
Everyone is somewhat unclear.

Li Shi couldn't help but sigh silently.

The whole group of employees is still more satisfied, work hard, and diligent.

It can be divergent, in-depth thinking, with Tengda's employees simply too far, not on the same horizontal line.

This also has no way, after all, Fuhui capital and Tengda Group have gaps, Li Shi himself has a gap with.

This matter is also urgent, you can only teach and slowly bring.

Li Shi explained: "What is the most important thing to do in investment? Look at the eyes of the project."

"What is the look of the project? Rely on your understanding and comprehension of the latest business model, people who know you know."

"If you know a business genius, then with him, learn more, or simply go directly to his project, this is also part of your investment capabilities."

"I have always stressed that you don't always be a stuffy to repeat labor, you must make more brains, think more, expand your own people, and you must do things."

"But how can this talent that can come into contact with the casual?"

"Now I ask you, the first phase of the pain, the second phase, what kind of person?"

Everyone can't help but look at each other, most people in them are really unclear.

Because the suffering is not delibundable, so far, everyone's understanding of the suffering travel is from three aspects: Meng Chang's propaganda film, documentary, and live broadcast of Qiao Niki.

The first two members did showcase, but there was no identity in the upper side. Many people did not know this, and they thought they were ordinary employees in Tengda.

But some people are known.

Previously, the employees who have been paying attention to the suffering of Li Shi, "The first batch of people who have suffered the seats are the person in charge of the various departments of Tengda, and the second batch of bitter travel except for the person in charge of the departments. Examples of the lottery pumping out have a major contribution to the excellent contribution, such as Yan Guangjian and Qiao Wet. "

Li Shi nodded: "So, do you understand?"

After a while, everyone suddenly realized.

It turns out that!

This is the "people" that Li Pei said!

is always commercial, and the most successful investments of Li, who are all invested in the total, then in accordance with the "people", the general is the biggest person of Li.

But the total level, which is the average person can contact it?

Therefore, many people are envious of Li Gu. It is also the same as that, some people say that Li is the practice of this non-brain-free, there is no problem.

However, Li Tong's words can be said to be oscillated, and everyone in the conference room realizes the huge misunderstandings that they have caught before.

Can find a useful person, which is also part of the investment capabilities!

Everyone only saw that Li always followed the total brain and brain-fighting, but who saw that Li always saw Tengda's potential before Tenda has not fully developed, and has established a deep friendship with a deep friendship. What is it?

Ordinary people don't really have the general level, but if you can contact the person in charge of Tengda's departments?

All of these headers can alienate alone, and the business of this department is strictly trusted.

Although they can't invest them directly, talk to them, learn about their thinking, talk about the current popular business model, this is not a lot of money?

According to the general situation, these people in Fuhui capital are absolutely contacting the heads of Tengda departments, as there is no direct business level.

It is even more impossible to contact private, who are you, why do people want to talk to you?

But it can be different in this place in suffering.

Everyone is suffering for two months, during the training, suffering together, can't play mobile phones, just chatting, plus there is enough common topic, naturally, naturally.

What's more, it is said that it is said that it will provide more communication to the sufferings.

One go on, don't you know? And it is not the kind of nodding, the general hand, everyone is suffering from being suffering, this friendship is relatively comparable to the test.

If you can build this connection with the head of Tengda's departments, it is of course a big thing!

Although there have been many person in charge of the first phase, it is entirely possible to arrange them for the second time to participate in suffering.

Of course, it is also possible to just once.

However, according to the current situation, even if the person in charge of Tengda's departments has arranged a pass, it will also continue to arrange candidates, backbone employees, and the bones employees, which can also be taking line with these people. It is also very valuable. .

Tenda's various departments have changed so fast, can it become the person in charge of this potential stock?

And again, the more you regret, the more you can contact Tengda's high-rise, biased employees, and register is late. If you encounter some ordinary employees.

Although there is also a certain amount of human value, it is greatly weakened compared to the first few periods, it is greatly reduced, not very cost-effective.

Many people finally understood Li Shi's great look.

This is undoubtedly a kind of welfare for his own backbone staff!

Of course, after these backbone employees have grown up, they can also bring real benefits for Fuhui capital, and Li Shi can also have less expensive.

But in any case, as a boss is willing to save money, post the two months of paid fakes and 20,000 yuan per person, this is really a big hand, quite thick, Li always has no mistake, this is indeed Hello everyone.

After this layer, the people present immediately raised their hands.

"I go!"

"I am willing to go!"

