Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1383, the new model of the amusement park

After the shooter took the eye, I looked at it and nodded.

Well, the composition is good, and there is no problem with focus.

Although it is a back, you can see the face of Ma, this big face is very identified; as for the summary, this back is still very familiar, and the old fans should be recognized.

But he quickly thought of a question.

What is this point?

The roller coaster is only open, and the total is 8 points, and then soon.

This time, to talk about inspection items, it is a bit too short. Top more is to take a circle.

Can you say this project, should you always experience it? Why do you want to sit in a circle now?

Just wondered, I heard a cheer in the main entrance.

The photographer rushed over and found that this roller coaster project has already begun to come in.

Now queue in the entrance of the project, many are already arrived before the opening of the park, so I found that the project was opened an hour to open, all like it.

Of course, there are also some people who have went to the surrounding shops.

Since this time, open the mountain ladier project is special, Chen Kang Tuo has also been very intimate for these people, finding people to send a notification message in the app, and suspend the insignificant provisions.

These people who queue in advance to the project can be admitted to 10 o'clock.

Of course, the priority admission is given before.

The tourists at the scene are all excited. I have only heard that because of the specialty amusement park temporarily closes or extensively open, there are very few reverse jumps!


The photographer saw this scene and saw before it was combined, and it could not help but realize.

"There must be since I have already experienced this project before, this is certain, there is no doubt."

"So today, today's official open operation, I will come over, sit on a roller coaster, and then open the mountain car to everyone in advance, this can I say a kind of ceremony?"

"Before you open the project to the tourists, you must first experience it first."

"Just like before, I always eat fish every day, go to touch fish net coffee, with a gull picture mobile phone?"

"Well, I can only explain this!"

"And I always see the scene of tourists so enthusiastic, I deliberately let the staff open the project in advance, this is also kind!"

"The general boss cares this, even if the tourists are queued in the outside, it is also a lot of voluntarily, usually too lazy to change the regulations. But the general is not the same, always put the user experience in the first place. ! "

The photographer suddenly realized, this photo is actually very historical!

Obviously, the "world famous painting" has a wonderful work!

For example, the photo of " ", one side, Xiao Peng explained the electricity library model of the fish netfa, highly praised, the crowd got into the fish net coffee, the other side is the total reverse flow, Leave only one back.

For example, the photo of " ", one is the Beijing TV station to interview with the fish takeaway, and Yu Yak gave the food box to the reporter, and the other is that I have always silently eat fish. It is also only one back.

And his new picture: one side is open in advance, a large number of tourists flour into the experience, the face is filled with a smile, and the other is the two people in the patrieva, and the two people go back to the people. Extremely low-key, even no one Note that they have been.

It's all right, it's right!

This is what I have always active!

When the photographer suddenly was excited, immediately put this photo with a simple introduction text, sent it online!


At the same time, in the surrounding shops around the mountain bike, it is also full of people.

Two people in Li Shi and Xue Zhebin are drinking coffee in a nearby cafe.

There are a lot of tourists outside, this cafe is also full, and there are many people who will come in and rest after they have, so business is good.

Xue Zhebin said: "Li, you have opened a few stores nearby? Look now, these stores are afraid to make crazy."

Li Shi was very modest to sway: "Make a crazy, don't talk, make a small earning, small earning."

"You didn't find all the shops including this cafe, is the price is very friendly?"

Xue Zhebin stunned, and immediately realized that it was true.

When he didn't think it was, now I thought, this is not the cafe in the ordinary mall, or the coffee in the fish net coffee is almost the price?

Even more foreign coffee brands in the mall are more cheap.

According to reason, horrible hostel is here, such as amusement parks, amusement parks and scenic, selling expensive, is this not a natural meaning?

After all, this place is very traffic, and there is a saying called "Come here." Most people find a place to find a place, even if the coffee in the cafe is doubled in the ordinary store, and only the pain is painful. This consumption will still consume.

But according to Li's statement, all stores in the hostel are very cheap?

This is a bit amazing.

"Slightly price, you will not have too strong stimuli for tourists, but you can greatly improve your profits, why should we maintain the current low price?"

