Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1462 is lying, not touching fish!

As an experienced operator, Jin Yong knows how to observe the data of the game, and develop the corresponding operational strategy for the KPI settled by various leaders, very subtly, very cost-effective ways Sell ​​it to the player.

According to the traditional operational strategy, the skills of operation activities are a bit like a wool, and the most of the wool is to listen to the least sheep.

But ... see Tengda gives this request, it seems to be constant?

Of course, Jin Yen knows that there is only such a GOG, and the skin is cheap, the fancy discount. The problem is that the situation of "bomb marks 2" is special, can you compare with the GOG?

The GOG was because there was a powerful competitor of IOI. In order to maximize the market share, and the GOG's player base, the volume is large enough, so the small profit is more able to seize the market.

Can I "bomb marks 2"? It is not like a GOG to overturned IOI, and the sea fortress has been cultivated at sea fortress, and the players of the players have traveled. The players of the FPS games like 888 epic weapons, now "bomb marks 2 "Even if the pricing of the skin is slightly higher, it will not simply cause everyone's dislike.

Instead, the price is low, in case "bomb marks 2", the "bomb marks 2" did not grab a lot of players, and it would be difficult to cover the dilemma of development costs.

Jin Yong suddenly understood why Kang did not say this early morning, but "bomb marks 2" will be officially operated, and suddenly touched himself.

Obviously, the high-level marketing solution given by Tengda is not worried!

I didn't plan to let Jin Yong came, but everyone is indifferent, there is no way, I can only adjust the Jin Yong.

Of course, they don't think that Jin Yongneng is getting it, but believes that Jin Yong can ask Zhao Xingming that is far from Tengda. After all, the two have a good private hand.

Jin Yong has some helpless, I have to dialed Zhao Xun's phone.

"Hey? Zhao always, I haven't seen it for a long time. Haha, I heard that Tenda has already holiday?"

"Cough, sorry, this is the case, I have just been transferred to the" Braise 2 "operation group, there is a problem, please ask ..."

After all, it is an old acquaintance, and "bomb marks 2" originally had cooperative relations with Tengda, so Jin Yong did not get around too much bent, and said his doubts directly.

In fact, his doubts are very simple, just two: Why will Tengda give the "bomb marking 2" operation plan be simple? How do you go to cooperate?

The phone is silent for a moment, and asked. "Is this not very clear? Ah is what it is."

Jin Yong: "Ah? Just do it? But" Sprays 2 "situation is not the same as GOG, not to follow the way to move the GOG method? How is this operational activity is too simple, it seems that there is no technical content ... "

Zhao Ximing asked: "Then what you want is a truly easy operation plan, or a very complicated, it feels that your operator has played an important role?"

Gold Yongyi Story: "Ah, this ..."

Zhao Ximing really tried him.

This truth is actually very simple: if you are Party A, Party B has given a very good work, fully compliant with Party A requirements. However, if you have not made any opinions, receive this work and pay, then the leadership is likely to think that you have not played anything at all in this process; if you do what you look, Some modifications have been forcibly proposed, but it is possible that Party B will change this work evenly, and even finally "use back to the first edition".

So as Party A, what should you choose?

Jin Yong hesitated and said: "But Zhao, this is not the same?" Sprays 2 "this program ..."


"It" for a long time, did not say something happened.

Zhao Ximing smiled: "Do you want to say that this plan is too simple? So problem, the more complicated program, the more effective it is, the more effective?"

"If a complex program must be effective than the simple program, it is necessary to transform the simple program into complex programs, but do not analyze the real reasons behind it, do not analyze the specific situation of the project, then, personal position may Still step by step, but can such a truly explosive game? "

"You are now right now: I am going on a correct road now, I should do something, can I make a role in this process?"

"My answer is, don't do anything! Since it is the right path, then continue to go, wait for it, I want to solve it."

"This is something I have learned after Tengda: I don't act as a crime. The key is to see the situation. When it is determined, I will go as long as I am on the right road, then I don't act Excellent solution, more than chaos. "

"In fact, you ask yourself, this program is simple, but it is the most correct, the highest upper limit, isn't it?"

Jin Yong Shen is a moment, which is obviously in thinking.

After a moment, he asked some uncensive: "Mr. Zhao, this sounds, how can I encourage fish ..."

Zhao Ximing, the phone, was not happy at the time: "What is the fish? Look at the problem of the problem, can you not be so narrow! Can you lie down why?"

"I ask you, which kind of teammates who play the game is the big guy, the group of the crucifetion, the teammates who don't play will be angry, but as long as they have a bit B number of things to their own, they will go to the group, and hurt. To create a harvesting opportunity to play the teammates, it is also a good teammate. "

"The most intimate is the kind of self-feeling good teammates, clearly lie hard to win, you have to bring rhythm, and the result is the first to catch the chain, the advantage bureau is living ! "

"In fact, many people in Tengda are lying in the state, but they will not give When you shoot, you will be able to shoot, and a sword is sealed! "


Zhao Ximing's lesson, Jin Yong suddenly was awkward.

Indeed, still Zhao always said that it is dull!

Jin Yong reflected that he had been in Long Yu Group for a long time, it is indeed naturally infected with this "chaos, and the sense of brush". From the perspective of promotion, this may be a good thing, but if the entire project, even the entire company's overall interest, it will play a certain destruction.

And Zhao's own thinking of "Mingzhe Swors" has been going to Tenda, but also a fish!

Not only has a summary of previous operating strategies, but also a new understanding!

Since Tengda's operating thoughts leads ahead to Longyu Group, it has reached a brand new height and level, so the whole acceptance is indeed the best solution.

I thought here, Jin Yong nodded: "I understand, Zhao is always! Next my mission is to strictly abide by this operation plan, absolutely do not mess with moth!"



February 11th, the Spring Festival holiday, the first year of the New Year.

Yan Qian has nothing to do, come to the home near the home to go online.

Now, the solid industry such as fish net coffee, the anti-wind logistics has already opened all over the capital, especially in the accommodation in his own residence. The company has arranged a lot of big stores nearby, which is to prepare!

He was originally thinking, in this relatively remote place to open two shops, open a big one, people also have a little bit, when they come to the Internet, and can also lose money, this is better .

After the result, I found out that it was already very hot!

There are two fish nets near this, one is 1.0 mode, one is 3.0 mode, very large. 1.0 mode of this Layer 2 also changed to the VR game area, which is consistent with other touch fish nets. But even this, the two people are also a lot!

I don't know when I started, but I became the peak season of Internet cafes and cinemas during the New Year.

Yan Qian opened the GOG, with a happy male, and then killed 0-10.

It's not because he is very dish, the dishes are also afraid of Ma Yang, mainly the title of "Fengzhi, Yan's Designer" on his head ...

But it doesn't matter, death is not the end, as long as you are happy.

After turning off the GOG, Yu Qian was in the same way as a vulnerable group, like a child, like a son.

"Well? IOI has also made a new year, yes!"

"Very powerful, very spiritual!"

"Human is, it is necessary to maintain this spirit of hard work in adversity, keep it hard, and have the possibility of changing the wind."

"I just said that IOI is my pro son, with me, which is like gog, I am mad at me!"

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