And Li Shi noticed that although this roller coaster is said to be less than 30 meters, but in the process of experience, it does not feel it, and even it is much higher than 30 meters!

Because the giant screen projection can play the fast-pulled screen, with the movement and shaking of the mountain cars itself, plus the oncoming airflow, let people seem to be rising upwards or down a few hundred meters, Spread from the huge bottom world in the Zerg nest.

With the rotation of the row of the mountain cabinet, it is a sprinkler that is a spurs that the warriors are tied to the insects, crazy shooting, sometimes flying, blocking the insects, the entire battle process can be said to be thrilling.

This kind of false effect is even doubtful, is we really only in this venue?

From the outside, this indoor roller coaster is not so big?

Not just Li Shi, the other three investors have been obviously shocked, and the whole process will sound from time to time, although it is a big boss, but in this case, the usage is completely lost.

Finally, under the leadership of Qinyi Captain, everyone succeeded in killing from the insectic population of the sky, escaped from the insect nest.

Qinyi captain expressed his thumbs up to the heroic battle of everyone. At the same time, it was slightly sorry. Although this time, although successfully escaped, he did not complete the mission of the Zerg Queen, and only the next task would try again.

Li Shi is still holding the magnet rifle in his hand, and has not fully calmed down from the excitement.

This feeling is very strange, I feel that the time is very long, as if I have experienced countless cars, my body and spirit are fatigue, I can really feel the Skylark Warrior survived after the worms survived after the nest of nine deaths;

After that, after coming, I know that the entire project is over, but there is still a desirable loss, I want to come back again.

The roller coaster slowly advanced to the end, and the investors were still difficult to calmly and excited, and they sent a message.

"This is also too interesting! Mountain cars can still make a game?

"Indoor roller coaster, I have also played in foreign amusement parks, how to say compared with this, the subject matter has a thousand autumn, but this interactive shooting feeling is that I never experienced!"

"It is indeed a lot of chambers, but the interactivity is still in the first time!"

"And I feel that there is a long time than the indoor roller coaster in other amusement parks, the route is more complicated, it seems that there is no less effort in the design, it is too delicate."

"Isn't someone else to do a level design? Attention is how to get enough content in a limited space, but also to let the player will be played like a maze. Top must know the card design. "

"The blame is unique to the alone on the game department, it does have a real thing!"

"Li, the beginning, you made me have no brain to fight, I still hesitate, now I know that I am wrong, as long as the Tengda's project does have a brain, I don't need to investigate!"

This suddenly said that Li Shi listened.

Although these investments are in the quagui, it is boasted, but indirect is also exaggerating Li Shi.

Before Chen Kang Duo found Li Shi, Li Shi also contacted these investors in the first time, and someone really hesitated.

Although it has been made before the shops in the hostel are made, but this situation is different.

A new roller coaster project, it is far from the original project, if it is not so fun, what should I do if the traffic is rare?

Is it a loss?

And why will ?? In the end, let us drink soup, or do not have enough grasp of this roller coaster project, want us to share the risk?

Although the investors finally decided to invest in Li Shi, but some people were still less than the bottom, unreasonable, not as firm as Li Shi.

But now I have experienced this roller coaster project, and investors all worked orally.

This is indeed a lot of money!

I always leave these shops to us, it is really bright! More divided into Tengda, it should be.

At present, there are so-level roller coins, basically in the super-large amusement park in several super large cities around the world, and in those amusement parks, it is often necessary to queue up for more than two hours, enough to see how it is. Not seeking.

For example, a wizard theme of the mountain, many people go to the amusement park on the other side, and other projects can only be placed, and it doesn't matter if they don't play, but this wizard theme roller coaster must experience.

That is to say, this indoor roller coaster is enough to attract the source of tourists!

What's more, the original project of the hostel is also excellent, meets the needs of different tourists, and in addition to the horizon, there are many places worth punctual, such as GPL venues, Tengda experience shops, unknown restaurants, each home The training base of the club is even a GOG hero who is drawn by Yan Guangjian.

This "Skylark Plan" roller coaster, which is equivalent to pushing Tourism resources created by Tengda for the entire Beijing-State.

Before you come to Jingzhou, there are many places where you can punch, but it is not a non-flexible reason for many people.

Although it is very unique, it is a ghost house after all, even if there is relatively unimpeded, full of interactive, but finally unable to meet everyone.

But now, this rollerider project can almost meet everyone's needs, men and women can, old and old!

Now, when I came in, I always gave you a seat belt, and some people think that the total smile is a bit unreasonable.

It seems that this is definitely a pure misunderstanding!

It's strange that the lighting is too dark, it seems that there are many shadows on the face of the full face.

Taken that in the past, it is very confident that this roller coaster project is tell us that our investment is correct, let us experience!

The misunderstanding is, it is really sin.

Looking back, you must be like Li, you will not be able to shake!


Yu Qian waited at the end, suddenly there was a little bit of regret.

You should experience it with these investors.

Because in this place, I can't hear their screams, and I can't see the picture of the soul!

Indoor roller coaster is not good, don't say it outside, even if you enter the project, you can't see the details of the project.

Maybe this is a reason why Ba Xu is very don't like to travel, but every time you suffer, you must personally bring your team.

However, Yu Qian has not been very entangled, after all, if you personally, you will be scared.

After everyone comes out, take a look at the face of the face, the heart is balanced.

After waiting for about ten minutes, a row of seats came out again and slowly returned to the starting point.

In general, the indoor roller coaster in other amusement parks will end within five minutes, and the roller coaster may be faster, and the real "queue is queued for two hours."

But the "Skylark Plan" arranged a set of individual complex routes. Some big scenes may experience twice, but the content of the scenes before and after the first time is the first time, the second is the battle, or the first time is the first time A group of ordinary enemies, the second is the elite enemy, and even sometimes the scene has changed.

So although there is a certain repetition on the route, visitors don't feel very unfamiliar, this kind of feelings that feel familiar with the scene make people feel more exciting.

The first four people obviously have not been completely coming from the previous excitement, and they are still discussing.

After a long time, the rear investment people have arrived.

Yan Qian saw the first four people's face, and after the expression was very excited, I felt a bit wrong.

This situation, this scene, made him inexplicably confident.

Obviously, these people are not afraid, and they are not frightened, but they are very enjoyable!

This obviously has the original intention of violations of .

This seems to be deliberately sent a gift, and the other party is very happy to say "thank you" and then happily accept it.


However, there is still some luck in Yu Qian, maybe just because the first batch of these four investors are relatively large, compare this relative stimulating project?

The results of the results are also back, and all of them are ruddy, expressions are excited, and they are not born with the first batch.

I can't always like this stimulus.

Yu Qian had to accept such a fact: maybe these investors have no problem, this is a big problem with this roller coaster.

Investors began to exchange experience.

"This roller coaster is really fun! Too interesting!"

"The last scene is really too shocking. It is too spectacular. He is a star ship in the sky. The lower side is a loud red soil, and there is a dense worm group, just like it is really in the battlefield."

"The Zerth Queen is hard to play, I feel that the shoulders are so much behind the gun, but unfortunately, I haven't killed it, I will succeed. I have to practice the gun method!"

"Wait a minute, what high-altitude scene, what Zerg Queen? Why didn't we see it?"

Investing people this chat, I found that it seems to be a bit wrong.

How do you experience the content of your experience?

Chen Kanguo smiled and explained: "This roller coaster has a certain randomness, will also be affected by tourists. Only you work together, make the right choice to complete the dagger action of the Zerg Queen."

The investment people stunned, and then said in the same way: "Can you come again?"

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