Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1362, how did I do? (Qiqi monthly ticket!)

Zhu Xiaote said that Wang Xiaobin whispered: "It is always very powerful. It is always a kind of industry that is hard to do. It is hard to be our monster bag. Famance? "

Wang Xiaobin said hehe: "Even if there is a wrong monster, it is also the same thing, what is the relationship with the surname package! Can people who can make this small cracked sausage to make a hard trip into an industry? I feel too high to see him, it is not The general is far-sighted. "

Zhu Xiaotezi nodded: "Well, it is also the truth."

"Think of the benefits, this is a good news for us. After all, it is also necessary to suffer. Now I can take more the title and some benefits, four rounds, waiting for white!"

"But I am still very puzzled. In the end, so many people signed up? Although the title of 'Strust' 'is more attractive, 50,000 yuan is really real, and it is also true for two months. Not so many people come to grab? "

Wang Xiaobin shakes his head: "You ask this to touch my knowledge blind area, I know, I will reach the high."

Zhu Xiaote thought for a while, nor did it think of especially convincing reasons, have to give up temporarily.

At the same time, feel silently, really, the general, business mind, no one!


At the same time, the Office of the Chairman of Tengda Group.

"No, where is the so many people signed up?"

"This is full of fullness? This group is afraid not to be crazy? The brain has a problem?"

"50,000 yuan to buy two months of suffering? Is the money burned?"

"I can transfer more money to my private account! What kind of thing is given to Tenda White!"

"Ah, it's really mad at me!"

Yu Qian is simply not angry.

It was still good at the morning, and the results haven't been a few hours, and the situation has changed the earth-shaking change!

Yan Qian was still beautiful and waiting for the registration newspaper of the suffering. Then, the words of the Tenda Group were arranged, or the number of people should be used, and they can burn more money.

I didn't think of it, I am full!

And at this point of view, not only can not burn less, but may have to consider expanding the size of the suffering.

Can you really have a year?

"No, I have to call and ask Baoxu, what is going on here."

"He is not a matter of walking, causing such consequences!"

Originally, Yu Qian is very trustworthy. After all, Baoxao reports the price of the price and the "suffering" title, and Yan Qian feels that Baoxu is not like other person in charge, it is worth it. trust.

The problem is that the light is this change, it should be not enough to make the suffering travel?

There must be any hidden reasons, the reason they don't know.

The key is that this is a coincidence, or is it intended to be?

If it is the former, if it is the latter, the people of this package are loyal to this person. In fact, it is definitely a big bad, and Yan Qian does not mind if it is difficult to add difficulty to suffer. a bit.

Soon, the phone is connected.

The phone came to Baixu's surprised voice: "? , I just want to call you."

"Sudden travel this is a big single."

: "Well? What big?"

Baixu said: "It's like this, the Tianhuo studio covers the staff of the person to arrange a hard trip, I said it is a friendship, five fold."

"I thought it was as few people. The results of the results also said that the whole" bomb marks 2 "project group is coming! One hundred people dozens of people, and this is only the core development member of the project team, peripheral Members are not counted. "

"This discount is a bit too much, so I just want to report it."

,, : "Oh? No problem!"

"Zhou is also our old friend, give a lot of affairs!"

"If you have a discount, you will be able to report it with me."

Listening to Baixu said that, Yu Qian is instantly improved.

No wonder the number of 200 people is full, it is a few a hundred days old!

If only friendship is holding, then it is not too worried.

After all, there are so many companies with Tengda's relationship, even if there is an individual friendship, it should not last long.

Zhou Wei is not to take the employee to take the employee to take this side.

That's too nor human, this kind of heartbeat is not going to do.

What's more, these people's registration prices are not the original price, and it is a 50% off friendship.

If the two thousand one person, the suffering is compaling, although this loss is not a big money for the whole suffering, but can always be good!

Baixu continued: "Good , then I am outside the current list, and I will give them a period. After all, the current 200 people have already been reported, and their own people can't follow the current 200 people together. "

, slowly floating a question mark on his head.



