At the same time, Yu Qian just finished the video of the sales department of Meng Chang.

This video is definitely not to reach the level of large enterprise promotional films from the extent of production.

Because Yu Qian and Meng Chang have not this.

The reason why this video is mainly, it is mainly to catch the inner ghost. In the company, it is a person who has created the account of Tian Gongzi.

The video editing technology of Tian Gongzi is excellent, but it has not reached the kind of cattle of the large corporate propaganda film. It is also a level of an excellent UP owner of Aliance.

Therefore, when Qian and Meng Chang gave the sales department, it was also required for this as a standard.

If you really have to get a large-scale company's promo, Tian Mo's look, the man is all indifferent, then you will definitely go to the professional team to have a clip, isn't it a bad feeling?

Therefore, Yu Qian and Meng Chang were deliberately set a relatively low requirements. This level of this video cut the video of Nakajun's video is enough.

Of course they didn't say such a straightforward, just say this video as long as the secondary level of the personal UP owner on the Idi Island website is OK, it is necessary to "complete the internal staff of the sales department."

Reason, of course, because the personnel of the sales department know the status quo of the department, and the video made can reflect the spiritual kernel of the sales department.

Of course, this is the fooler.

Tian Mia is still simply, completely did not expect that there will be a pit, how to give it on the upper side, he will do it.

It may also be because Tian Miman thinks that it is seamless, thinking that the identity of his nation is hidden, but I don't know how to leave the fog, I have left him.

"This way, the list of suffering of the new phase is full!"


Since you are the integration of Tian Gongzi, it will take a lot of hardships in Ten Dianzi!

Sample, think it is behind the network cable, hidden in Tengda, I can't catch you?

Tell me, don't want to run!


In the evening, Qiao Liang touched the key, opened the door of the lazy apartment that he lived, dragging the suitcase and walking into the suitcase.

Seeing everything in front of you, Qiao Liang simply wanted to be very happy.

Finally, finally came back!

I have left two months!

This is a long two months, do you know how I passed?

Qiao Liang has a sense of feeling like the world. Everything in the apartment is so familiar and strange, which makes him not much.

Take it out of the clothes in the suitcase and throw it to the washing machine. After you change your home clothes, Job lied softly on the sofa comfortable in the living room, opened a big TV, and then never want to move.

The silver nest is not as good as your dog's nest!

When I was awarded the medal, Qiao Liang also had a very outline of thought, that is, two brushing, trying to get a higher medal and "excellence" title.

But he has now completely changed his mind.

This kind of place is going to be a second time? Is it a brain?

Is it not good at home?

Take a look at this TV, ROF high with computer, intelligent fitness drying rack, on call with the fish takeaway ... Which is not more than suffering?

Although Qiao Liang wants to open the computer now to play the long-lost game, but the two months of suffering is too tired, he is now only hitting the sofa, do not want to move.

Even if you move, you can only move your fingers.

"Point takeaway! Late night! First come a guild!"

"Hey ... I have to call it my weight before eating."

After you have a good night, Qiao Liang is reluctant to stand up and go to the bathroom to take out the weight scale, call it.

The reason why it can overcome the gravitation of the sofa, mainly because Joe Liang knows, it should now be the peak state of his weight, this meal, the weight will only get more and more.

At this moment, you must have to take pictures.

"Lying in the trough, I actually 140 pounds!"

Although it has already been expected, Joe Liang is shocked by himself when seeing specific numbers.

When he was in the Emperor, he was about 180 pounds because of the murder of the job and overeating. Later, I came to Yangzhou, because of the improvement of the diet and the exercise of the intelligent fitness hanger, the weight was between 155 and 165.

After two months of hard training, he found that his weight came to 140 pounds, which is a state of his peak!

For many thin children, 140 pounds may not be thin, but for Qiao Liang, this is already slimming.

Moreover, this is not reduced by dieting weight loss, is a real movement.

