Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1396, money, I want to delete the post

January 14th, Monday morning.

Yu Qian has been getting up for 10 o'clock.

Mainly, I was a bit late yesterday. Today's weather is good, I have been sleeping very comfortable, so it is a little late than usual.

After getting up, I went to the noon immediately, I just got directly to take a fish takeaway, and I went to the company to transfer.

When the take-away time, Yu Qian habitually took out the mobile phone, opened the Aliance website, brushed the "successor" rating.


"Not right?"

See this score, Yu Qian stunned.

He thought it was not awake, or the way to open the website is not right.

Turn off the APP process and re-take it in it.

Didn't read a mistake, the "successor" score has skyrocked 6.7 points from last night!

Although the score of 6.7 points is still very cold, this score growth is obviously very abnormal!

When I slept, I rose 0.7 points.

That's more than a few days, this review isn't you?

"Where is it ?!"

, ,,,,,,,,,

This score obviously does not undertakes with the opening department.

Yan Qian quickly opened the "successor" comment area to see the latest evaluation.

"God does not explain !!!"

"I am sorry for Teacher Cui. I still laughed you before. Now I seem to be my naive original is me, I will go to an evaluation!"

"You laugh" successor "in the wisdom, Cui teacher told you, no," successor "not only does not want to be wisdom, but also put their IQ ..."

"The novel needs logic, but reality is not needed."

"I originally thought that" successor "came from the novel to the Internet drama, now I found me wrong, this is the god of don't buckle! Cui teacher is sorry, the clown is actually my own!"

"The resolution is divided, such a god does not give a full evaluation, I am sorry for my conscience!"

In addition, there are many simple evaluations such as "God", "God Preview", and "Five-Party Growth".

Brushing from the latest evaluation of this page, full of full evaluation!

I can't score so much in a short time. There are many spectators who have already played a low score to change to the full evaluation, and there are many audience who have never seen the roots and have run over.

Can this evaluation rise?

But Yan Qian is still very puzzled, what is going on?

How is the word of mouth all overnight?

He quickly found the dynamics of Tian Gongzi, found that hanging in front of several cold mortiosis comments are basically still, after all, high, high weight, have not been brushed in a short time.

Including that "" successor ", it is still in front of the next month." It is still in front of the hot review, but the latest reply has become a "brother to a live room number" and "brothers live broadcast" I have to eat healthy stomach before.

According to the time sort, the painting wind here is also the same as the "successor" film review area, the previous questioning sound disappeared, and the replacement is the touting of it!

"Tian Gongzi, forever!"

"Can this be predicted? Just too much! You know" successor "than Cui teacher!"

"I just started those who said that Tianmiao's heat is?" Coming out, apologize! "

"This is the true seal of Tian Gongzi, the previous video, although the content is rich, but now, it is still a bit more shallow, and there is no excellent UP master. But now it is different, Tian Gongzi As a prophet, the identity of the UP owner has changed! "

"I am thinking, what kind of person I did in Tian Gongzi, how did you do it together? How can I notice this in China? What is the deep connection with "successor"? "

"Don't say it, only the film is worship, maybe this is the real big !"

"This will give" successor "to fill a review, and then chase the whole episode. This kind of god is really not buried!"

"If you want to say, Tian Gongzi is controlled in time or has a problem, saying 13th, but in fact, the heat is only 14th."

"You don't understand this. Tian Gongzi said it was 13th, but didn't say it No. 13! Yudaia local time No. 13!"

"In short, I only admire for the big , this will go all the video all the video before, to show respect ..."

Seeing this overflowing word in the comment area, Yan Qian is more speechless.

This is the rhythm of God!

Originally designed, "successor" fluttering street, Tian Gongzi people set collapse, double happiness.

As a result, it turns into a "successor" reputation suddenly exploded. Tian Gongzi rely on a dynamic sea, saying that Qian said, double-happiness turned into a double ghost door!

However, from these netizens, Yu Qian is finally looking for a spider silk.

Why do someone mention Uklaia?

This ... is it a country?

