Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1430 Kong Lao person takes you! (Qiqi monthly ticket!)

January 25, Friday.

Yu Qian came to the office of the counselor Zhang Wei.

He has not been there for a long time.

In general, the more you go to the big three, the big four counselors will be busy, after all, to worry about the whole year, some people want to work, some people want to employ, some people want to go abroad, all the things will be avoided.

The students will naturally become more and more frequent.

But Yan Qian is different, he has no appeal in this regard.

And Zhang Wei is getting less and less.

Why, it may be because I am not very humble ...

When Tengda's scale was smaller, Zhang Wei once made Yu Qian helped to solve the employment problem of the senior school sister, and later donated the poverty to the students to help the Tenda to recruit the exam. of.

But now, Tengda's scale has been protracted, and the entire capital of the entire capital is already the most valued company, and even the employment environment and living environment of the entire Jingzhou City is already subtilized.

Such a big boss of a big company, even if it is a counselor, it is not kind to crying.

Zhang Wei is still very numerous, whoever still takes the current as an ordinary student, it is definitely a brain problem.

Even Zhang Wei is a bit tangled. When I come to school next time, do you want to notify the school leadership reception?

If Yu Qian has graduated, then according to the status of Tengda in Beijing, the school leaders receive a very reasonable thing, but they are or a student's identity.

This is really a problem that makes people.

Yan Qian came to the door of the office and found that there was already a guest, and he could also hear the conversation sound inside.

There is a student cadres who are on duty, this is generally the unique discipline of the College Student Association, to help the counselor to run legs, and strike.

Obviously, he doesn't know Yan Qian, thinking that only a large number of students come to ask a matter of graduation or inquiry, after all, this kind of thing often occurs.

So I let Yan Qian sit in the sofa outside, wait.

Yan Qian is not anxious, sit down on the sofa, just take a magazine inside the school and turn over the school.

After a while, the door of the Zhangwei Office opened, and the three people said and smiled.

"Two brothers, the venue on the lecture has been arranged. Time is scheduled for three o'clock this afternoon, I have already sent it to the college students, and you will pass it directly."

"You don't have to prepare too much in advance, just talk about your entry of Shenhua, and in the relevant experience in Shenhua work."

Zhang Wei said to two people looking at the two.

The two thirty-year-old people nodded: "Teacher Zhang, you can rest assured that we must know that there is no words, there must be no reason, must do a good job guide, and answer questions for the school!"

Yu Qian instantly understands what these two people are.

This is the outstanding graduate of the previous session, come back to do a lecture on employment guidance.

From Zhang Wei, you can listen, these two should be a good graduate in the college, which should have been in the Shenhua Group. This time, it is back to do a lecture, most of them are subject to the college. Invitation, share experience to the brothers and improve employment.

As a large number of domestic first-line big plants, Shenhua is a lot of students graduated, opening a lecture, sharing the experience of entry, this is normal.

These two people have seen from the age than Zhang Wei at least four or five years old, and they are not allowed to Zhang Wei. They call their brothers.

The students in that time like to call the brothers and sisters, and the students during this period like to call the senior school sister, I don't know what regular.

The three people just came out, Zhang Wei saw Yu Qian who was sitting on the sofa.

Zhang Wei's face changed: "Oh? Why don't you let the students go in and tell me? How is it still outside?"

Yu Qian smiled: "Nothing, I don't hurry."

"You are right, what else, I have seen it. Two brothers will take a break first, I will not send it."

After Zhang Wei finishes, I rushed the Qian to the office and closed the door.

The three people outside each other have a little unable to understand what happened.

Two brothers and sisters asked students outside the duty: "What is the head?"

Students on duty have been forced: "I don't know, he said he is a large number of students."

Two brothers are obviously a punctuation.

The students of the big four can let Zhang Wei as if I will ask God. Be unsatisfactory.

You look at me, I look at you, the small reply: "I have never heard that the child leadership is going to school in our hospital?"

"No matter what leader, there is no matter to run the counselor's office."

"And see Zhang Wei's attitude seems to be more important than that."

Two people can't understand.


In the office, Zhang Wei went down to tea.

