Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1374, the black draft came out

Chen Kang Duo smiled: "No problem, I want to come back all over, I want to experience it again."

I didn't say that invested people, I immediately returned to the seat and I had to experience the second time.

Can you really be a quad queen?

You said earlier, early said that we played seriously, not water.

The previous investors thought that this project was the same as other indoor rolleruses. This gun was only in order to increase the sense of generation and the immersion, and there would be no effect on the route.

But now it seems that it is not so incredient!

Four people formed a team that determines the route after the performance of the battlefield.

I heard that there are still many things that have not experienced it all, and these investors can't help.

I have a bit trying to experience it again, but I feel that it is not necessary to repeat the content experience. Now I know that there is still a new content, and it is certain that I can't wait for another one!

Yu Qian saw a stunned.

Isn't it?

Originally, I was still thinking, if these investors were scared, they were scared, and they said that they had to play three inch bad tongues, and they went back and then sit again.

The result is not necessary to fool, they take the initiative to sit on, one is not falling!

This is very uncomfortable.

Chen Kang Du asked whispers: "Some, do you really don't experience it?"

Yan Qian shook his head.

Although he is also quite curious about what is in the end, Li always has been playing for the second time, and he only played for the first time.

Today, I have to play, I have to play, I am afraid that I have to play.

Or when you have no one in the day, come over, you will sneak your life!



December 19, Wednesday.

Qian Qian is in front of the computer, looking forward to the money.

The roller coaster is don't expect, after I went shopping a circle, Yu Qian has been completely cool.

The key is that the site is stimulated, and the two days after coming back, it is continuously stimulated several times.

Walking on the road, you can see the buselet of the bus to advertise this roller coaster.

Go back to brush a web page, you can also see this roller coaster's advertisement.

Even in the two games of "Maritime Fortress" and "Mission and Choice", I also played advertisements to this roller coaster, and did linkage promotion!

Of course, these two games did not really put the content of the mountain car to the game, which is to prevent spoilers.

But just gave the mountain ladium in the game's announcement, which is already fatal!

After all, the number of players in these two games is too much, just caught some, it is enough to gain a long time.

Even Yu Qian heard that the tourists who have already jumped in Beijing, and the roller coaster has been officially opened for a week. The outside is already surrounded, and there are many people in the scene.

Obviously, when the roller coaster is officially opened, it is estimated that it is full of time.

Yan Qian was very helpless. He didn't expect himself to have a bunch of restrictions. The result has played a good inspiration to Chen Kang Tuo, and it is a good interaction of such an interactive game type.

I don't say it. In the list of next-term travel, Chen Kang Du is already glorious.

Now that this is the black dragon in the money, you can bring a silky.

Finally, Qianmou sent a black dragon.

His efficiency is obviously quite high, saying three days in three days, this spirit is very worthwhile to learn.

Yu Qian is very happy, and then quickly view the manuscript.

After reading it, I nodded with satisfaction.


This money is still a bit of something, this is the black draft of yourself!

This black dragon is issued, and it will definitely causing a good response, let the "successor" situation in the situation!

"Well, let go, I will give you the end."

Yu Qian is also very simply, and he has never been a bad brother for this good brother who can really help himself.

Qian received money: "Cooperation is happy! There is a similar life in the future, I am still very professional in this respect!"

Yan Qian huh, smiled: "See it."

The next thing to do is waiting.

Yan Qian also considers whether to have a bloody, buy a water army to brush a brush for this manuscript, but after watching the full article, Yu Qian seems to have not needed.

Because the arch fire level of Qianmou is first-class, once this film review will lead to a huge controversy, when the netizens will be noisy, they do not need a water army at all.

In this case, there is no need to spend this money.


at night.

Cui Wei is holding a play in the nearby fish net coffee.

After writing "successor", he has been touching the fish, and there is no new book.

The readers took a tight, but Cui was indifferent.

Because he has a set of speech.

Cui said that he helped flying yellow studio as an original author, so the new book should be opened late.

In fact, this is purely an excuse ...

