Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1363 Eric and Zhao Xing's victory

On December 13th, Thursday.

Yan Qian wedmed a mess with a mess, holding a laptop on his own sofa, all god, seems to be studying.

People who don't know that this scene will definitely feel that I am so hard!

In the morning, I got up, and I didn't take care of the job.

However, Yu Qian is now full of ideas: "What is going on in the endless trip? Can you have these media you can unify the caliber, give me a correct answer?"

Yesterday, the travel is hot, all the hot search of various websites, and all kinds of self-cultivation of all kinds of enthusiasm are naturally light, leading to Qianwen. It is difficult.

And this situation may continue to last for a few days, after all, the UP owners doing the video are still scissors video, and other reviews!

Out of the trust of netizens, Yan Qian took a lot of netizens and the analytical articles from the media, and wanted to find the truth that was full of bitter travel.

The more you look at it.

This kind of netizens can't do it, it is not reliable at all!

Either analyze is like a tiger, but the process is completely can't stand the scrutiny; or gives up the analysis, caught the total blow.

Say what this is the exquisite layout of Yan Yichang, another sessions of the travel business model, and the future of the painful travel.

I have seen it in my heart.

His inner contradictions.

One side is looking forward to a person similar to Qiao's wet, interprets the real reasons for the success of suffering, let yourself know this matter, and let you have a negative solution for yourself. But at least you can show this reaction;

On the other hand, it is a bit worried. Once this explanation, in case more netizens agree, what should I do if the suffering is more popular?

After a long time, Yu Qian put the laptop on one side and gave it.

"Forget it, it is completely wasted ..."

Since the media has put forward a lot of shocking perspectives in order to attract eyeballs, these contents are completely banned, and there is no reference value for Qian.

Still don't understand why you will be hot.

It can only be put on hold.

Yan Qian packed his mood and transferred his attention to another thing.

Today, the propaganda work of "successor" is going to be full!

Huang Sibo has told the concrete solution of cooperation with Alitland. Today, it began to cover the heating propaganda in the sky, not only to promote this side, and Alitland will also promote resources.

At 8 o'clock in this Sunday, "successor" three episodes released together, then two episodes per week, respectively on Saturday and Sunday.

In the last two episodes, so, on Sunday, on January 13, all broadcast.

However, Alit Island is definitely not hitting each other, after all, they also gave the "successor" in many websites in many websites.

Yan Qian naturally said, and it is coming from the time of the III website.

Anyway, "successor" porked street pure strength, what time is sent, and the results will not be too much.

On the Ili Island website, the "successful" propaganda has been released, and various propaganda materials have also hung up, but also a large scroll recommendation and list recommendation to the "successor" on the episode plate.

On the promotion materials, several big characters such as "Flying Yellow Studio" are also very eye-catching.

In short, the card is given is completely given.

Yan Qian did open the propaganda film, because it was released by the official account of the flying yellow studio, and there was a recommendation of the Aliance website, so there was a lot of bullets and messages.

"The successor is finally going online! The second copyright adaptation of the end of the Chinese network is looking forward to!"

"The original party here, the episode looks quite, praise!"

"Is this superhero movie? I didn't see the superhero at all?"

"Weakly speaking, the blonde hands who were scared urine were the protagonist."

"He is the protagonist? There is no fighting lens in this promo. The first half is abused, and the second half is all in the dark, and the conspiracy is trick ... this ..."

"I have a premonition of this film may be very pit, too alternate too much, not in line with my taste ..."

"The original party said that it is normal to not meet the taste. This theme is itself a native theme of the sword, and the original author of the pigeon is deliberately ugly. If you really like this protagonist, then there is Big problem. "

"The original party should not spoiler! Let the audience who have never seen the original airs will enjoy the plot from the beginning."

At a glance, I can say what kind of comment on the commentary of the propaganda film is, don't mention the formation of unified opinions, even the two kinds of opinions relative to the needle cannot be formed.

There are at least a few different attitudes.

On the one hand, because Meng Chang is dying when he is making a propaganda program, let the new audience have not been able to see the nature of this movie from the publicity content, and on the other hand, the discretion is because the discretion is restrained.

