Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1386 that this person can only be a field.

What is the singing?

Tian Gongzi's true identity is not me?

It's always known as you don't have it. Asked this question, more this!

Not right, the sum question is obvious.

I always say two "if", this is a strong hypothesis. In the state of the , I know that I am a Tian Gongzi, but still let me find someone ...

Don't you say that it is in the rain?

Meng Chang suddenly became a flash, understand.

Tian Gongzi's identity could not be exposed, and he could not be known by others. He is actually the employee of Tenda, which is certain.

But what do you really expose?

Then this person is absolutely can't be Meng Chang!

Because Meng Chang's reputation is too bad, although it is now a lot now, it is a lot of advertising in Tengda, this position is too sensitive.

If Tianzi is really suspected of being an internal staff of Tengda, and when Tenda has to make a response, he must push one other people to the top bag, saying that Meng Chang is Tian Gongzi.

Then this person is selected, it will come out.

Meng Chang said he said: "If you say it ... then I think this person can be Otamer."

The summary is now considering, it is obviously an emergency plan for a small probability event.

"Tian Gongzi is a Tengda employee" this matter is actually very low, after all, Meng Chang has always been a heartless, never left any paper information, and will not tell when chatting with the non-talks, let alone Others.

But the summary attitude is also right, and it will not consider it because the probability of occurrence occurs.

Because of Murphy Law.

So, since this extreme situation is to be considered, it will think about the measures to remedy.

Even if you can't remedy, you will minimize the loss at least.

And "Tian Gongzi is Meng Chang" this matter once, the consequences are too serious.

But if Tian Mi is a one who is one other, that is fully controllable and acceptable.

If this is a little, this person must be a more vaginal image, can't be too high, and it is more friendly, it is more friendly.

In this way, it can minimize the impact.

Moreover, it is also a humble, low-key, ordinary person, because it has been tall, and it is going to turn the car.

"Some wisdom" is thinking that it is a small person, "this is the people of Tian Gongzi.

Then combine the two phases ...

Tian Mia is obviously the most suitable candidate.

On the one hand, he is from the grass root, the degree is very low, and I will touch the wall when I find a job. It seems that it is ordinary to people who can no longer have ordinary people. On the other hand, after the addition of Tengda, it quickly opened, and got a speed growth.

The hardest is valuable, and he does not expand because of this change, and it is always maintained at the initial mentality.

Isn't this a realistic inspirational story?

The people who follow the Ota son are too satisfied!

Even him is just a surname.

When I heard Meng Chang, I would have a cold.

Sure enough, the hero will be slightly, everyone's eyes are bright!

This Tianmer, the biggest suspicion!

Yan Qian asked again: "You said, what is the basis?"

"There is a deeper contact between Tian Mei and Tian Gongzi."

Meng Yusheng stunned.

What is deeper?

Oh, I see.

Always say, in case the worst situation, I really happen. I said that Tian Mia is Tian Gongzi. What should I do?

The light is not enough to match, but also have some deep contacts, increase the credibility of this matter.

Meng Chang took a look after saying: "Before I gave the" real estate intermediary simulator "to make a propaganda program, I also asked Tiantima."

"Tian Mi gave me a lot of real estate agents, and many of his point of view ... ."

Yan Qian brows wrinkled, and then the heart was clear.


It is not easy to let Meng Chang say " ".

This shows that Tian Mi has a lot of real-in-law of this industry in this industry. It is fully capable of making the video of Tian Gongzi.

More critical is ... Since Tian Mia has a real knowledge of this industry in this industry, what about other industries?

Maybe it is touching bypass!

Said Tian Mi Gang is beginning to be installed, and Yan Qian is not trustful, but it may be that this goods suddenly opened.

If this hypothesis is made, the image of Naimo's state is more compliant ...

In Yu Qian, I basically I have seen Tian Mei and Tian Gongzi as the same person, and even the brain touched his confidence when he sent a video.

This makes

Ok, you are a field, I am so trust you, you actually do this!

Even if you give me something in normal work, even if you secretly secretly engage in the account of Tian Gongzi, give me a mess!

Is can't bear it!

