recognized. Now Zhu Xiaote is fully filled with the essence of the original, what is I worried about?

"Yongxuan Retrieval" as the first work of the end of the Chinese network adaptation plan is red, enough to see the precision of the total eyes.

Then "successor", there is no problem!

: "How, this theme should be good?"

The opening is so thin, this is not just as high as it is?

Meng Yucheng nodded: "Well, the difficulty is moderate, I do my best."

In his opinion, this drama is really in line with the tone of the Pan's propaganda law, and the road is very clear.

But for the film drama, he didn't have much experience, and it was relatively easy to take the proposal, but finally turned the firefighter, it might be less simple.

Now Meng Chang has long been not satisfied with how much commission, in his opinion, taking the commission and perfect practice, let the project ultimately burst, then the truth is true.

Therefore, he thinks this project is difficult, it is difficult, but it also needs to move a good idea.

For Meng Chang, Qian is not particularly satisfied.

So simple propaganda program, you still say "difficulty"?

Are you still a confident, smart, a big man?

But when I think, Meng Chang may be a bit bite by a snake. Ten years is afraid of the well rope. There is too much time for the previous failure. The blend of the hand is flying, and the painful experience made him not so confident, this is ok. understanding.

It seems that there will be more encouragement to encourage him.

: "How can it be difficult to say in the future, how can this simple program?"

Meng Chang is a bit shy and nod: "Yes, I have, I will definitely work harder."

Delivering the total departure, Meng Chang could not help but feel secret.

No matter how many things have been learned, in front of the balance, I always feel that I am still unsatisfactory!

It seems that this "successor" propaganda program must be serious, so that I always see my progress!


At the same time, the Stars Fitness Flagship Store.

Che Rong is talking to Li Shi talking to the expansion planning of the next stage of the starbird fitness.

"Li, I think, about the latest" real estate intermediary simulator ", I plan to purchase a group of VR glasses arranged in the seating area, specifically used to see the house in the game."

"Do not charge, but must be used in the store on the store on the store, even if you only bought a bottle of mineral water."

"Or follow the previous guiding ideology: don't grab business with Tengda's lazy apartment, misplaced."

"And, I think the star fitness can also follow the lazy apartment and touch the fish net coffee, and the other cities outside the province have expanded. As long as it is supported with Tengda industry, development will definitely be smooth!"

Li Shi is drinking tea and nodding.

Since the star of the starfoot is going to the road, it has entered the high-speed development period.

Tengda's dream venture capital and Li Zong's investors have investive starbird fitness. Now the funds of Stars and Birds are very abundant, and the store has been going through the main city of Han Dynasty.

Cheung has always adhered to the initial guiding ideology, which is to compete with the fish net.

Looking at the place where the Tenda industry is not far away, the core business of operations does not conflict with the industries of Tengda, which can naturally integrate into Tengda's system.

A branch is a family, and the benefits are also good. It is lacking a opportunity to rush out of the Han dynasty and enter a first-tier city.

After all, the heat of DouBtvr glasses is slightly fell slightly, and the starfoot fitness is promoted by "fitness battle" and intelligent fitness drying racks. It is a bit of insufficient.

But now, with the establishment of the "Real Estate Medal Surface Simulator" and the Reality Services Department of the Listening Studio, the star bird fitness naturally has a new business model!

Cheap, starfoot fitness must have to grab this opportunity to serve the game of "property intermediary simulator".

But how should I do it, this has to be detailed.

In the end, Che Rong decided to follow the fish nets and stressed two different experiences.

Touching the fish net coffee has a VR game area, experience is complete, no castrated game content, can then look at the house in the "real estate intermediary simulator", or to experience the game. content.

Since the fish net coffee has been done, then the star bird is not doing again.

On the one hand, because the two's business cannot be coincident, the other hand is also because the star birds are still in the main business. The complete experience of the "property intermediary simulator" requires a large piece of space, and the star shop of Star Birds is difficult to get even.

Therefore, the Rouvet just put it in the store in the store.

The customer can use VR glasses in the seating area on the store, which is equivalent to a very low cost guidance.

For starless fitness, this is equivalent to an additional benefits provided to their own customers. At the same time, more people can come to the store to consumption, and they can be transformed into customers.

For those tenants, if you don't buy VR glasses, come here to consume some of the amount of VR glasses, wear a VR glasses to see the house, and it is a choice.

After all, just look at the house, you can do it with VR glasses, and you don't need much place, stand, sitting.

If the tenant has an interest in this game or other game content in this game or VR glasses, you can also go to the nearby touch net coffee, or simply simply add a single VR eyeglass to experience the full content.

After listening to the story, Li Shi nodded.

"Yes, Not Bad."

"You have to remember that after the investment of the dream venture, the star bird fitness has actually began to integrate into Tengda."

"As long as you always keep in mind the existing industrial misplaced competition, concentrate on the green leaves, follow the consistent style of Tengda, then just drinking soup can also drink very well."

"Don't be like the home group, it is completely opposite the tendon of Tengda Group, it is worse."

"The gentleman loves money, take it, to learn more about the total business model, otherwise, I can have a look, close one eye to make the star birds in the fitness, and I can turn my face without the same way. Give you. "

Cheung rushed: "Li You can rest assured, this reason I still understand, star bird fitness can develop new opportunities brought by Tengda, I don't dare to do my mind to do it!"

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