January 11th, Friday.

Flying yellow studio, anime production group.

Huang Sibo is busy with Wu Chuan's busy "Paper College" to release the play.

The situation on "successor" is basically the same, this weekend is overcast, but this episode is scored and played, and it is difficult.

According to this situation, the "successor"'s street is afraid that it is the staple of the board. It is divided into standards and scores, and properly receives the previous period.

Of course, "successor" is not particularly sluggish, and after the back of the road, I have to come out, as well as several large scenes, the amount of playback and the slogan have improved.

But in general, there is still no great impact on the score of the episode.

Even if the evaluation is fluctuating, it is basically 0.1 or 0.2 this fluctuation, the score is always 6 points.

This also has no way, because the score of "successor" has now, it is completely uniform, objective, and it has become a two-digit battlefield.

Some people have no brain, others have no brain low.

The former Party, the more I want to hit the score to pull it back, the more the blacks are going to smash the score.

So "successful" turned into a star and five-star special C-shaped score, which is commonly known as standard marketing oscillated score.

The general rotten fillet is a L-shaped score, which is a large number of star reviews, but the marketing type is broken, because there is a water army's existence, so brushing a lot of five stars, but this is still can't change its rotten facts.

Therefore, this C-shaped score has been laughing for a long time.

Huang Sbo has never been to Wuchuan's "Paper College" here recently.

Because he went to Meng Chang last time, it was already in his heart.

"Successor" will not be fire, in fact, it has not been related to the propaganda side, and it is close to the outcome of the election of Ukraia.

So it is useless, etc.

It is better to think about how to make "the vendor college".

Even if the "successor" failed, as long as the "Paper College" can succeed, then the project of the end of the Chinese website is two success, a failure, it sounds, it is quite good.

After all, copyright adaptation This thing is itself a high risk, and success rate can have six spots. It is very good.

However, if the "Paper College" also flipped, only three have a success rate, then it is a bit not going.

Although it is already a thing that can be made for the authors. Even in the case of adaptation failure, the inspiration is still strong to them, but in the outside world, this is undoubtedly the inspiration class and flying yellow. A major blow in the studio.

The cooperation with the III is already touched, and the first episode can be broadcast this evening.

Huang Sbo is clearly worried: "We have a play strategy, should you have no problem? You have confirmed it with , right?"

Wu Chuan nodded: "You are relieved when you are yellow, I am very clear."

"Torge said that as a new video quality is enough, we must hurry to broadcast, it is the last word."

"I also said, talking with the III website, to calculate money according to total playback and total playback."

"This is not just explained, is it planned when I finally set this way of making this method?"

"And this way of production, just started to make the material slow, and once the material is made almost, the next speed will be very fast. The quantity is full, it is obviously our unique advantage."

"One day, one episode, use diarrhea update to kill a blood road!"

Huang Sibo nodded: "Well, I'm okay."

When I first planned this project, Wu Chuan took a lot of anime company and then went to find a total report.

The results are all unsatisfactory, proposing to use game modeling, action capture, and instant calculations.

Wu Chuan is a bit impractical, but it is still strictly forming a team, digging people, and began to produce the production of the "Practiceter College".

I have to say that it is really difficult to start.

Because the game modeling in the GOG is also very fine, it is difficult to use it directly in an animation. After the team, Wu Chuan also organized the human hand to change the model and various art resources required by the monograms and various art resources in the anime.

Of course, the game department and the GOG project group also helped some busy.

After all of these resources have all been made after seven or eight eight, Wu Chuan began to work with anime.

After having these resources, it is more simple. Anyway, it is an immediate calculation. It uses action actors to capture. One episode is only ten minutes. After the time of the action capture belt on the back of the post, I can do a color point, slow words. It can also make an example.

This is calculated, and the five days of work is seven episodes. As long as everyone is efficient, there should be no problem.

It is also taking into account this, Wu Chuai decided to perform diarrhea update in accordance with the summary requirements!

