After hanging up the phone, Baoxu fell into a meditation.

Have to say, Yan Jing is really very reasonable, and the current business model of suffering is really not mature, there is a little bit of incompatibility.

It may be that the first two phases are mainly based on Tengda's internal staff. He has added a few free quotas for a few draw, so Baoxu lost the keen in this regard.

Moreover, since the maintenance of the seats, the main energy of Baoxu has all been placed on everyday training and travel time. Throughout the day, think about how to bring a better suffering, so it is a bit for business model. Consider.

Everyone's 30,000 price is already minimized to Baixu, but this is not a good pricing.

For ordinary people, they basically do not have the need to suffer, this money is a very happy, unnecessary to suffer, whether it is a newspaper group or freedom.

For rich people, time is more precious. In front of the travel time of up to two months, there is no difference between 30,000 and 50,000.

The key is that can suffer from traveling to provide them with a unique experience?

This is like the pricing of the gull mobile phone, a stacked mobile phone cost is in this, the poor can't afford it, and the rich people can't see it. This is awkward.

At the time of the general guidance, he added a lot of additional value for the gull, which was successful.

If you want to succeed, you have to copy this mode.

Although the first goal of Baosheng is not to make money, he doesn't want to pay for money.

If you suffer, you will have fewer and fewer people who come to participate, and people are broken. Is there no happiness?

On the contrary, if you have a red fire, you can go to buy more training bases, continue to expand the scale, not just 20 people, or 100 people, 200 people, even more, business can also be spread all over All parts of the country and around the world.

Isn't it a lot of happiness?

Of course, now think that those are fashionable, anyway, as long as they are suffering, they can get enough attention and fame, they don't have to make money.

So, for Baosheng, this business model is still good.

Now the key is to think about a problem: What is irreplaceable?

In addition to the "suffering" tag, can you still dig out more value from it?

Ba Xu was originally proposed to create a hardship, the purpose is very simple, which is to arrange the responsible people in Tengda departments.

However, always support this, greatly praise.

So, the general purpose, obviously will not be simply like Baoxu.

In other words, since

"If you follow the experience of your mobile phone according to the gull, you should add more added value to your suffering."

"What is added value?"

"Well ... The experience of past experience tells me that when you are in trouble."

Baixu quickly found the direction.

The gull is also a poor two white, but there is no resource, but as long as the other industries of Tengda, you can get a lot of added value, showing a significant difference in other mobile phone brands.

The bitter travel will also take this route.

The price of per capita 30,000 is raised to 50,000, and then through the linkage of other industries, it will give additional additional content that is different from other travels, thereby producing irreplaceability in consumers who have better economic conditions.

First establish a brand with high prices, gradually reduce the price, expand user groups, this is a way to use many brands, very effective.

Of course, this approach is not anyone to play. After all, I want to enter the high-end market, which requires rich funds, powerful marketing and propaganda, and unique resources.

These, it is better to have Tengda Group!

With the big tree of Tengda Group, there is such a good resource, but I don't know how to use it. I want to rely on my own department to sing alone, this is a more stupid person to do things.

Baoxu carefully put the current Tenda Group's many industries.

"Suste to travel, it should be a very glorious thing. People who can complete the painstaking travel are willing to be firm, can suffer, people who can work hard."

"Just like the society should have a lot of preferential treatment policies, people who have completed their hard travel should also be taken in Tengda's various industries."

"And this kind of welfare treatment, the best and gull, the welfare of the mobile phone is sturdy, can not be repeated, otherwise it does not show the value of suffering."

"Special treatment of the Gulls mobile phone is mainly a variety of welfare, netfa, takeaway discount, and send movie tickets."

"So the welfare of the painstaking travel should give a preferential treatment. Let others see it, this person is participating in the hardship!"

Baowu has soon a rough idea.

First, in Tengda games, TPDB websites and useful apps to log in with Tengda account, people who participate in suffering will receive a special title, "suffer".

This title is very precious, only those who have participated in the suffering travel can be obtained, and more information will be taken to participate in which phase of the training, the final result.

Second, after the end of the patient, everyone can get a custom out-of-print commemorative chapter, which will be very beautiful, very beautiful, with a certificate, which is very collectible.

Again, "Sericiator" will also get some special preferential treatment in other surroundings of Tengda.

For example, the sufferists will default to the preemptive experience of all new games;

Get priority experience in entertainment venues such as horror hostel, which is similar to fast passage;

In the related industries of fish netware, tanye, hosted, hosting fitness, etc., customers who have the identity of "Suffers" will be particularly taken to get true vviP treatment;

In some places, it can be circumvented, for example, when using rabbit-tailed live, it can be limited by the one-hour learning mode, and so on.

After all, the difficulty of hobs who have suffered from suffering is coming over, and enjoy the ideal treatment.

You don't accept you, come and participate in suffering! As long as you participate, these preferential treatments will be.

The difference between the welfare of the mobile phone with the gull is that the welfare of the Gull's mobile phone is mainly discount, which is economical, and the benefits of suffering travel are a special identity. It is not enough to spend money.

Finally, Baoxao feels that the group of "sufferists" should be recognized by each other.

Whether it is built, interoperability, or official regular party, to make the same period of the same feelings like a comrades, so that different sesquorers can also bring close relationships.

If a day, members of the two suffering meet each other, they may happen as follows.

"Hey, are you still a suffer? Are you participating in the pain of suffering?"

"I am No. 19, what about you?"

"I am 27, my predecessors! Fortunately, you will be lucky!"

"I dare not dare, oh, this medal is an excellent member to get it, it is still very powerful."

If you can do this, then you have a unique value.

Moreover, after price increase, the treatment of suffering travel can also be improved, including accommodation, training, activity site selection, purchasing equipment and souvenirs issued after the end, can be fully updated and enhanced.

After at least the customer participated in the suffering, I didn't feel the price at all, and there was even a high feeling. That's.

Ba Xu wants to feel the reason, and a set of schemes are quickly formed in the heart.

Of course, if you want to fight for these benefits, you need to communicate with the heads of each department, and get support and cooperate from them.

In this regard, Baosao is full.

Who dares to cooperate? Launched the experience experience!

Cough, this is not appropriate, it seems that it seems that suffering is the same.

But no matter what to say, now suffering is quite heavy in the internal, and the general person in charge is a requirement to refuse Ba Xu.

Otherwise, in the case of being wearing a small shoe, it is a good time to hold a part of the department.

What's more, the better the development of suffering, the more visitors absorbed from the outside world, then people within Tengda are relatively safe.

In case of suffering from the outside, it is not a person who can just increase the internal people in TC.

This is what the person in charge of all sectors is not willing to see.

Therefore, this program should get the whole fitness of other departments.

Of course, Bao Xu did not forget that and his contribution to colleagues on the Tianhu Studio.

Safe, such a constructive opinion, comprehensively improve the business model of suffering, this is not a big job?

How to return it?

Well, since Yan Jingyan said that there were several colleagues, there were several colleagues, and they contacted Zhou Wei, telling him that I can give a living studio an internal discount.

The discount is certain, it is definitely not suitable, it seems too nor open, take a 50% off, the price is from 50,000 to 20,000, right.

Thinking of this, Baowu immediately got up, and went to the next lounge to change the laptop.

The original is that the recent registration price to the outside of the hospital is announced, and the announcement is already written, but now I have to change it.

However, there is no problem, after all, there is still more than a month after the next phase, you can announce the announcement, let the announcement will be registered next week, let you first register, and link other departments in more than a month. It's okay!

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