Many people have never seen the original people, see this title, this promo, will definitely produce the understanding of the five flowers.

Those who have seen the original one have not spoiled or explained too much, because this is obviously a very good behavior.

Some of the original parties want to explain, but this explanation will inevitably involve the spoiler, so it is hard to go back.

What's more, the original art of "successor" is not the kind of work of the fire out of the network. The top is a small boutique. The original party is too small in the online body. It is not a climate.

The original party and the new audience have formed two different attitudes. There are many kinds in the new audience. They have the top hero theme. If there are alternative stories, there is also a flying yellow studio fan ...

In short, although the publicity is not small, the heat is not high.

Because I want to have a hottest explosion, it is a highly praised. Most people are crazy to come to the water; the other is to be destroyed, the two sides are relatively, no one is not allowed.

This is the current situation like "successor", it belongs to both sides.

Seeing this, Yan Qian finally nodded, and throwing the past before suffering temporarily.

The initial propaganda strategy of Meng Chang is successful.

When "successor" is released, many viewers have shunded, and they are more stable!



December 15th, Saturday.

Europe, IOI Global Finals.

"Zhao, this side!"

Eric's face smiles, accurately found Zhao Ximing in the raging people.

The two hit a palm and represent a victory.

Since the beginning of the GOG Global Invitational Tournament, Eric has been staring in Europe, and Zhao Ximing is a matter of responsibility for online activities and broadcasts in China.

Now the game is finally close to the end, the GOG high song is fierce, IOI looks like the Nissi Mountain, and the two can naturally relax.

When I was finished in the four-strong game last weekend, the two domestic teams of GOG killed the rear, although the process was slightly difficult, but the result was good.

Since it is a civil war, the gog doesn't have to worry about it, and the hand has a hand is meat, whoever wins.

What's more, from the current situation, GOG has been robbed by the new galaxy. It can be said to be completely crushed in the world. The heat in the world has also covered IOI, which can be opened in advance. Champagne.

Eric and Zhao Xing two people have already booked the IOI finals, just to see the final finals.

This is obviously more suspense.

Of course, the FV station can not win, this does not dare to guarantee, but this is just a local battle, after the battlefield is close to the dust, even if the FV station is lost, it will not cause the full victory of GOG. Great influence.

Of course, it is best to win.

Zhao Ximing looked at the time, and there was still a while in the game to start, but it has already been admitted.

Unfortunately, Irick and Zhao Xun are two tickets to buy, and the location is not in one, so I can only find my position, each enclose.

Zhao Ximing didn't just sit down, I heard someone said slightly: "Zhao always?"

He looked up and found that it was his old partner of Longyu Group before himself.

"Hey, are you coming?"

Zhao Ximing asked this to realize a bit problem, I laughed.

Jin Yong now picks his class, and is also the person in charge of the IOI national service. Is there any strange thing in the IOI World Finals?

Instead, he has a problem with this traitor runs!

Jin Yong nodded: "Well, I sit over, I have been separated by more than a dozen seats."

He also didn't say much, after all, is an old boss, and the friendship is still there.

Just as Zhao Ximing's seat is not coming, it is empty, Jin Yong is temporarily and sat down, and chat with Zhao Xun.

"Zhao always, you do this, it is really too powerful, completely let us can't prevent it!"

"And I have a meeting for a long time, and I really have no way, it is not easy to get it, it is all eaten by you."

"This is what you think, or is Eric thought it?"

"Or or ... is it to come out?"

Jin Yong has been very curious about this, and now I can ask.

Why did Eric follow Zhao Ximing two times in IOI, it has been passive defense. After Tengda, it is not clear from the northwestern north of the East. It can suddenly open it, all kinds of Sao is coming?

You are two, will n't it be playing?

Let me go to me, happy games, rolling up to me, attacking it?

Although Jin Yong can think that it should not be such a superior level, this situation is really like it, it is difficult to doubt.

Zhao Ximing smiled: "No."

"It was the head of the front-Tenta game department that was transferred to the live broadcast of the rabbit."

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