Yan Qian was a little more confidant, and asked: "However, Tian Mia should clip can't show so good video. You think if he has assistant, who maybe?"

"Assistant? Oh, right."

Meng Chang stunned, and then could not help but feel the mind.

Do a full set of play, can't leave a clear flaw.

Tian Mia didn't cut out so good video, then this is likely to be caught in the future, and then remove everything.

Meng Chang took a look after saying: "If this is inferred ... This thing is to Tian Mi, it should be more confidential, will not show off everywhere."

"So, he will only share this account with friends who have faithful, trustworthy friends."

"Considering that the experience store is closely related to other sectors, the friends who have received by Tian Mo Xi Xi should be the employee of the experience store. After all, these employees are very small, classmates, the relationship is very hard, is Strust. "

Yan Qian also listened to the more exciting.

Yes, Meng Chang, the reasoning is too smooth, the more I listen to it!

He can't wait to ask: "Who is that?"

Meng Chang is somewhat difficult, thinking, I don't know these people, I know who is better?

However, I think that I don't necessarily want to be accurate to someone, as long as a screening method is given.

So Meng Chang said, "Go back, I am looking for an excuse, let Tian Miu have a propaganda video, and Tian Mia will naturally find the most trusted department in the department, the most good people to make."

"This way, you can lock this person."

Yu Qian almost wants to shoot a case, for Meng Chang.


A Tian Gongzi's identity problem, it is finally solved!

I have to say that Meng Chang is still very intelligent, and the task of investigating the task of Timns is very difficult, but Meng Chang is still completed with powerful reasoning skills.

All kinds of spider silk marked that Tian Gongzi is Tian Miao, but also a gang crime, and people who help him cut video are hidden in the sales department!

As long as Meng Chang finds an excuse, let the show that there is a publicity video, then you can see the best "Tian Gongzi small group"!

At that time, hey.

What is too kind to suffering, it must be arranged in the ghost house of the hostel!

Of course, Tian Mia himself will never admit, and ask if you don't ask if you don't ask.

So Yu Qian will not ask, and if there will be no results.

When you shoot, you will be a direct arrangement!

Thinking of this, Yan Qian nodded: "Well, your reasoning is very good. You go to the publicity of the program, I don't have anything else."

Meng Chang took a breath.

Still, I have considered Zhou Quan, I am so confident, I think that Tian Gongzi will not expose, so that there is no emergency plan after that happened.

Fortunately, I always give me this vulnerability.

And, should my performance are still good?

At least in a step in step by step, it gives the correct answer in the forefront expectation.

Meng Chang just went to go, and I remembered one thing: "Right, if the two games are going to find me to promote the funds ... What should I do?"

This month, the roller coaster of the throne is not given to the promotion, but Chen Kanguo is hard to promote the propaganda fund from Li, a ticket investor, and complete the promotion task.

But can't you always do it? After all, it is not a condition for each department.

I want to think, too.

If the two games are not given, it is quite strange.

In this case, then give a little bit a little bit!

Thinking of this, Yan Qian said: "This way, you will freely arrange the propaganda funding of each project."

"You can allocate some propaganda funds to two games, let them look at it."

"Put out money will not affect your commission, but the money to make it out, you use the funds on the" successor "project, how much, you will grasp it."

The funds used in the "successor" project are less, and the commission may fall.

However, there may be too many promotional funds, which can cause the commutation to plummet, and the degree of this can only be grasped by Meng Chang.

Yan Qian feels that Meng Chang has been so good, almost let him take more responsibility for a loss.

From him to allocate these promotional resources. In order to commission, he will definitely take resources to the least needed project, those who can make money, must be less points less.

In this way, the task of is also relaxed. What is the pot Meng Chang's own back, is it not beautiful?

Meng Chang nodded and felt that he was more and more trusted.

Before you are passively picking up items, making a plan, now you can decide yourself how to distribute a publicity fund!

In this case, it must be more unable to live up to the expectations, and must arrange all the propaganda of all projects to ensure that the promotional resources can be maximized.

Otherwise, can always give yourself this permission, and naturally can naturally be returned after seeing yourself.

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