Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1376 Meng Chang's formula is not moving

On December 20th, Thursday morning.

Advertising Marketing Department.

Meng Chang went to the water bar indirectly a cup of coffee, sitting on his own station, slowly drinking coffee while pondering the second round of publicity offensive against "successor".

The first three episodes of "successor" last weekend have been broadcast, which will broadcast two episodes this weekend.

From the current perspective, the start of "successor" can be said to be considerable, the first round of publicity offensive does not play too much role, the rating of the episode is relatively low, if this trend, take the progress It is definitely not here.

Therefore, Meng Chang feels that it should make persistent efforts.

According to the guiding ideology of the Pan's propaganda, this time will continue to increase the propaganda and investment!

From the perspective of commission, the initial stage of the project has been determined to turn over, then increase the investment of promotion funds at this time, it will inevitably get more commissions;

From the perspective of the Pan's propaganda, although it does not seem to see anything, the investment promotion funds seem to be sinking to the bottom, but as long as the final propaganda program is successful, the evaluation reversal, then the heat that is sinking to the water naturally will come out. , Re-play the effect, so that the entire program explodes more thorough.

In short, no matter which point of view, this is a great time to increase the investment.

At present, the follow-up propaganda program of Meng Chang plans is still similar to the first round, and is directly propaganda.

In his conception, the final reversal may still need Tian Gongzi to come out, explain the deep connotation of this episode, and put the "successor" anti-super hero's core to tell, and then explain the drama A large number of details left in the concentrated.

The audience is not very good for the first impression of this episode. After all, the top three episodes will actually play the roof effect, it is really not very good.

But for the story behind, Meng Chang is still very confident.

With the broadcast of several episodes, the reputation of "successor" should gradually pick up, and after all play, all the audience have a whole, comprehensive impression, and at that time I arrived at Tian Gongzi. Time.

Meng Chang is thinking about his own plan in beauty, Huang Sibo is here.

"Successful" has a situation, I didn't expect a good way, I had to ask for help. "

Huang Sibo found the film review written by the money on the phone, and then handed it to Meng Chang.

Meng Chang stunned: "This is ..."


Seeing this film review, Meng Chang stunned.

Then, his brow is lax, the expression is confused, apparently this matter is completely outside his expectation.

Zhu Xiaotee explained: "This film review directly attacked the" successor "story core, and it is very confusing, so it is difficult to stop."

"I went to ask Cui yesterday. He didn't think of a good way. Now I can solve this problem, I am afraid there is only you."

"If this problem does not resolve, the viewing of this film review is more influential, and the overall evaluation of" successor "will definitely get worse."

"Whenever possible, there may be a lot of people who don't look at" successor ", and have seen the audience of the previous episodes will have no patience. Once formed a stereotype, the follow-up results are unimaginable. "

Meng Chang did not speak, but the expression became more downs.

He understands what Huang Sibo said.

The entire story of "successor" is a satirical story of an anti-superhero theme. If you want to comprehensively understand the connotation of the whole story, you must fully understand the cause of the whole story, pay attention to some of the details in the story.

Only part of it is very prone to deviation.

Originally, if the "successor" drama is played in the early days, everyone is more dissatisfied, the score is not much, but this word of mouth is completely able to bear, because most of the audience is a kind Pure emotional venting, it is difficult to condense to unheatched advice.

After all the episodes are all played, as long as the correct interpretation of the "successor", it can easily resolve the dissatisfaction of the audience.

But now, the film review of Qianmou is completely disrupted!

Simply feeling that some feelings is a little uncomfortable, and this film review directs the "successor" of the story core, and has a general trend of advice.

Those audiences who are dissatisfied with "successors" have just feel unacceptable, or the subjective feels uncomfortable, and the zero scattered scatter is not a climate.

But after seeing this film review of Qian, they may be very recognized, think this is the reason why I don't like "successor", thereby forming a unified caliber.

And this view is constantly spread, which affects more and more viewers, forms an impression stream.