Although Qiao Liang, the Qiao Liang has not reached the state of the abdominal muscle, but the body is well-known, strong, and some loose clothes are quite slim, and the dead fat man is already in the appearance of the earth. .

Qiao Liang took several photos and was satisfied.

Then, he returned to the sofa, while brushing his mobile phone, waiting for his grilled string while safely.

"Hey, these two months are too misunderstood, I missed how much!"

"Global Invitational, Real Estate Medal Simulator, Successor, Confucius, Safety and Civilized Driving, Practiceter College ..."

"So many materials, if I haven't worked hard, I may have already been out of the ten phases. Oh, no, twenty-year video!"

"It's strange to travel, all the heat is all missed!"

Qiao Liang is simply a wrist.

During the suffering period, he can also play mobile phones, but can only play a little bit.

Qiao Liang thought that there was no signal on the unmanned islands, but it was found that it was more than the above, it might be to take into account the safety of suffering, this optional unmanned island has signal coverage!

It is precisely because of this, often can develop a conference on the island and make a whole.

Qiao Liang was very happy, because this means that these two months during the suffering will not be completely isolated from the world, and they can know what the outside world is happening.

However, as the project of Tengda is like the spring bamboo shoots, the Qiao Liang has collapsed.

This is what Tengda's project, obviously the stage of Joe's wet perfect!

The Global Invitational Tournament, the roller coaster, the heat is not enough, the problem is not big, but the "real estate intermediary simulator", "safe and civilized driving" two games and "successor" this episode is not At this point, this is simply the old life of Joe Liang.

That's two Tengda games!

Of course, the game is here, when do you do a video, you can have problems, you will not catch up!

Players have been playing for so long, the online Raiders video, interpreting a lot of videos, the anchors will change the game, now Qiao is wet, then a video? Is this like this?

The key is that after many UP owners have been analyzed, the space for leaving Qiao Liang has been small, and the content of the video is not protected.

Such a video is forcibly, that is, it is a brand.

When the first project came out, Qiao Liang was still able to comfort himself, but the continuous heavy project in two months was on the line, and the peak of the heat was another one, and Qiao Liang was close. I can't stand it.

During the day, the body is suffering on the island. I brush my mobile phone at night, I found that Tengda has gone to the new project, the mind suffers!

Later, I thought it was better than not.

Although I still know these bad news after I come back, then I will give it a lot of trouble, at least on the island, I don't have to bear this torture, just like Ling Chuan!

This situation, even let Qiao Liang have an illusion.

"I should not be ... I'm deliberately for me?"

"Before I walk, Tengda's new project is also out, but basically a rhythm of a big project for a month, two times, but it can also be accepted."

"After I went to suffer, I piled up six or seven major projects in two months. The little project didn't have to say it, but more like a cattle."

"Is it that I don't want me to make a video, so I deliberately released these projects, and I can see my suffering."

"No, it should be impossible."

"First of all, will definitely not be so bad, followed, this motive also said."

"Coincident, mostly coincident."

"The planning time of these projects has a short, there is too late, it should be just together."

Qiao Liang can't help but be a bit embarrassed, how can I use such a bad idea to speculate my good friend?

People can't, at least.

"Maybe because I have been suffering too long, my mind is a bit distorted, this is not good, I have to adjust adjustment."

"This time, this time, I realized how happiness is my previous life, and how bad it is."

"I should cheer up, take advantage of your valuable time, do more meaningful things!"

"Well ... I see if there is any new project for Tenda to ..."

"Hey? There is also a game!"

Qiao Liang was surprised to find that Tengda has only one game that is about to be released after the "real estate intermediary simulator" and "safe civilization driving".

As far as this high-yield speed is, the produce team's old sow is ashamed!

"Is this not a clever?"

"Although I am not fighting players, since it is Tengda's fighting game, it is definitely worth a try!"

Qiao Liang suddenly full of motivation.

At this time, the hardships on the island, missed so much material depression, all have become the power of creation.

Qiao Liang decided, take the "Ghost 2" to open the knife, the first time after the game is sold, make a video!

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