Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1356 is still selected into a mode

December 10th, Monday.

Tenda Group President's office door has not opened the door, Meng Chang and Huang Sibo two people waiting next to the lounge.

"Hey, how did you come late today? Is it coming to work in Wedice?"

"I don't know, maybe there is something else to do?"

"Well, what is your propaganda program?"

"It is OK, it is very eyebrow." Successor "which website is set?"

"Yes, there are several websites are fighting, the price gives the code is different, so I will ask me to take an idea."

Two people have a bit boring, starting to chat.

After investigation, Meng Chang has decided to choose "successor" to promote, which means that he will use most of the propaganda resources of the hand to "successor" project.

After this period of time, the propaganda program has also have a general clue, but it is feasible, but also ask the generals.

And Huang Sibo, has also been exposed to several domestic video platforms.

Don't say, including several video platforms, including the III website, have shown a strong interest in "successor", and the bid is not low.

Of course, Huang Sibo himself is also very clear, this is not looking for the content of the "successor", but only respects the respect for the flying yellow studio.

Since the establishment of the flying yellow studio, I have done a small short drama, I have done a documentary, and I also have a big movie, all have a great success.

Even if I don't make a documentary, I also triggered a warm reaction on the Internet, I didn't make money, but the word of mouth was earned.

This flying yellow studio is also a sword, and I vote so much money to take a web drama in the domestic broadcast. Although this behavior itself seems to be a bit unreliable, but considering the miracle created by the flying yellow studio. These video websites are still willing to spend money to buy this episode.

Of course, if you do not buy a bow, you have to buy a high price code, you can give the platform resources as a propaganda after buying the episode, and the details of these cooperation need to be carefully considered.

The conditions given by different platforms are different. Huang Sibo is also a little idea, so I will come to teach.

However, this morning this morning is always in the office, the two have not come, and the two have only to talk one side.

Anyway, these two are in the final analysis of the project of "successor", and need to work closely, so many messages are also required.

Meng Chang asked Huang Sibo asked the conditions of each live broadcast platform, then caught in meditation.

"I think I will choose Allowed Island as a partner."

Huang Sibo stunned: "Oh? Yes, it is no significant advantage over the bid of Alit Island."

"Is it to say that I am more looking to the user's number of users and active levels?"

Meng Chang shakes his head: "This is just an aspect, I think I will always be more likely ... The environment and atmosphere."

"This is a comparative menstruation, but the audience of each video website is different, and the habits are different. Different user groups have different evaluations of the same episode."

"This evaluation will affect the impression of this drama."

"The" successor "is more suitable for the style of Ili Island, and it is also more fit with my propaganda program."

"As for bidding ... This is not a problem, I will definitely not accept a price of buying, but most of them will take the data hook of data such as playback and rating."

Huang Sibo has a worry: "This is, but I am not relieved."

"Now, the purchase price of each video website is high, enough to cover our shooting costs, it is indeed a more secure choice."

"If you use the division mode, don't you lose?"

"Sucker" If the kind of very serious business piece is, the key is a very special young film, which is not low in this business. "

Meng Chang said: "I am afraid that it is not a summary. When I watched the sample last week, I was not very satisfied. It is enough to see him very satisfied with this drama."

Huang Sibo nodded: "It also makes sense. Yes, what is your propaganda plan ready?"

Meng Chang took out the program: "This program will have some small differences with the past, but the kernel is still the same, nothing more than ..."

He hasn't finished, and he saw that the Tong Point walked over from the door of the lounge, went to the office.

Meng Chang and Huang Sbo rushed to the respective programs and prepared to report to the general report.

Huang Sibo has some doubts: "How to feel that the face is not good today, which industry is there?"

Meng Yime thought: "It is not necessarily, it may be a longer planning, to estimate some worst cases in advance, so it is showed in the expression."

"Oh ... do you first please?"

Huang Sbo shakes his head: "You first."

Meng Chang: "Is it necessary to let" successor "on a website, so that the general publicity intent can be roughly pursued, then I will make some subtle adjustments to the propaganda program."

Huang Sibo thought about it, but it is right, so there is no resignation: "Okay, then I will soon."


At the same time, Yan Qian is boring in the office.

You talk about this finger company and Longyu Group, how can you not fight?

On the weekend, Yan Qian continued to watch the game at home.

As a result, I gave yourself a belly fire.

The eight strong games have been finished for more than a week, and the four strong games have been opened. How is the company still moved? I haven't done anything!

Previously, GOG launched the gameplay function of the PC and mobile client, which was a highly praised, so that the relevant discussions on the major forums, video websites, GOG competitions, the analysis of the heared, and the heat of the IOI World Squeeze can't see it.

