Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1429 is ready to write a graduation papers.

Delivery to always leave, Ye Zhou looked at the safety and civilized driving simulator on the shelves, caught in meditation.

For "safe and civilized driving" games to find the car merchant to buy authorization, the attitude before and after the summary can be said to have a clear transition.

After the game has not been online, the general attitude is more than the Buddha.

Buy an authorization, but it is absolutely not high, and it is clear that it is very clear about the car. This game is different from other games. If the collision is indeed, it will cause a serious car damage. If you accept the price and conditions, pay the authorization, If you don't accept it, then take two scattered.

Now the game is online, the general attitude has changed again.

Not only does not give the authorization fee, but it is necessary to pay the money to give money, and even let the carrier provide a sample car to make collision tests, the conditions have become more stringent than before.

It is known that the changes in the front and rear attitude are definitely not an inexpensive thing, then what kind of deep consideration is there?

Ye Zhou was a little sorry at this time. Unfortunately Wang Xiaobin is still suffering, can't give him a plan.

But it doesn't matter, as a person in charge of a qualified Tenda department, there must be an independent solution to the total puzzle, complete the task.

"The general attitude change indicates that there is a matter before and after the game, the objective environment of cooperation with car companies has changed. So how is the specific change?"

"... Well, the game is sold before, because the game can be fired, it has produced a screening effect, so don't need to filter again? And after the game is released, because the game has been fired, leading to a lot of car companies with the wind Come, so there may be some water to touch the fish, so do you have to manage, responsible for players? "

"It should be that this reason is not running!"

Ye Zhou suddenly wanted to understand this truth.

The objective environment for the game is really changing!

Before the game is sold, no one knows if "safe and civilized driving" game will succeed. Because of the characteristics of the game, the vehicle enterprises will feel that the serious car in this game will affect the image, so they are unwilling to cooperate, which has already placed a certain screening role.

Any manufacturer that signs contracts with Yugang Games, recognizes game cars, most of them really need to be able to use Tenda's heat, and more confident in their own brands.

They know that "safe and civilized driving" game will work with IIAS to make real collision data to the game, but still choose cooperation, which is already enough to explain the problem.

But after the game fire, the situation is different.

Many car companies see that there is heat, this is loose.

The problem therepiration is that a part of the car companies may want to touch the fish, bargaining. . . ......

Some cars have a good brand advantage, which may require some superior conditions, ask the Ocean game to make concessions in some details; and some car companies may think about it, completely according to Tenda's regulations. do.

The final result is that it is likely to be a car company that will get some advantages, and it is a little bit of a loss.

Is this not bullying?

The general attitude is very simple. All car companies have access to colleagues, and they directly use a more demanding screening conditions to complete the screening of all car companies!

After this, it is obviously the powerful confidence of "safe and civilized driving" game.

Today, the conditions for this forced screening are saving time and effort, and the performance of different vehicles can be maximized to ensure that the performance of different vehicles is fair and fair. Moreover, regarding the authorization of the vehicle brand does not have to rush to a moment, anyway, with more and more game players, the game impact is getting bigger and big, and the car companies that do not accept these conditions will be accepted.

The earlier, the reception of this condition, the more you can express your sincerity, showing your self-confidence, you can naturally get more, better exposure opportunities from the game.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou understood.

The car company is not authorized, it is not a problem that the game is not a problem.

You love authorization is not authorized, and there will always be other car companies to ask for authorization.

The game has been successful, is it worried about what these do?

Now the first goal of "safe civilization driving" is not the authorization of how many car companies, but to be responsible for the players, to be responsible for the social impact of this game. To ensure that the player knows the information about the vehicle in the game, it is true, effective, and reliable.

Only do the games well, do real, and qualify and then consider other things.

"Sure enough, I am always very powerful, I will see the essence of the problem!"

Ye Zhou is sincerely, immediately got up and return to the Ocean game, go to the next year.


After eating for a while, Yan Qian returned to his office and felt some .

The morning thing, there are some blows to him.

