Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1385 Who is the most in accordance with the Otan Gongzi (Qiqi Moon Ticket!)

It is rigging, knocking outside the door outside.

Looking up, it is Meng Chang.

Obviously, in the end of the month, Meng Chang came as a result.

Yan Qian looked at it and then handed the notebook to Meng Chang.

"Finally, this is a bit a bit a pity." Yan Qian said.

The propaganda program of "successor" has always been very good, the money spent a lot, the result is always never gone, the score is also 6 points.

In short, it is scared.

If the previous progress, Meng Chang started the second round of publicity, keeping this money in the state of the water, it is really possible to get full.

Unfortunately, it is the field of Tian Gong, inexplicably ran out.

This Tian Gongzi also has made a dynamic.

In fact, Yu Qian is also said with the mouth.

He said that Tian Gongzi certainly won't send a video, and most of them will send up to the most dynamics. It is accurately that only the very small probability Tian Mo will start.

Because Yu Qian feels that Tian Gongzi came to this water, the risk is too high, the benefits are too low, not a smart person should do.

I didn't expect Tian Gongzi not only, but even a water butterfly!

This kill is completely unspeakable.

Yu Qian is also very puzzled. This Tian Gongzi is not a brain. Tenda has not given him money?

How can I blow the "successor" to the time of the era?

And also said that the next day, "successful people" played the next day, all about it will naturally disappear?

Yan Qian is very nervous, and I have searched this date in a thousand times, and the result is not searched.

All search results are, such as "What is the festival on January 13", "January 13th Yellow calendar inquiry", "Destiny on January 13th", "What is the constellation of January 13" and so on content.

Every time, Yu Qian wants to say two sentences.

The first sentence is: riddles roll out!

The second sentence is: spicy chicken!

I only hate the useful app, although it is already useful, it is not really useful. It is an ideal for a long time for a long time. The number of "spicy chicken" is still not reduced.

Although the Tian Gongzi is a bad riddle, the netizens have not guessed that January 13 is a special day, but the heat is really brought up.

Previously, many people were black "successor" on the Internet, brush the low score, triggered a lot of audience or old readers who like "successor", plus officials to support the "successor" film review official platform, and Tian Gongzi's It is, and the gunpowder flavor of both parties is getting more and more strong, the more fierce it is.

Tian Gongzi's simple dynamics could not reverse the Qiankun, but it did play a role in the fire.

This kind of gods have triggered a lot of people's onlookers. The blacks have taken this thing as a laughter, laughing at the "successor", waiting for the 13th, no things, and then continue to attack "Successful" starts carnival.

In short, the heat has grown again.

This directly leads to the promotion of Meng Chang to get a lot of water, and pumped directly to seven people.

Although it is very good when he takes the basic salary before he takes a base salary, it is, after all, a dynamic of Tian Gongzi is harmful to him, and it is really unpredictable, this is really unpredictable.

Yu Qian feels that Meng Chang's attitude towards Tian Gongzi, most like it is an attitude towards Qiao's old wet.

Don't wear a day!

Therefore, Yan Qian is very sensible to this, saying "unfortunately" from the heart.

Meng Chang also sighed sigh: "Yes, but this is no way."

Never use Tian Gongzi's account to start, the is not perfect, and only half of the commission can be cut.

Although it has all been smashed, if it has become a result, it is also a 10,000!

Meng Chang wants to say that he is completely uncache, it is impossible.

It's just that I have been working so long, Meng Chang learns to have a reason in the middle of the painful lesson.

I saw it from my head to the end, and Meng Chang did not disagree with the commission.

Yan Qian took the laptop and said: "The next month's propaganda program is two choices, respectively, the" safe civilization driving "and Tengda games" Ghost 2 ". It is said to be the engineering sample of the steering wheel and hardware equipment. They have already made it, and they are currently being mass-produced, and Demo is already there, but the full version of the game is released in the month. "

"" Ghost 2 ", it should be sold at the end of the month or next month."

"The difficulty of this two projects is a bit high, you should go to the exam."

The reason why is difficult to say is mainly due to two considerations.

First, these two are game projects, while Tengda's game project will inevitably receive attention, natural heat is high, it is difficult to press it.

Although the gameplay of "safe and civilized driving" is more bored, Yan Qian also counts the way to persuade players, but the light is expected to seem to be unstable.