Originally GOG, players, more attention, plus this gameplay function from the audience, with a lot of microbiologists, one by one, and a magnifying glass, but also triggered the full sky over the discussion. .

If this feature is launched for a few months, the heat of the one may fall, but now it is not long, and the players are still in the beginning, and they are not easy.

Even the foreign countries fall, don't say domestic.

The result is facing such a big pressure. Ioi is hard to do anything.

Of course, it is not too object to say anything, they still have some propaganda funds, but they have not yet taking any effect.

The only thing is worthy, is to market around the FV club, successfully put a pace of "The World's Other Clubs Enclose the FV Great Devil", which barely saves some of the heat.

But the problem is that the confrontation between GOG is not bad!

Last week is the eight strong game, last week is the four strong competitions, and the GOG has five foreign teams in the eighth game, and the Fourth Sediment is the remaining foreign team.

Although the two domestic teams of the GPL stood out and kill the finals, but the shots of the abroad, the lens of the foreign team were also full.

In particular, these two foreign teams are also working hard, come up with some tactics, a team won a small game, and another team won the two games to win the game.

This is because with the popularity of GOG in foreign countries, each furniture department attaches great importance to the GOG division, the establishment of the league system, so that these foreign teams have gradually chased it up, and the team of GPL no longer has such a big first.

For foreign audiences, these teams also dedicated a very exciting game, and it can be said that although soared.

The discussion of the Eight Square, the Fourth Sediment is also straight.

And the IOI, the FV team has a shocking and caught the four-game race, and kills the finals. The process is slightly smashed, and it is no longer as rushing last year, but the overall is still seeing, the FV team is The header is being weakened, and hard strength is still very strong.

Although the FV team can't connect this is a very good suspense, this topic is compared with the topic there, there is no matter what is changed.

Plus the influence of the galaxy mode, this makes the heat of IOI are quite worrying.

After the night of reading the iOi at night, I had a brush forum, and the more you brushed.

Because there is nothing to discuss what IOI here, it is also discussing that the FV team can come up.

Do you say that this is not angry!

A lot of IOI audiences still look forward to it, I hope that the finals can be high, after all, IOI is an outer station, and the GOG is a civil war.

It's the problem, you are eight, the heat of the Fourth Race is crushed, and the finals suddenly suddenly exceeded.

Yan Qian wants to be too angry, the result is no longer able to get up this morning, and I have been an hour.

I was born, and I came out the door outside.

"Some, I have already talked with a few video platforms, they are very interested in" successors ", this is to preliminarily talk about good quotes, you are."

See the quotation of each platform in the plan, Yu Qian frowned down.

What does "very interesting" mean?

Just like this episode, are you very interested? And still spend high price to buy excalls?

Do you have your own aesthetic pursuit? Doesn't the most basic to the color of the drama?


But don't see the brand of flying yellow studio, I have bought it!

You have to do this, then I can't help you, don't blame me for money!

Some sites in this is that Qian Qian rarely wanders in the past two years, such as the Petar Net. Since the rise of the Ili Island website, the Petsu net is still going to the original route, and did not take the advertisement starting with the video, so Yu Qian has rarely visit.

Although the member can go to advertising, but Qian Ning can spend money to buy a member of the III island, and I don't want to buy a member of the Pei Add.

Because one is voluntary, one is forced, this is essentially different in nature!

I can give you money, but I don't want to give it, you can't grab it.

Originally, Yan Qian thought that the Pei potato net was cold. As a result, he saw this offer. I didn't have cool, I still live well, and I can see the advertising fees.

Yan Qian turned and turned over and said: "It is still working with Alitland website."

"But ... this specific cooperation mode should be changed, don't buy, we must calculate money according to the amount of playback, barrage, score, etc. according to the playback of the episode."

Since the price of the video website is almost, where is it to be , then choose Eli Island.

But it must not be bought, because buying means going back, how can it be possible.

Anyway, this drama is released, it is estimated that it is necessary to be miserable, and there are not many shortcomings. After all, it will also rise, but the amount of playback and rating are definitely.

The first three episodes were disgusting, and they would certainly won't continue.

As for the score, the probability is also minimal, and most of the dramas will only gradually fall, from low-level counterattack to the high score.

According to this calculation, you can lose money!

After all, I will see "successor", only very small and small part of the original readers, most of which are completely do not know the eating melon people.

For the first person, the story of "successor" is definitely worthy, and there are many spoons.

Huang Sbo is some unexpected.

, Meng Chang actually gave it to?

I can't feel that I have recently returned to Meng Chang's more and more weeks, and Meng Chang is really a bit!

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