February 1st, Friday.

"Ghost 2" officially released!

Qiao Liang was more tired after arriving at home last night, eats late night, water, and put "ghost 2", then take a break.

Today, Qiao Liang sleeps naturally wakes up, gets a full rest, and the whole person will resurrect again.

I saw a time, just 9 o'clock in the morning.

"Ghost 2" is officially released for 10 o'clock, and after eating breakfast, he will play a live broadcast "Ghost 2", and will collect video footages, prepare for new video, perfect!

"Don't say it, I'm not adapted, I'm not admitted to the long-lost otaku life."

On one side of Qiao Liang, I took a takeaway, I feel silently, it seems that the sky outside the window has become different from the past, and the morning sun seems to be divided.

Oh, it turned out because I rarely saw the sun in the morning, buddy.

Before Qiao Liang is always easy to sleep at 11 o'clock in noon, get up after getting up after lunch, then the wonderful day will start from afternoon.

But now, Qiao Liang slept in a hurry, I feel that I have slept in the past century, and the results are nine o'clock in the morning.

Obviously, this is adjusted from the biological clock during two months of suffering.

After getting used to getting up early, I naturally enjoy the morning and hustle, obviously different from noon, the afternoon's sunshine is different. After in love with this kind of feeling, it will naturally be full of power.

After dinner, Qiao Liang looked at the time, start broadcasting!

Don't say, I haven't played the game live in so long, I have a little inexplicable little excitement.

Yesterday evening, Qiao Liang has already sent a dynamic, predicting the live broadcast "Ghost 2" this morning, so how long is the live broadcast, there is already a lot of fans.

"I just arrived at home yesterday. It will be broadcast this morning. This is not too hard, you are absolutely not old Qiao, say, who is you?"

"I didn't start broadcasting on time. Hey, this world has problems!"

"Relief Lao Qiao is attached to the monster on the unmanned island during the suffering travel, boldly demon, not fast, it is not fast!"

"After this monster attached to the old Qiao, it must be hidden, integrated into the human society, but did not expect to reveal the first day, maybe the monster feels that a UP owner should make a video every day, live broadcast, do not think People can make pigeons to this extent, so that the monsters are disguised according to normal working hours, they have revealed the horse! "

"The monster is shocked, how can you not play the license by the routine?"

"Don't be the feudal superstition, God, can you respect a little science? Lao Qiao, if you are kidnapping, you will blink, tell us if you are hidden now, how much account is, our good Give him money! "

Looking at these live audiences on the barrage, Joe Liang is also crying.

You look at this group of people, winning bamboo shoots!

The same is a fan, how is the gap between people?

You look at the fans of people, and your love bean is accidentally cut, you can't do it. It's a little tired. The fans are all reminded to take a rest.

Even if the movie you have made is not a sample, at least the fans will understand the efforts of their own love.

Take a look at your own fans!

Oh, you can't ratio, you can't.

The key is that the surface of this flour is in the world, and it is actually don't trust yourself!

These fans think that only in the monsters and robbers are bold, I will die?

I am a very diligent person? Just hard work is not obvious!

Qiao Liang has been able to have this kind of grievance, and immediately said: "Some people have not been too much! I, Joe is wet, but I firmly believe a little, diligent! On Diligent, I am in Alit On the website, it is definitely one number of two! "

"Cough, ok, it may have been because of physical and mental fatigue, my working hours have been affected. But now it is different, I have received a physical and mental double temper, I got it. Official recognition! "

"Now, my body and spirit have been adjusted to the best state. Let's take a look at what is a job mad, what is high-yielded mother pig! What is the donkey of the production team and shy low!"

The barrage said nothing.

"Good guy, can you make up? You can have a thick face to say this!"

"The number of diligences is two? Um ... If the words are still modest, there is no problem."

"The production team's shame is low, and it is very likely that I can't help but laugh."

"So the suffering is really able to transform the body and spirit, improve work efficiency? Too good, when the next old Qiao is slack, we will go to the official website of the travel, please directly put him and change it again!"

"How long is it, how long is it, can you keep three months?"

"Self-confidence, up to three days."

"Lao Qiao, don't you say that you have a medals and certificates? I have seen that Yan Dadi has already sunburned it, it is really good, what about you?"