Yan Qian immediately found the key words of "Uklaia", then this search, on the spot explosion.

I also asked three unknown thousands before, and I found out the full screen of the full screen for the Jukraian election!

In yesterday's election, Dashua Ri is rugged with 60% votes, and the current president of Ukraia is a great success!

Yan Qian is still a bit wonder, is this not a normal election? This is a few years, what is worth paying attention?

As a result, several search results have been made, after reading this big Wasley's life deeds written by several marketing numbers, Yan Qian is silent.

Long-term handsome, born in rich business family, legal professional, engaged in media fields, famous actors and host, successfully got a popularity of the people by shooting a movie, and then winning the election ...

This is a special is Phil Buffali!

The resume is simply engraved in a mold!

But Phil is through a variety show, and this is through a movie.

Even the process of this old brother, Bifier is more smooth and more outrageous.

"Mom, this world seems to be against me!"

"Who can think of this kind of thing, and it is still so happy!"

Yu Qian is so speechless. He first clearly realized that the memories of the remaining brain, many times, not only did not help him, but turned into a cumbersome, dragged his hind legs!

Because many things in this world have changed a huge change, there are many times, they are at all, and they will have a thousand miles.

Take this thing, in fact, there are similar things in the memory, but he is very certain, it is absolutely impossible to be 2013.

So this kind of thinking gives Yan Qian's pressure to consider this direction.

The result is coming out, I'm stupid.

In fact, similar tragedy has happened before, such as Yu Qian feels that it is not good to do "mission and choice" with the current technical level, but I have never thought that there is a technical breakthrough, causing it!

This makes naturally have a "I am targeted by the world" ...

Obviously, the heat of this thing will continue to ferment.

Because it is too programs!

Various marketing numbers, the UP owners will certainly see this opportunity, tell this matter to the domestic netizens, and in this process, whether the UP owners take the initiative, or netizens spontaneously Discussion, "successor" must have a lot of heat from it!

Taking into account the current scoring skyrocket, the word-of-mouth is only a time problem.

Even the score breaks through 9 points, 9.5 points, nor is it impossible.



"Successor" is signed with Eli Island, which will affect the agreement, playback and word of mouth, and now it seems that it is impossible to lose money, you can earn less, thank you, "

Yan Qian is squatting, suddenly someone sent a message to himself.

At first glance, it was sent to Mon.

"Boss, I can't stand it!"

"Do you delete your post?"

"I was too miserable, this post can be, but I have to add money!"

Don't think, the Tian Gongzi is blown up, and the money is sturdy.

This thing in Uklaia is out, and the previous point of money is completely overthrown.

You are not saying the story of "successor"? Are you not talking about the big consortium in it, is the superhero and ordinary people are stupid?

But you are completely perspective in the perspective of God, so you feel that they are stupid. If in reality, there is no person in the perspective of God, how do you really judge that one is true or false?

Many people in reality even have some painful lies of Jane V, and how to remove the power of the superhero, can it be able to manipulate the lie of the people of public opinion?

Once the theory of the "successor", the theory of "successor" is watched on the root, then his film review is basically GG.

When I saw it, I don't say that this money is quite professional.

I can't stop the pressure, I want to delete the post, but I also ran over with myself.

In fact, the end of the pay has been hit, and how can I calculate the money?

Thousands of dollars will make people like this, and even the whole number is odor, it is really a bit whisper.


In this case, let him delete the post, do a person to leave a line, and meet in the future.

It is said that there will be another opportunity to cooperate with this money in the future.

So Yan Qian replied: "Delete, I know that you have tried our best."

Qian Mou quickly replied: "The boss is atmospheric, thanks to the boss's understanding! The boss, you also sorrow, just hit this small probability event, it is too unlucky."

A few conflicts, let Yan Qian are very touched.

Look, see, my employees, I'm not as good as a collection of money!

In this case, the comfort of a stranger on the network is also very precious.

However, next second, Yan Qian refreshed the film review of the money, dumbfounded.

Your so-called "deleted post" did not really delete the film review, but directly changed the score, and changed a new film review!

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