Li Shi and Che Rong are very satisfied with the status quo of Starbird Fitness.

In fact, after the dream venture investment, the investment in Starbirds, including Li Shi, has a decline in the palm of the star bird's fitness, and the rushed to the boss of the star birds. It is actually very strong. Autonomous rights.

But Cheung is accustomed to reporting to Li Shihui, then listening to some suggestions from Li Shi.

Because the car is very clear, the star bird fitness can have a success now, not only because Li Shi has made money, but more importantly Li Shi gives him a bright road!

If not according to Li Shi, use the intelligent fitness drying rack to fully transform the business model of Star Bird's fitness, find yourself in the clamps of the two Tenda industries that strokes fish nets and hosted fitness, and tied to Tengda to create The fast lane, then even if I get the investment, the star bird fitness cannot develop so good.

After all, it is the difference between the fish and the people with fishing, and the money is only the difficulties of the starbird fitness, but it is really developing to grow, or have to rely on profit model.

The two people silently drank tea for a while.

Cheung said: "Li, I still have a problem, I want to ask."

"Now the starfoot fitness has experienced a rapid development period, and the store has quickly opened to other cities in Han dynasties."

"You said that the star bird fitness is to continue to burn the dash, or temporarily stop, first profit?"

At present, the star bird is not profitable, although earned money, and other investors are constantly following, they want to come in a cup, but in the high-speed expansion of the business, the money is all branch.

At first, Che Rong can be said to be ambitious, first to transform all the stores, then open more stores in Beijing, even to expand to other cities in Han dynasties.

But now, after the size of the store has expanded to a certain extent, the car has naturally a burnout psychology.

I want to take a break, lay down and make money.

After all, in the perspective of Che Rong, I can get so much investment, open the branch to the entire Han dynasty, as a gym, has been sufficient enough.

Many gym owners are just a few chain stores in a city, and they have begun to make money, let alone the star bird fitness now?

Cheung enjoys a good fortune, and investors can also get the return.

Lying down to eat, although there is something wrong, but focus on stability; continue to expand, although it seems to be in progress, in case failure?

If the blind expansion, once the fund chain breaks, it is impossible to completely turn it, it is impossible to expect the miracle of death.

Therefore, the car is also tangled, he hesitate, so I want Li Shi to help take my mind.

Li Shiji is slightly wrinkled, putting the tea cup.

"How can you hesitate in this problem? Of course, you have to continue to expand!"

"This is not a courageous problem, is simple to look at the eye."

"You will ask this, indicating that you have not understood the situation, the eyes are short!"

Cheung has a little ashamed: "Li, I don't have any experience in this area. Top more is a little experience in operating the gym. So you can give you one or two."

Li Shi nodded, he also knew that Cheung did not do it in this area, otherwise the star birds did not even end the bankruptcy.

An ordinary person can't suddenly suddenly open, and it is a commercial genius as Zi's total. At this time, Li Shi has pointed it.

"You want to stop expansion, in fact, the root is still afraid, right?"

"What short-term interests or long-term interests, that is virtual, if expansion will be successful, the future will make more money, the fool will choose to continue to expand."

Che Rong nodded: "Well, it is this truth."

It is burnout on the surface, don't want to struggle, actually because I feel that it is too low to continue to fight, the risk, the efforts, the efforts, and the possible returns are too disadvantageous.

Li Shi continued: "But as long as you look at Tengda's business model, look at the totalventure style, you will know that the benefits of starbird fitness continue to expand, it is far more than risk, the chance of failure is actually very low! "

On the other side, he began to combine the actual situation of Tengda's various industries, giving Cheap to Cheung more detailed analysis.

First, the model of the dream venture capital is to withdraw the company's profitability to a certain level, and if it is not profitable, it will have been investing.

How do other companies want to temporarily, but in the stars and birds, this is to encourage expansion!

It means that you keep moving into your heart, you have been going to continue your money; if you think the store is enough, you will be salty, then we will worship.

In other words, you stay in mind, then we will always be a friend; you want to enjoy the pleasure, then you will take it, you go to enjoy, but I will continue to travel.