I have seen a few episodes, or those who have never seen it all, just the audience that the road heard, it is easy to be affected. Once most people have formed a stereotype, they will not take the initiative to finish the episode, form their own ideas, but will continue to spread this stereotype impression.

At that time, this film review in Money will greatly affect the viewers' views on "successor", so that "successor" word of mouth is difficult to turn over.

Meng Chang is more clear about the seriousness of this matter than Huang Sibo, more panic than Huang Sibo.

Because this film review will directly disrupted his publicity plan, let his !

Meng Chang felt that the audience was dissatisfied with the "successor", in fact, all from some of the sub-branches, such as Phil's people, or individual plot fragments. But these are actually related to the kernel height of the story.

As long as you release the correct interpretation, you can eliminate the dissatisfaction of the audience.

But now Qian is a mental core attacking the entire episode, it is very confused, and it will be released so early!

According to Meng Ying original plan, after the next month, after all the episodes have been finished, he will release video as Tian Gongzi, to reverse public opinion.

But there is still a month!

During this month, the black draft of money is enough to let the audience form a stereotype impression. When the video of Tian Gongzi is sent, the effect will be greatly reduced, and even there is no effect.

Because of the point of view of Qianmou, Hetian Gongzi's point of view has certain truths, no one can convince who, no one can prove herself.

Therefore, which point is first out, you can get the support of a large number of people earlier, which point will get absolute advantages.

If that scene really happened, it is afraid that it is a big event.

For Tian Gongzi's account, if there is no video in the video, it will seriously combat it, just like the General Sheng General, the myth is broken, and many things are not good.

Even some people will suspect that the nation is not a "successor" in the money, rising the attack to the level of character.

For the "successor", the consequences are equally very serious. Once Tian Gongzi's video fails to reverse its style, then this episode may never get up, and the script will directly put it directly. Turn over.

In short, the situation is critical!

Two people in Huang Sibo and Cui are also aware of the seriousness of the problem, but their understanding is obviously less than Meng Chang.

Moreover, two of them also hoped that Meng Chang, thinking that Meng Chang's propaganda program did not play an effect in the early days, but there was definitely behind.

But they don't know, Meng Chang's so-called backhand has been blocked by this film review!

Meng Chang brows stained, caught in meditation.

At this time, he is somewhat embarrassed.

Just like a person who only knows back chess, the first time I play chess with live people. As a result, the opponent's root will not press the chess, and he is ignorant.

It can also be said that the players who have been playing with the output technique in the game, the wooden pile is very slippery, but hitting other players, people have a little brush, and they are all chaotic, they will not play.

Before using the , Meng Chang is the formula of the ride, and the set will be correct answer.

But this time, in the process of the formula, known conditions have changed!

Meng Chang Zuoshi and right, tangled for a long time, hard to think about any solution.

The appearance of this money is harmful to his full plan, and blocking the road he wants to use the audience of the field, let him be a handless!

Seeing that Meng Casually thinks about the result for a long time, Huang Sibo is more panicked.

But after all, he is old Tengda, and all kinds of big winds have seen it, and they can still be calm.

I can even comfort the Meng Chang.

"Don't worry, there is no relationship between temporary thinking, we still have time."

"In my experience, I have encountered this difficult problem. Don't get ridiculous pointers themselves. If it is the general, what will be done."

"If you can stand on the general perspective, you can re-re-all, maybe you can gain something."

Meng Yusheng stunned, then nodded.

Huang Sbo is reasonable!

It seems that although he doesn't understand the publicity law, he knows the total.

What will I do in this case?

Will not be just like me, because a variable has caused the entire program.

I always have a random strain, adjust the program; either it is strategizing, I have already thought of this in advance, and stayed behind.

These two situations, obviously the latter is more high.

Because there is another random response, there will always be more interested in things; only considering various possibilities in advance, and do a good job in time can you encounter any problems without panic, it is unmatched.

The talents of the sky are definitely the next kind.

That doesn't mean ...

I will always anticipate the emergence of this situation. It is even possible to leave a kitmocker in our incadvenation?

Meng Chang quickly asked: "You think about it, about" successor ", I have not given you any special??" Or special requirements? "

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