Xue Zhebin himself was shocked by this inference.

His first reaction feels a bit away from it.

Transform an abandoned old industrial area to a business district? Is this what people can do?

Because the waste of the old industrial area is the result of a series of factors such as urban development and industrial upgrading, and the old industrial area of ​​other cities is transformed, the best results are nothing more than transforming into a startup park.

With special artistic playing a certain reputation, attracting no problem, but if you want to really become bustling, it is impossible.

You can't you use a gun to come to visitors?

But the general is obviously not so thinking, otherwise he is so far from the top of the roller coaster, which is far from the original project of the hostel?

Can't always let visitors walk away!

Isn't it neuropathy? It is definitely impossible.

Obviously, there is always a confidence, after this roller coaster built, there will be various shops around, which will drive the development of the whole area.

Amusement park and the positioning of commercial streets are actually some conflicts, and both are difficult to fuse together.

For general tourists, commercial streets can often go, and the amusement park will definitely go often;

But the amusement park also has a unique advantage, that is some special entertainment items that are unable to enjoy, such as large roller coars and other rides.

Once these two things are integrated, then they can't!

Because the traffic in the Yangzhou Old Industrial Zone is not so convenient, unlike a lot of large shopping malls, it is relatively bustling in the city center, but its traffic conditions are not particularly far, not to mention the subway lines have been planned.

If it has a large-scale roller coaster project of "Skytrang Action", there are shops such as food, cinemas, hotels, clothing stores, and various digital supplies stores. It is very important for many Beijing locals. Calculate!

First go to the roller coaster, then according to the queue, you can decide on the nearby cup of coffee, eat a meal, go shopping or watch a movie, or simply go to the net coffee with friends.

This is better than a lot of big amusement parks.

Many large amusement parks are more, but many projects are made, but they are not so fun.

And even in the case of FastPass, most items still have to queue.

Queued for two hours, experience three minutes, and can't play a few projects one day, and the whole legs are hurting.

On the first day, I still want to come again next day, but I am not willing to move in the hotel.

There is no such problem on this side of the hostel, because you can go shopping or internet access around the queue, and the ride facilities are integrated into the entire business district.

For foreign people, the experience is also good. In the weekend, I chose to live in the hotel here, and I have an item experienced by the project, and the remaining time can also arrange the itinerary, such as going to a GPL game.

Moreover, with more and more items after the horror of horizon, the scale is getting bigger and bigger, this experience will become better and better!

Because of this plan, the more the hostel is more fun, the more shops around, the more visitors naturally, gradually form a positive circulation.

Of course, this is very beautiful, but it is actually true, it is difficult to get a day.

First, there must be a company like Tengda to spend great price, huge risks, to make these play projects, these projects should be unique enough, enough, can attract enough tourists.

Secondly, the organizers of these rides have also been particularly generous, with an open and inclusive mentality, let the shops will be free to settle, and the surrounding space is fully open.

The general amusement park does not do the first point, and the super-large amusement park is less than the second point.

Like a lot of large amusement parks, because it is too huge, it must be in the hands, it costs billions, tens of billions, the entire construction project lasts for several years or even more than ten years, not allowed to simply There is no need to let the store blend in.

However, in the premise of Tengda's current funds, it has been very cleverly uses this new model, so there is a cooperation with these shops and win-win, and can bring a better play experience to tourists. !

After this analysis, Xue Zhebin took ok to the total intention of the.

It can be said that the most admirable thing is that he never stabilizes his existing success, but always expands to the new field, and a new business model can be proposed each time.

The most amazing thing is that this new business model is only Tenda to play, and any other companies can't do.

This is amazing!

It is also unfortunate that Li has always followed the total investment. Why do you have a standard answer to solve the problem?

Li Shi said: "If you have a busy money, you can open a shop nearby, as long as it is divided into Tengda, it is possible."

"Chen Kang Du has been going to talk to the other departments of Tengda, touching fish netfa, touching fish takeaway and other industries, will also open the store here."

Xue Zhebin asked: "Then there will be no other people to see business opportunities, run over hard, don't give money?"

Li Shi smiled and smiled: "It is impossible, I have the earliest to open shops in this nearby investors, we all consciously abide by the rules under the departure, and later people dare to cross the world? If someone has such a big The courage, the shops that are abandoned by Tenda, are their front-of-the-vehicle. "

"More than the old industrial area, the development of the old industrial area is to go through the consent of the relevant departments. You think it is good to talk in this place, it is good to talk, or other don't know where the speculators don't know how to speak. Make?"

"You see, interviewed."

Xue Zhebin turned back and found that there was a reporter to look at the door of the cafe and was interviewing the tourists. Someone behind him was taken with a camera.

"As a successful project in the old industrial area, the response in the masses is so warm, the TV station must spend a lot of space reports, and the future support will definitely be more and more."

"I always want to build a new project on this ground, and it will be more smooth."

Xue Zhebin nodded, as if he saw the entire old industrial area rejuvenated to the vitality.

The success of the hostel before, now found that it is just a beginning to the general plan!

While both silently experienced the earth-shaking changes in Jingzhou, while drinking coffee.

Xue Zhebin took out the mobile phone to brush the microblogging, suddenly said: ", , !"

Li Shi took the mobile phone from Xue Zhebin, this is true, and it is a new back picture.

Moreover, the photographer also made a series of analysts to this back picture. A few "world famous paintings" before synthesis, giving conclusions: Anytest project,

This not only shows that . ... ..

Most importantly, always has this all the way to do this, guarding the rights of customers, and since this is an excuse to promote, marketing, but maintain low-key, even silently.

In these pictures, the back of the rumor is inversely, is the best proof!

Xue Zhebin couldn't help but feel: " !"

"This is really admirable, and it is really admirable."

"Compared with the summary of the family, I am still doing bad, I am embarrassed."

Li Shi is said: "It doesn't matter, from good fortune, you have learned from now on, you will learn more about the general-related projects, naturally grow up slowly."

"The genius like .

Xue Zibin nodded: "Okay, I am also preparing for money, at this nearby shop!"



December 31, Monday.

Yu Qian looked at the online flooring of the Internet in the office about the discussion of the thrill, a face.

what's the situation?

You discuss the "Skytrang Action" this roller coaster, how much fun, how to discuss "Concealed the hostel created a new model combined with the business district"?

And this photo, who is shooting!

I really didn't think so much, I'm just a roller coaster who hasn't played before I have experienced the past. As for this blowing me?

Yan Qian was blew to death, and he can't wait to take out a two-bedroom.

The key is that there are so many believers, they leave it!

Of course, these virtual names are not the most troublesome things.

The worst thing is that there is a large number of shops to enter the old industrial area, and they all grab the "protection fee" one by one.

Yu Qian is very wondering, you will open, why are you doing money?

The key is that it doesn't matter, it is not, the more you don't accept these people, the more you feel, you will only bring it higher.

Yu Qian has no way, only let Chen Kang Du are watching.

Anyway, every money from Chen Kangdom now, will be honored to him when he is suffering.

The eyes are in the end of the month, and this phase of suffering has also passed half a time.

Yan Qian feels that he can consider the list of the third phase of the third phase of the training, and the fish that have not been concerned. The fish before leaking, like Chen Kangu, Tian Mo, one don't want to run!

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