Because the flying yellow studio was taken to the rice country, he did not follow, that is, Ji Zhu Xiansheng director will ask him a few questions. He often answers can't answer, let the screenwriter team of the flying yellow studio take your mind.

However, after all, there is a precedent for the success of "Yongfeng Back". The readers are still cheated by this pigeon, and thought that he really played "huge" in the shooting of "successor" episodes, "irreplaceable" effect.

Actually, he didn't look like him.

Although the "successor"'s episode has begun to show on the Ili Island website, but the shooting work is not completely over!

Cui Wei's idea, just wait for the "successor" full episode, then consider the new book, how can it be a month later.

And after a month, it is only "the new book", when is it really conceived? Then how can I get a month, time short is not enough to reflect my mind, meticulous and hard.

Of course, Cui Yanyi is still "careful inspiration" on the inspiration.

Since the three works adaptation plan, "Yong Yu Returns" is a great success, even after the mixed-to-Tengda's master designer, the inspiration will have a turbulent change.

The authors of the previous spiritual version wanted to leave, now, one is full of motivation, as if the next adapted work is ourselves.

And other authors of the end of the Chinese network are also proud of enrolling in the future, and they want to write their achievements.

The end of the Chinese network increased by the authors, and even the author of many foreign stations ran.

But Cui Wei as salted fish, obviously can't feel too much pressure.

Just finished a game, the phone rang.

Cui Wei saw that Huang Sbo came, and quickly picked up.

"The situation is somewhat not, I will send it to you online, you will take a look at it."

"This film review is not a general black, do you see if there is any way to refute?"

Huang Sbo's voice is a bit serious.

Because the first three episodes of "successor" is online after the III island website, the situation can be said to be quite unauthentication.

There are a lot of audiences that give negative evaluations on the Internet, and the heat and playback are also late.

Although Meng Chang spent a lot of publicity funding to "successor", from the current point of view, the effect of propaganda programs is not good, and even misleading some viewers, further pull the word of mouth and score.

At present, "successor" can be stable in 7 points on the Ili Island website.

Compared with those downs that are 9.5, 9.8, 7 points can be said to be compared to cold acid, but they also have to go, not particularly low.

On the one hand, it is because there are some obsesses in the audience of this film. The original party is still very recognized by the Quality of the episode; on the other hand, it is because the quality of this drama is really hard, and it is pure English. It may look more conspicuous, giving people a sense of watching the rice drama, so in some viewers' group, this is also an additional item.

But now, this film review came out.

Once the viewpoint of the film review has been widely recognized by the audience, this evaluation is estimated to continue to decline.

At that time, the scene can be too ugly.

The flying yellow studio sign is not a buy-off contract with the III website, but according to the "successor" heat, playback, score and other data calculated.

What is going on now, what is going on?

Cui Wei said: "Yellow brother, don't worry, I will see this film review."

He clicked on the URL sent from Huang Sibo and found this film review.

The title of the film review is: "Briefly analyze the deep cause of" successor "ripple: anti-superhero, but it is self-righteous because it is too much."

The light is to see this title, and Cui Wei can't be frowned, and I feel pressure.

Looking at the author, called "Qianmou", it is also an online commentator who is a little famous.

Although this money can be said to be a half-house, the supported people and the people are a lot, and many people say that he will pay for the money, but have to say that this person is really a bit, and The manuscript written is indeed a good influence on the Internet.

If you see this title, you know that money is ready.

First of all, "Brief Analysis" The word "deep reason" of the street "is very sweet.

In fact, "successor" has not flopped on the street. As a drama, it has just been broadcast before the three episodes, the story just opened a head, and now the score is really not like, but who knows that you can Turn over?

However, money is directly attached to a condolence of the "successor", which has been a big prerequisite, and is the established fact that has occurred.

In this way, I am not in black, but just analyze the reason why it is putting the street.

In the second half, it is a story core of "successor": anti-superhero theme.

Money has used four words "self-righteous" to describe, obviously to directly dissolve the value of "successor" directly on the kernel, thus causing the entire episode to crash on the ideological basis.

Cui Yan is in the enemy, does not dare to look, continue to see it.

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