The total position of the "Paper College" is quite accurate. It is a champion video, there is no need to be so meticulous, the most important thing is that the mass is full.

One week, excellence, or a seven episodes in a week, guarantee basic quality, obviously should choose the latter.

At the same time as I Li Island Website, the shooting work has been in progress, and it has been taken out to three episodes.

Wu Chuan decided, starting from the "Paper College", one day, one day, the update is straight!

Does Nets do not have a general day?

As a network of navigation, of course, it is also necessary to carry forward this style!

When many downs are more even more than the month, an animation that can keep the day, will definitely let the audience are shocked!



January 13th, Sunday, late.

Yan Qian has two dark circles, and brushed the mobile phone while playing a yawning.

"Laid to 0:00 in the morning of the 14th! I don't believe it, Tian Gongzi said that there would happen on the 13th, this No. 13 is clear, what is happening?"

"I feel that Tian Gongzi is a bit problem with the god stick like a hacking. I happen to this 13th. I have waited for a day."

"For, the netizens will yell at him for me."

Yan Qian brushed the Iried Island website and saw the "successor" score was still after 6 points, rest assured.

At this time, "successor" last two episodes, it has already been played.

The amount of information of these two episodes can be said to be very large, the first episode of the previous episode is to end the public safety incident, the previous public safety incident, the second episode of the countdown, is very detailed to tell the scene of Phil Mount Superhero Power Peak. .

The entire public security incident has spent two episodes for two episodes to tell, accounting for the entire drama considerable space.

This is a matter of the most heart-driven madness of Phil. This public safety incident has caused a large number of civilian casualties, and Phil is a chance to pull the top hero before the top, successfully.

On the previous episodes, the audience just saw that Phil passed a conspiracy, manufacturing a large number of civilian casualties, with a lot of hi-hero, with a lot of hinders, with blood;

The next episode, Phil has already surrounded by a large number of supporters and the people, announced their victory, and swear to all the people with the appearance of the appearance, and board the throne that symbolizes the highest power of the superhero.

This contrast, successfully continued the "discomfort" that came to the audience before the "successor", or it is also the highest peak of the whole "successor" story.

Is Phil win? Win, and win quite complete.

If you look at the problem in the Pheier's perspective, look at the problem in the perspective of Wang defeated, he shovel eliminates it, deceiving the people, and successfully snapped the power belonging to the superhero.

But if you stand in a bystander's perspective, let's leave the pureeing perspective of Wang defeated, the Phil is a non-critical spicy chicken, there is no favorite or appreciation of virtue.

In short, there is no rotten, this ending can be said to be a consistent, in line with the vast majority of viewers.

But because of this, the two-polarization of the "successor" evaluation did not change any changes, people who received this story kernel highly evaluated it, people who did not accept this story, still can't help it.

Now the whole episode has been broadcast, and after the day of fermentation on Sunday, Yu Qian feels that the score can be different, and the cater is settled?

Even if there is a one-discussion of the heat, the audience has quarreled a few words, but now the heat is clearly lowered, and the "Successful" publicity resources will definitely withdraw. Subsequent, there should be no more new audiences.

In this case, "successor" reputation can turn over?

Should it be unlikely?

The only variable, that is, Tian Gongzi's worrying god stick prediction.

Therefore, is waiting for the entire No. 13, until the zero point of the 14th.

It also brushed the score of "successor", as well as online evaluation and news, did not find any changes.

On the Ili Island website, Tian Gongzi's prophecy is still hanging. There are many people to dig a grave, and the Tian Gong is ridicule, but Tian Gongzi does not know that it is still sleeping or she does not see it. In short, there is no response.

It seems to be killing.

"Call, I am shocked."

"I just said such a big advantage, how can I say that I turn over a day, it is impossible."

"Although this day is happy, you can see Tian Gongzi, value!"

Yan Qian is satisfied with the bed to sleep.

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