Don't say that the company will bring pay and subsidies, even if the company does not give subsidies, as long as you allow for two months, then some people will go.

After all, the suffering is secondary, the spiritual spirit is also secondary, the key is for the people, for future career development!

If you think about it, 50,000 dollars in the district have come to work in the investment company. It is really worthless, because the people are invaluable, and they can't buy it.

Seeing that everyone is all eager to raise their hands, Li Shi will not help but show a smile.

Very good, these people are the backbone staff of Fuhui capital, and one is not too stupid, and it will pass.

"Okay, in this way, the Ministry of Human will make a list of registrations as soon as possible, the sole the 50,000 yuan, the more valuable."


At the same time, the training of the travel trading base.

All the people who have just concluded training have received a short break, and Yao Bo won the privilege of playing mobile phones because of the rock climbing.

This is also reasonable, after all, he is the most professional in everyone, or it is not a deliberate, it is estimated that the privilege of playing mobile phones will be taken away.

Looking at Yao Bo playing with mobile phones, everyone has revealed envious eyes.

Yao Bo brushed the news, suddenly the spirituality: "Baowa left, really, it is going to do, and the suffering is finally enrolled!"

"I will send a message to the human rights, let them arrange our company to build a bitter travel group!"

Just saying this, Yao Bo found Zhu Xiaote, Hao Yun and other Tengda employees look at his eyes a bit weird.

Qiao Liang is obviously a conscience, nothing, and said after coughing: "Yao always, don't want to do it, don't do it! So you are going to make people come?"

Yao Bo is very surprised: "How to suffer? I think this place is very good!"

"Although I have already played a lot of rock climbing, this place is still quite standardized, and the training schedule is also very reasonable."

"Our main business of our Jinding Group is originally fitness costumes and drinks. The results of the employees do not fit their fitness, do not exercise, can this be able to say? This activity is organized!"

"I have calculated that the courses of rock climbing are also very expensive. How do I have two or three hundreds of private education courses, but they can't just learn to climb, but also have various field survival activities. Help It is cost-effective to cultivate the spirit of hard work! "

"To say, I am in order, what reasons do they have?"

After listening to Yao Bo, Joe Liang is speechless.

Indeed, Yao Bo is already as good as it is, and it is very happy to play this side. He arranges the employees of their own company, and Baixu is completely out of motivation ...

Yao Bo continued: "And there are so many official certifications of such a bitter travel, even if we voluntarily sign up, there should be people who want to come. You see."

Yao Bo said, while giving the announcement of the suffering travel to Qiao Liang.

Qiao Liang stunged: "Strust title? And all kinds of benefits? I am going ..."

He suddenly felt that it seems to be so suffering.

As a game player, you have to suffer with me, then I may not be interested; but if you tell me all achievements, ask the upgraded thing, then I can not sleep!

Qiao Liang felt that it was a game player, and the gene recovered in the bones, suddenly full of motivation.

"Strust" title, can it be tailored for him?

But I saw there in this, I will record the results of the current period, and Joe is panicked.

When I won't give my own sufferist title, I will add a line of words "Second Power Benefits" and the like!

The title is not honor, it is full of people!

Of course, there is no detailed description of "Recording Results" on the announcement, and write a clear number is a record, the title of "excellent", "excellence" is also recorded, the latter is psychologically acceptable. some.

But no matter what to say, Qiao Liang feels that he must work hard.

Come to a pain, how can you not fall in the bottom!

Qiao Liang is giving yourself, I heard Yao Bo. "Oops! Registration is already full!"

"Jinding Group has already reported more than a dozen people, is it full?"

"I didn't expect the netizens to be alone. When I was really signed, I was a more enthusiastic."

"Forget it, I can only wait for the next phase, I will let the human department pay attention to the next registration as much as possible."

Yao Bo felt very sorry, the quota of 200 people was full of flowers in the past few hours, sufficient to see the popularity of suffering.

Still starting slowly!

"Is there a report?" Not only Yao Bo, including the other people in Qiao Liang, also very surprised.

Especially Zhu Xiaote, I feel that my three views are shocked.

Because most people in Tengda feel that this suffering travel is simply packaged to get to the torture, if you really open the registration, don't say that it is 50,000, even if there is anyone in order to free?

There are still more than half of them for the love and controversy of Baoxu, it supports this industry.

But now, the outside people are registered so actually?

Is it difficult to say that I really saw the business value behind suffering? Take Baoxu to torture people's projects, also made a new business model?

Is this the charm of the god of the business?

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