Qiao Liang coughs two times, I have been careful about the medals: "Cough, this is the medal of my collection, look at this details, look at this work, look at this pattern ..."

He took a medal, and he said.

Then, he took the certificate and quickly showed it before the camera, and then he received it.

"The medal and certificate have seen you, but it is actually nothing. It is more important to suffer from the pain, this feeling, only the talents who have truly participated."

"Hey," Ghost 2 "can play, then let us officially start today's live broadcast!"

Qiao Liang did not show a certificate, because he still didn't think about how fans explained the concept of "toughness".

Many people on the barrage did not see the certificate, but Qiao Liang directly killed, no longer tangled this problem.

Want to know what the certificate is written? Do you also participate in suffering! I will know it attended.


Entering "Ghost 2", first is a section of opening CG.

In the wilderness of the coke, the sun is hanging, the farmland is cracked, only the ridiculous wild grass is still in tenaciously, and the unconfilled bones are forated by the group.

The white bones are idling, and there is no chicken in a thousand miles. It is an extremely adequate portrayal.

Suddenly, there is a hob of the bleak, and the dark green eyes are turned, and the post-semi-rot wings quickly fly to the air.

A soldier of a head-tied yellow towel stepped forward, stepped on the bones on the ground, but suddenly.

He, or says it, is burly, but it will find that this burly is more like death. The body is flowing with a green pus, and the broken squeezes are also the gap and scars of the sword.

In its heart position, a magic core that exudes a darkness, and a few laminated papers stacked, making the picture more spurious.

Suddenly, a bullet whistling flew, passed from its body, bringing a flesh and blood!

The yellow towel soldiers issued an angry roaring, looking in the direction of the bullets, but it has not been able to see, and the bullets that have been connected will be seventeen.

But this is just a yellow towel soldier, and there is more yellow towel soldiers in the lens, and it is densely numb.

Then, the lens is high, showing the whole picture of the battlefield.

A large number of yellow towels are going forward to the city in front, and in the depths of the Huangjie army, Tiangong will take the town of China, command the battle.

Its upper body has completely become a living corpse or even the appearance, the lower body is completely integrated with the flesh and blood and the sacred paper.

It's a few thick magic corners, and the empty eye nest flashed in a faint green fire. Four only of the skeleton. The arm filled with the arms out of the yellow robe covering the whole body, dancing, It seems to be a secret method!

The four arms of the Zhangjiao hit a horror, and all the yellow towel soldiers were asked, and they shouted in Qi Qi, rushed toward the city in front!

On the other hand, the team of the righteous army appeared in an instant, both sides launched the battle!

Many characters in the game have debut, such as the Magic Lord Cao Cao, lending the biochemical transformation troops under the hand riding, Xia Hou, a horse, first; Dragon Wusheng Guan Yu with Liu Bei, Zhang Fei rushed together; and Dong Zhuo, Sun Jian, etc. The people who crushed the Huangjie army were all debut.

In the end, Tiangong will scream, and the countless papers on the body have a strange green fire, burning, and arranged in a few caulsted in the battlefield, the green juice water also begins to transpiration, and the smoke burn the smoke burned. Steam with juice gathers in the air, mix, eventually become a heavy rain, pouring down!

Taiping Secret: Paste the water!

The yellow towel soldiers on the battlefield become more crazy, but not only that, these yellow towels soldiers also started to burn, and the corpses on the ground suddenly exude powerful suffocating, all from the position of the tension in the battlefield, turn it into it A huge monster of height!

At the same time, Hao Jie has also successfully killed the branches of the Yellow Tilm Army, and confronted with huge magic.

The final big battle, one touch!

With an impassioned background music, the whole video is abrupt, the title of the game appears: Ghost 2!


After reading the opening CG, Qiao Liang couldn't help but feel it, Tenda is really Tengda, anyway, no matter what game, quality is definitely a lever!

And this opening CG has indeed reflected the story background of "ghost".

The previous "Ghost 1" is just a card game. Although there are also a large number of outstanding original paintings and military holiday background introductions, they still lack the picture.

But now, "Ghost 2" uses high-quality CG to show the battlefield of the encircleous yellow towel army, naturally there is a powerful visual impact!

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