"One hundred people on the Tianhu Studio, are not in the current 200 people?"

Baoxao took a replied: "Yes, Zhou Zong to contact me to determine the number of people, 200 people have already been reported."

"So I think, after this period of suffering, I have to adjust the architecture of the entire suffering, otherwise I can't eat such a high demand now."

"Even if you follow, you will take 40 people, ten Tengda employees add 30 external personnel. It is necessary to bring these three hundred people to have a dozen, which is two years, this time is completely unacceptable."

"I think it is also to expand the team, divide each patient's suffering into three to four classes, or even more, indoor venues and outdoor venues have to prepare new ..."

"Of course, personnel training also have to keep up, can start more, but can not reduce the quality of training. The name is a bitter trip, the suffering is certain."

"Of course, it will be beneficial after the expansion, it is to arrange more Tengda's employees in accordance with the proportion of people."

"Tenda's employees so much, arrange ten people in each phase, this is arranged to the Monkey, the efficiency is too low ..."

These words that Baoxao said behind him have not heard it.

He is only a huge question mark in his mind.

What? What!

The bitter travel is now in this case, the price is high and suffering, and there are so many people who want to come in?

The key is that there is 200 people's limit, this is not a limit, isn't the queue not to be rushed to ten years?

Baixu is not easy to finish the planning of follow-up to suffering.

Yan Qian silent for a moment, asked: "So, why do you understand why it is full?"

Baixu stunned, and then said something ashamed: "Sorry, I am talking about it, I don't understand how you have a painted travel layout."

"In fact, I am very tuned for the hot travel now. Or ... you can give me a little?"

: "..."

You don't know, I don't know, who knows?

How do you suddenly have a sudden fire?

"Yes, you continue to arrange it." Yu Qian hangs.

The problem of suffering is, but I don't know which one is the problem.

And the problem of problem, the big probability is on yourself.

What should I do now?

Online, etc., very anxious!


At the same time, netizens also launched the second round of hot discussion on the situation of suffering.

"What is the situation? In the morning, I said that this is not signed up at all, it is already full in the afternoon?"

"I just felt it in the live broadcast, I would like to let the anchor to participate in suffering, others also followed together, the anchor is not a way, no way to sign up, the number of results is full? WTF? WTF? WTF ? "

"The anchor is sure that I am happy, escapes."

"No, his mood seems to be more complicated. While can't celebrate himself, I doubt that I have missed a very valuable opportunity ... After all, the hard travel can be full, indicating that many people are very recognized. Even 50,000 yuan is quite worth. "

"Day, this crazy world, I don't understand ..."

"Is it not fake?"

"It is impossible, Tengda is changing in this kind of thing, Tengda's data is all real data, full is true, absolutely not discounting."

"That's odd, this world really has so much mi? Said 50,000 yuan to buy crimes, go to the bottom picture?"

Netizens can only understand that the world that can only say that the rich people is such a magical, and the brain circuit that spends money is totally different from normal people.

But this kind of purse, but let the topic on suffering continue to be hot.

When the first phase of the previous training, although there were also propaganda films and documentaries, they did not inspire too many discussions on the Internet, because everyone is seen when they are segments and jokes.

Top more is twisted two sentences, then no longer pay attention.

It can now be different, this place is also full of speed, and in some extent, its business model has been successful!

Although it is still unable to assert, it will continue this hot, but at least have done a door.

This huge contrast has triggered the curiosity and discussion of netizens. Strong in mind, also let them want to try to mine the details and deep business logic of the suffering travel, thus forming a hot topic online!

And many self-media, big v, public account, UP main, etc. have also all seen this incident, I think it is a very good material, it will be able to catch people!

As a result, many of the analysis of suffering travel gradually increases.

These analyzes may be a one-sided, even contradictory, but this is obviously not a bad thing, but will continue to enhance the discussion of the whole network to suffering!

Everyone is very curious, how is it to do, so that "suffering" can also become a business model?

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