Yan Qian hurriedly said: "This is not used, Teacher Zhang, I will simply say something, so I will go."

Zhang Wei is very enthusiastic: "Nothing, drink some tea is not in the event."

: "... Ordinary tea, I am not used to it."

Zhang Wei: "..."

Yu Qian also felt this, I might be a bit sneak, hurriedly said: "Looking back, I will give Mr. I taste it."

Zhang Wei is very helpless to give up the action of the tea: "It is good."

Yan Qian didn't think too much cold, straight into the topic: "Teacher Zhang, I am mainly for the matter of graduation thesis. Do you recommend a tutor? Also, how to choose this, how to choose?"

Zhang Wei is also an outstanding graduate of the college. It is also a master of the University, otherwise it is impossible to obtain the opportunity to be a counselor.

This kind of thing asks him, it is right.

Zhang Wei nodded: "Oh, I just want to tell you this."

"The college has been linked to the old, let him take you to graduate thesis. You don't have to worry, the old people are relatively easy, because useful app things is also very good to you, you will write a passion normally, as long as you write It's too much, and the professors in the college cannot be card you. "

: "Professor Kong Zhemin?"

Zhang Wei nodded: "Yeah, is the second hole in our hospital?"

Yan Qian was shocked: "Teacher Zhang, this is very no need!"

Is this not a joke?

What level of the character is the character of the old, come to the mentor of the graduation thesis?

I am equipped?

No, I don't match!

Professor Kong Zhemin is a master of Handong University Humanities Social Science, a doctoral tutor, and is a member of the School of Chinese Education Institute, Han Dynasty. people……

The title of this long string basically represents the highest level of studying in the University of Handsong University.

At this point of the old, colleges and universities get a few different numbers.

In theory, undergraduate students can choose any professional class teacher who will tell the class as a mentor of the graduation papers.

And Professor Kong Zhemin, who once told Qianqian in a class.

Although in this lesson, in accordance with the provisions, in theory, it is indeed a selection of holes to be old as a graduation papers.

But it is generally not so dry, and students are very self-known.

The old people belongs are all the top of a batch of doctoral students, with undergraduate written asis, this is not a trouble?

Have you think about it to trouble?

Yan Qian also didn't think about looking for a hole to write a passion. On the one hand, I feel embarrassed, and on the other hand, I am afraid of being lost.

What kind of academic level is people?

Yan Qian himself knows that herself a few kilograms of two, it is just a golden warrior who rely on the college to make money and generic, this undergraduate graduation thesis, this is not a shameful fucking to open the door, shameful home? ?

It is like you let the people who don't want to perform a dance in front of the dance king. Who is not awkward?

I really have to choose this kind of thing, because you can cut out a set of sea views nearby.

,, find a relatively young young lecturer, you will write, the lecturer will take a look, this graduation thesis can pass, you will save things, the college is also a good thing, hello, everyone.

The result didn't expect that he was a late step, and Zhang Wei has given himself to the old people in the college!

This is a very embarrassing.

Yu Qian said: "Teacher Zhang, I am not knowing, a graduation thesis is not known, is it necessary to be alarmed to teach his old man? The college doesn't help me, this is grilled in the fire. ! "

"According to me, you still have a young lecturer to arrange the hand, as long as you can successfully graduate."

Zhang Wei was not happy at the time: "How do you?"

"I know that you work busy, there is no time to study academic things, but now your graduation thesis is not your own thing, but it is related to our entire college!"

"Even if it is undergraduate papers, it is also to go to the network. At that time, all the students in the country, your schoolmates can search your paper online."

"You are hidden now, but you will be gave out later. When you graduate, you will know the net, find your graduation papers, look at Huo, Hao Tang Tengda Group President, Handong University Excellent Graduates, famous alumni, graduation thesis, this level? "

"At the time, I will look at the guiding professor, just a general lecturer, this is not to show that our college has an eye, does not cultivate talents?"

"It's good to say it!"

"If you are just a regular student, no one will pay attention, but the key you are not. If this happens, it is not only the image of Tengda, but also affects the image of the college and the entire school. How can Is it? "

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