The first half of the film review briefly introduced the story of the story, and let readers can roughly understand what kind of story.

And this also explained that Qian did not just read the top three episodes, he also saw the original "successor".

This means that the situation is even worse.

Because if he is just tangled in the top three episodes, there are nine episodes behind it. Many viewers will feel that his views are more than one side, or they will reserve their opinions and continue to look back.

But now Qian is a "successor" to criticize it.

If the reader recognizes his point of view, then the nine episodes of the rear are not seen.

Cui glanced, found that this money is still more accurate to the entire story of "successor", and there is no misinterpret.

"Successful" is anti-superhero theme, that is, through this story, we must ironically "super hero" concept itself, or digestion "super hero movie" ideological foundation, criticize traditional super hero concept.

And money is thinking that this ironic and criticism is a "self-righteous".

"" Successful "is nothing more than telling a superhero to make evils, the people are blinded, the public opinion is controlled, and the good institution is similar to that, the story of the homework is successful."

"In the story, we can't find any good people in the root."

"The protagonist Phil is not more to say, his people around us are still unfamiliar. I want to become a superhero nature is not to save the world, so that the people who want the city will live more safe, more beautiful, but to seek one self Private, can be said that he is the worst of the people in this bad society, so he became the strongest superhero. "

"Except for other super heroes outside Phil? Obviously, they are also like Phil, the surface is bright, actually fly camp, no evil, express acting in front of the people, but there is a highly bundled with the big consortium in front of the people. 'Superhero' four words. "

"As for the big consortium that holds a media, superhero draft show, through the support of the superhero to increase their own control, enjoy the people of the people of the people."

"The so-called superhero election show, super hero elections, nothing more than these big consortiums, super heroes, distorted, using the rules left by the World Captain, let 'people choose superhero indirect master' mode , It becomes the model of the "superhero is controlled by the big consortium, the avatar" is deceived. "

"The ultimate winner is a superhero and a big consortium, and the people have thought that they have the right, but actually nothing, because this right is handled, stealing."

"Seeing this may have to say this, isn't this a very normal anti-superhero theme movie? Why is' self-righteous?"? "

"Because this story is very reasonable, the logic seems to be very clear, but it is actually unpredictable."

"It can also be said that the vulnerability is full."

"First of all, this story is too low to draw ordinary people's IQ, and even if it is a group of monkeys, it will not be blinded by these big consortals and superheroes for so long."

"Super Hero Selection has never been a scam, and a superhero, a superhero, selling people on the stage, harvesting the support of the people to get strength, and then one of the people set up the collapse, exploding the scandal."

"Such a cycle has been launched for decades, and the people can't find that they have been cheated. They did not have doubts about these super heroes? Nothing to change this statement?"

"Indeed, they have changed, the result of changing is to select the Phil."

"It can only be said that there is a clear imagination in this area. After all, the people are boring, and the Phil is enough to reason. But this kind of mining is itself digestive to digest the rationality of the entire story."

"If a story model, can't be realized in a group of normal people, you must be in a group of monkeys, or even a group of pigs can be realized, then this model is still a meaningful?"

"Secondly, this story is too stupid, and there is also a serious immersion phenomenon in this story.

"First, Super Heroes are ridiculous to Phil, humiliation, but not afraid of being hited; followed by some big consortium to easily be said to be Phil, with him to have a 'successful person' variety show."

"Don't they see that the Phil does not have a picture? Is it not awkward?"

"Later, the counterattack of Phil is even more ridiculous. If you say that as long as a stronger superhero shot, you can cast Phil, but these big consortiums and superheroes are hard to fight, and they will hold each other. Broken to each. "

"This kind of person can also rely on super hero elections, become the strongest superhero? This is the same as the president!"

"In summary," successor "The whole story is to build on a huge wisdom ring. Not only give all ordinary people, but also give all the big consortium and all super heroes."

"With this non-trust-covered anti-wisdom ring, the second generation of Phil is unscrupulous can only board the top of the superhero, and the whole story can be established."

"Let us want to think about the movie of the superhero, what kind of values ​​are passed? It is active, up, and responsible."

"The anti-super hero film is not existed, the key is to be reasonable, profound, to truly analyze the problem, start the story on the basis of all role IQ, not a head, think of some gods, create some of the head, Opposition against opposition ', think of mastering the wealth password. "

"If you don't say that the superhero is a powerful force, even if the residential buildings choose a building, it is often an intricate, most people are IQ online, and it is finally several other games. As a result, it is often a relative morality that is highly resistant, and people who are really capable. "

"And such a big hope city, such a group of super heroes, the level that is not as good as an ordinary resident building, this is really a lot of laugh."

"So," successor "this drama, the shooting is very good, the production is not said, the key is that the whole story runs from the root, and the whole is , so it is useless."

"From this point of view, this drama is reasonable, because it is neither beautiful, not profound."


After reading this film review, Cui is not allowed to be browned, and the expression is dignified.

After reading the title, I feel that the other party is prepared. After reading the content is more confirmed.

The key is that the situation is a bit difficult!

Is this film review telling? It can't be said that it doesn't make sense.

I have seen so much on the surface. In fact, I will hold a little in the attack: I want a wisdom!

Momth feels that the whole story of "successor" is smart, the superhero is wisdom, the big consortium is wisdom, the ordinary people also want to smart, but also caught the spectra, so the conspiracy of Phil can succeed, anti-superhero The story can be established.

But Cui said that he did not think so, he believes that the normal IQ of these people is like this.

For this, no one can convince who, and no one can't prove yourself.

Can only be seen that the audience is more likely to accept the former or the latter.

If the audience feels that this is not a wisdom, then the film review is definitely can't get up; if the audience think this is a wisdom, then this film review will have a very huge impact on the "successor", let the score further Reduce, reputation is further deteriorated!

From now on, there are obvious that there are many viewers who agree with money. There are still many people who take the reality. Examples, how fair, fair and full participation of the election of science, just In this way, it is absolutely impossible to express such a low-age, mentally minimized, mentally minimized in the plot of "successor".

After a long time, Cui thought about himself, returned to Huang Sibo.

"Yellow brother, I think, there is nothing ..."

"This thing itself belongs to something unclear, even how to explain the rationality of the story itself, think that it is unreasonable, will not change the view."

"We are a hypothesis, and others are standing at high-level picking, how is this debate? And this thing is meaningless."

Huang Sbo gently sighed: "Hey, I think so."

He gave Cui Music that did not hold too much hope, just feel that Cui Wei is the original author, maybe it can be able to think of a good way.

But now it seems that there is really a good way.

Cui Wei proposes: "Yellow brother, or you can find the advertising marketing department to discuss it? Is responsible for the" successor "propaganda program, maybe any way."

Huang Sbo suddenly: "Oh, yes."

"OK, then I will call it there."

The "successor" propaganda program is Meng Chang, although this propaganda program has failed, but after all, the entire episode has not yet been broadcast, not enough to give a controversy.

Meng Chang is very smart, and many of the previous propaganda programs have also been successful. I can really have a way.

In fact, it is said that there is no reason for the flying yellow studio because a film review is so nervous, but the problem is that the opening of "successor" is indeed a little cracking, the score and reputation are completely lower than expected.

Even if there is no money, you have to find a way to reverse this word of mouth.

Otherwise, the heat of the previous three episodes is so cold, and after a few episodes of the latter, several large scenes to the audience, but it is not enough to change this status quo.

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