Every time I come to a quick settlement, the bad news will then one, this is a good!

The key is "safe and civilized driving", the crisis has not been in the past, and there is "Ghost 2" and "Spirit 2" this kind of anti-big game is not online!

Although Yu Qian felt that these two games could not be fireful, but he is now unconfident about his judgment.

Just tangled, he heard the door outside the office.

Looking up, there is no sound, first see his face.

It was a horse.

"Qian Ge! There is very important thing to tell you!"

Seeing the serious look of Ma Yang, Yan Qian almost the heart stopped.

Hey, what should I be a rabbit tail?

Don't scare me, I just have been frightened in the morning, and the little heart can't stand this stimulus!

"What?" Asked Qian.

Ma Yang suddenly talked, said: "Graduation thesis, start writing!"

: "Ah?"

He didn't respond in the first time and slowly slowed it.

I am scared to death, isn't it the graduation asis? How big is it. I thought it was a live broadcast of the rabbit and made money!

"Seeing you, it's a graduation thesis, we are literary, and you don't have a graduation design as a science and engineering."

The reason why Yu Qian said is because he has been in the memory of graduation thesis, and there is not much difficult.

Undergraduates are not so high, after all, the students of the University of Handong University, abroad, and study, students are probably the ratio of each of them, for those students who are going to find a job, and they will not graduate. Improve points employment rate, generally will not be particularly deliberately difficult.

As long as this paper writes not particularly outrageous, it is basically able to pass.

That is, the requirements of Master, Ph.D., the requirements will become sudden and strict, and people are bald.

What's more, now Qianqian donates so much money to the alma mater, and also provides a lot of jobs, even the exam is not hanging, let alone the paper.

After all, many closed toll exams have to be back, and the paper can check the information, let the tutor give it a few times, and repair more times, check weight, almost impossible for this card.

Of course, it is simple. In fact, it is also necessary to pay some time, and Yan Qian feels that this cycle has passed and no later.

Ma Yang couldn't help but pick up the thumb: "Sure enough, it is Qian Ge, so calm, unlike me, I have a little panicked."

"The paper is submitted before April 10, and in early May, there are many students to contact the tutor, and Qian Ge will also grasp the time, it is a bit late."

"Undergraduate graduation thesis can find any teacher to be tutor, Qian Ge, which one?"

, Which one is it? You have not seen me too much.

I have no more than a few lessons, I don't know these people at all!

If the first question on the test paper is "Select the photo of the teacher", then I have to get zero!

Do you still make me a tutor? I am afraid that I want to have a heart.

: "This thing is good, don't need us, I will go to the counselor, let him assign a reliable mentor. He should be more concerned about our graduation. problem."

Ma Yang: " ... it makes sense! Or Qian Ge, you are smart!"

"Then I am not worried, mix with you! Wait back, you call me."

Yan Qian saw the so trust of Mang Yang, but it was a little guilty.

Horses you determine that I really don't have any questions?

On this issue, Yan Qian feels that he and Ma Yang are basically half a catty eight or two, and even it is still not as good as Ma Yang.

But the money has been blown out, nor is it easy to back.

Forget it, this kind of paper should not be difficult. At the time, I will negotiate with the counselor, I can barely pass.

In fact, Yu Qian is do not need such a diploma. Tenda Group is so big, he doesn't need to find a job, what is the use of diploma?

But the problem is that if the Niji University has not graduated, it is not too strong.

is not afraid of being laughing, there should be no one will laugh at him, after all, there is no need for a diploma to prove yourself.

It is mainly afraid that this is a magazine, and he is the same as the founder of the giant, pineapple, and has become "successful entrepreneurs who have not graduated from the university". Reading unused, "that kind of scene, thinking about it is awkward.

Besides, the university has overcome the difficulties of heavy difficulties, and finally the graduation thesis has not passed, this is like?

Can't help but lose.

Anyway, I have passed the last level, you can talk to your college career.

I think that I haven't been in class for four years. The light is rolling up the brain, and I have a long time I have been busy for a long time, but I am busy a lonely feel.

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