The dream of the dream, holding this money, and continues to cast a business that is courageous.

Is this attitude not clear?

Even with the most utilitarian perspective, continue to expand, you can continue to support it from the dream venture capital, it is not fragrant?

Abandoning the expansion, in fact, it is always equal to the abandonment of the financial support of the dream, and also gave up Tenda's shelter and the total friendship!

Second, if you want to stop expansion, it is not afraid of risks.

But for starbird fitness, this risk is very low.

Because the business model of Starbird Fitness has been verified in Jingzhou and even Han Dong Province, consumers are recognized.

A series of industries that touch the fish net coffee, touches the fish takeaway, hosting the gym, etc., are the first Jingzhou Han Dong, and finally expanded to the country, this route has gone countless times, and they have become.

Star bird fitness is also in accordance with this old road, stable!

Moreover, the previous location, propaganda and market development, etc., Tenda's storefront has been completed, starless fitness is very far-effective, go to the new city to open new stores around Tengda's industry, which is more simple.

As long as it is tightly followed by Tengda's butt, it is not afraid to step on the pit!

In terms of the total layout capabilities and the ultra-high success rate of entrepreneurship, the star birds are not too stupid, and they will be lie in the back. 666 can win.

In this case, what reason does the reason not to expand?

The things on the mall are also invested against water, and if you don't enter, you will refund.

Star bird fitness does not follow Tengda, then there will be other companies to see this business opportunity. When they will find a way to give the star bird fitness.

At that time, I will always take too much company that doesn't enter my heart. Will you talk to a boss without entering heart?

This is not good.

Li Shi also drank the tea and the final summary: "So, from any point of view, the star bird fitness must keep up with Tengda's footsteps, until you with the fish net coffee, touch fish takeaway and other industries National. "

Che Rong suddenly realized, nodded: "It turns out, understand!"

"Li, you say this, I am just Mouton."

"That is to say, not only from objective conditions, the star birds should expand, but even the neighborhood is actually encouraging star birds to continue to expand?"

Li Shi nodded: "Of course! Otherwise, do you think that

"He is always optimistic about your project. As a result, you don't want to do big, think about earning some money, do you think I will always happy?"

Cheung rushed: "Understand, understand! Then I don't have any tangling, I must always have a total of the stars!"

Seeing that the car is so arriving so, Li Shi is not from nodding.

I don't know if I don't know, as long as I have a channel genus, I can close around Tenda, and the entrepreneur will save.

Li Shi drank tea and suddenly thought of another problem.

"Right, I have a project here, do you want to participate?"

Cheap spirit: "Oh? What project?"

In the investment circle of Jingzhou, if the god is always tall, then Li is the most recent people.

Li Tong mentioned the project, it must be a good project!

Li Shi said not to say: "Concealed the roller coaster project in the hostel."

The car is honored: "Ah?"

"This ... I am afraid it is not what I can participate. Console the hostel is the industry of Tengda. Even others want to intervene, and I can't insert it."

Li Shiyou shook his head: "You have some unknown, though this project is unable to intervene, but can participate indirectly."

"Those restaurants, shops, and hotels around the hostel, in fact, I am funded with other investors, now the benefits are very good."

"Recently, the summary is also throwing more than 100 million in the hostel, built an indoor roller coaster."

"The head of the hostel, Chen Kang Tuo, I just found me at noon, saying that this rollerbox will be officially opened, there is no propaganda fund, so hope that we can help these investors in publicity."

Cheung has a bit not impatched: "Ah? How is this sound?"

Li Shi could not help with his mouth slightly picked up: "What is your saying!"

"Confucian Hostel, the Tengda Group voted for more than 100 billion projects, truthfully promoted the funds, can you always give it?"

"Chen Kangu said that there is no propaganda fund, do you believe?"

"Obviously, is always not willing to give publicity funds, but in giving us hints, to let us benefit!"

The car looked blinked his eyes and his face was full of confusion.

Didn't you listen?

The person in charge of the hostel runs over to let the responsible people give the mountain car outlets, this is not the money? How can I become a profit?

Lee always knows that your brain circuit has no problem?

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