"Mildness is not too much. It is indeed thin, but the multi-sales will not talk about it, because the carrying capacity of each store is limited, and it is definitely the price, the higher the price, the better. "

"And it is not a store to do this, all shops ..."

"Don't say, this is the special demand for ?"

Xue Zhebin suddenly realized this.

These stores belong to different investors, and they want these investors to reach a consensus. The collective does not increase, this is not what Li can do.

Of course, Li Gu will take some means to take some investors, but after all, just press the clothes, not to take okay, let alone Li Gong also turned the motivation, because Li, I know more, I don't want to make more money.

Then the only possibility is that the demands are required.

Li Shi nodded: "In fact, when he just opened the hostel, he had emphasized that all shops can't raise the price, and you must follow the normal market price."

"I just started everyone didn't understand, but no one dared to violate the meaning of , so I can only take it."

"But now, with the development of this roller coaster project, there is also the opening of the second batch of shops, I can probably understand the meaning."

Xue Zhebin considers a moment: "Take the intelligence, definitely clear the priority of the price of the hostel, and these stores will be divided into him. On this issue, the interest is actually consistent."

"Then there is only one explanation, and it is always the long-term interest."

"But this seems to say that it will be unhappy."

"Because the shops are so much, the number of tourists is much greater than the carrying capacity of the shop, even if the price is lowered, sales can not be further improved."

"Here is the playground is not shopping malls. Tourists can't come every week. It is good twice a year. In this case, they will not be very sensitive to the price of shops. Keep the parity can indeed win a certain reputation. However,, in the case of the horror of the hostel, what is the use of the word of mouth in this star? "

How do Xue Zhebin want to not think.

From the surface, always make a very conscience and very well appreciated the decision of tourists.

But everyone knows that is always a commercial wonder, not to say that there is no conscience, do not understand tourists, but ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, situation.

Li Shiyin nodded, and it was still very progressive that Xue Zibin was still very progress. Now it is getting clearer.

But the distance is readily understanding, and it is obviously far away.

"Your debut is of course no problem, but it is based on two premise: first, shops are so much, the number of tourists is much greater than the carrying capacity of the store; the second, the playground is not the mall, visitors are not possible Zhou Yucheng. "

"For most amusement parks and attractions, these two prerequisites are established, so most of the amusement parks and shops inside the attractions are very expensive, whether it is eating, drink or accommodation, is the case. "

"But if these two premises are not found here in the hostel?"

"You think, why do you want to build a roller coaster in such a place where the hostel is the original project?"

"And this roller coaster, what type is it?"

Xue Zhebin stunned, he didn't think about these problems before he had before.

It is reasonable that the project between the amusement park must not be too far away. After all, the tourists gave the legs to walk between various projects, and they will become very bad.

However, the summary is in the mountainside, but it is too much.

Now, from the results, the rollerclub project is far away, you can plug more shops around.

Moreover, there is still a big place in the entire old industrial area, and it is afraid that it is not used in ten years.

The current shop is just the main road transformation along the horizon to the roller coaster, follow-up, can be expanded again.

In other words, as long as the shop has expanded, then "the number of tourists is much greater than the carrying capacity of the store", gradually being overturned.

And this roller coaster has a great difference with other roller coars.

On the one hand, it is as fun as the indoor roller coaster in many large playgrounds, on the other hand, it can repeat multiple times.

In fact, many people can only play one or two of the popular projects of foreign large playgrounds in a year, just because the cost is too high.

If it is very convenient, these fun items, many people will not play once a month.

What's more, this roller coaster in the hostel is more ending.

Even if you have experienced all the endings, you can play with friends, because you have a strong interaction, so you will have some different novelty experience every time you play.

So, "The amusement park is not the mall, visitors can't come every week, and it is overthrown.

Xue Zibin suddenly realized: "Li, I understand!"

"Do you always want to break the concentrated model of the original amusement park, create an open-style amusement park?"

"Through Tengda IP and game design thinking, most of the play facilities can be reused project, and then plug in a large number of shops between the project and the project, and then use the most of the people who are almost in the store to further appeal to the traffic, Create a new model that is integrated with commercial street with commercial street? "

"That is to say,

"This is a collection of an old industrial zone for a long time to have a wasteland, and a collection of playgrounds and business districts!"

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