Second, time is relatively embarrassed.

"Safe Civilization Driving" is released in the middle of the month, when the game and steering wheel, etc. will be listed, and if you want to maintain a very low heat before the end of the month, this difficulty is too high.

Although "Ghost 2" is sold at the end of the month, its biggest disadvantage is only that it is a fighting game, and the game content itself has no great hard injury. To say that reverse propaganda, it is not very good to play.

Fortunately, Meng Chang is not the previous Meng Chang, take this thing, he is getting more and more effort.

So, let Meng Chang pick up.

Meng Chang hesitated and said: "He is always, I don't want to choose two, I think these two games are difficult to play."

"Can I continue to do a" successor "propaganda program?"

In Meng Chang, these two games have been promoted by the publicity law, and they are not very good.

Because Tengda's natural reputation is good, it is difficult to put the heat in the previous period, and after the game is sold, it is inevitable for three or five days, inevitably be a good review.

Like this project, there is basically no land in the martial arts, and the commission is not found.

In this way, it is better to continue the "successor" propaganda program.

Doing this, there is a benefit, that is, you can have a slight risking.

If the "successor" to the 13th heat is big, then this month's commission is definitely, but the twenty thousand knives are earned!

Who cares about these 20,000 commissions.

If the worst situation appears, "successor" to the 13th heat does not have a big explosion, although 200,000 knives have been drifting, but it will definitely be filled.

Compared to "Safe Civilization Driving" and "Ghost 2" these two success rates, choose to continue to give "successor" to promote and more cost-effective.

Moreover, Meng Chang also wants to continue to stare at the "successor", adjust the propaganda program at any time, and you can pull it out if necessary.

I have learned such a long time, Meng Chang wants to use it once.

The propaganda program of "successor" is only half, Meng Chang wants to make up the other half.

If you use a Qian's publicity method in the "successor", Meng Chang feels that his strength will have a leap-forward upgrade, producing a quality.

: "OK."

He couldn't help but laugh, this Meng Chang was still very wit.

I know that the two games have a high difficulty, thinking about going back to death "successor".

Yan Qian has no comments on this, because there are two purposes to make Meng Chang's publicity program, the first purpose is to lower the project heat, reduce the success of the project, the second purpose is the multi-burn promotion fund.

The first purpose is actually inquirable, because the project is successful or not to watch the project itself, a good product is afraid of the propaganda plan, but only temporarily pressed the heat, let it not know, it is still a fire of.

Therefore, is now the expectation of Meng Chang at the second point.

As long as Meng Certically guarantees that the promotion fund is spent, it will not respond to the effect, that is also possible.

And "successor" from the current situation, it is already properly rushed, and more investment promotion is also white. In this case, why not let Meng Chang continue to burn over there?

Anyway, these promotional funds, which are burning, Meng Chang feels more sure that "successor" is more and thinking.

Meng Chang nodded, and Yan is always benevolent, knowing that he is not very skilled in the Maxima's propaganda, there is no game project that is difficult to choose highly difficult game, but a month in the middle and difficult track.

He just had to go, and Yan Qian suddenly remembered a thing, hurried him.

"There is a problem, I just ask this question, you will also say anything, speak freely."

"If ... I said that if Tian Gongzi is in the Tengda Group, you feel that these employees in Tengda, who is the true identity of Tian Gongzi?"

Yu Qian has been suspect, Tian Gongzi is hidden in Tengda, and it is likely that Tianmer is.

However, the reason why didn't hit the snake, and sent Tian Mili to suffer, mainly, this may be a gang to commit crime, some people give Tian Mile clip video, modify the copy.

After all, Tian Gongzi's video is too well, it is not too like a man who can do it.

But it is not a way to go, now Tian Mi is not in Beijing, go to the field to open a new experience shop, the high emperor is far away, Jian is thinking about watching closely, catching his horse foot, also Not very realistic.

Yu Qian feels that, listen, it is dark, and it is dark, and the opinions are exchanged with others. Can there be some new gains?

Meng Chang is the only brother who has been consistent with his own goals, and has been investigating Tianzong, and there is already a personality in the realistic character of Tiangong son. It is natural to ask.

I heard this problem, Meng Chang stunned.

He was confused.

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