Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1463 Crushing the last straw of the IOI player (the addition of the monthly ticket)

This update announcement seems to be sent in the New Year, but when Yu Qian is still in the house, there is no commendation, so I don't pay attention.

The content of the announcement is quite more, which can be divided into three parts.

The first part is the new spring activity.

Due to the rapid development of the domestic game market in recent years, many foreign game companies have also paid more attention to the domestic market, so the Spring Festival activities began to appear in more and more games.

This new spring event in this Ioi is quite good, including a set of Spring Festival limited skin and a Valentine's Day limited skin, and some Spring Festival includes login rewards and a mess.

These two sets of skin make it more sophisticated, and the activity is also a conscience. This piece should be impeccable.

The second part is the routine version adjustment.

After all, it is a big version, and it must be adjusted to balance. Otherwise, the player always plays the strong hero, and it has long been playing yield.

This weakening seems to be routinely weakened, and several heroes who have been hot before the World. This point of the domestic team and foreign team should be a matter of adherence. After all, the IOI World is mainly strengthened for the heroes who are good at foreign teams, and now they have turned back.

The strengthened hero is a cold hero that is not very common in the domestic team and foreign team.

Obviously, the company is also very tangled, how is this hero to cut, how to strengthen, it is really a difficult choice.

Continue to strengthen the hero who is good at foreign team? Hero cutting domestic team good at? The intent for the FV team is too obvious. Is this afraid that there are too many domestic players? Also continue to pour the oil on fire?

If you strengthen the hero who is good at the FV team, the hero who is good at foreign team is unknown. The foreign players are not doing: Who will win before the World World? Are the FV team won the crown and continue to enhance? It's not weakened without winning? Is it sick?

It is not a person outside.

But the balance adjustment must be done, not doing it.

Therefore, it can only be a colleague. Cut the strong hero last year, strengthen the cold doors who don't have very much love, this is no problem?

The third part is the champion of the FV team.

The reason why it is not limited to the Spring Festival, the two packages defined by Valentine's Day is because the header and Longyu Group is very bright, specializing in the Championship of the FV team.

This is obviously in order to please domestic players.

After the end of the IOI World game, many players have expressed dissatisfaction and believe that the FV team suffered unfair treatment. In that case, in that case, in that case, in order to take care of foreign players, they don't dare to act rashly. I can only work hard, I look forward to the champion skin to save some reputation and good feelings.

Now, the champion skin is finally made, of course, it is necessary to play, so that all domestic players can also see their sincerity.

Yan Qian looked at this announcement, could not help but gave a pole company.

Yes, IQ is still quite online!

Just this Spring Festival, although it is not particularly bright, there is no huge addition to the points, but how can you not deduct a deduction?

This is no problem with the number of active people during the Spring Festival?

"Unfortunately I can't see the data of IOI, but I will see if the online players' feedback should know if this activity is successful."

"Even if it is unsuccessful, there is always a truth?"

Yan Qian casually found an IOI forum to see the players feedback on this Spring Festival event.

However, after seeing these posts, Yan Qian is stupid.

"Hehe, I know, still an old set. Head company, it will always be this urine, never expect any surprises to play players!"

"People's FV team is hard to practice the hero, do you cut it? Is there anything? Is there anything? I really hack what you cut, I want to cut people. chant?"

"Just, you simply cancel the qualification of the FV team directly, you will write directly on the announcement, 'We don't allow any ICL team to win the finals of the finals'! Then the domestic team is in the domestic league Let's not dopped with your world, let other foreign teams compete for the champion! "

"Chopping cut, every time you cut, your balancer is eating dry rice? I will do this on this balance, anyway, it is to pull a table to see the winning rate on the professional game, the row front I enhanced in the row? "

"Yes, Balancer should integrate game mechanisms and hero's characteristics to make balance, learn people's GOG!"

"Sure enough, IOI is not there, all aspects don't work."

"Oh, don't mention it, look at the big head of the Spring Festival, a set of Spring Festival limits the skin, a set of Valentine's Day limits the skin, it is, just take this opportunity to continue to make money! As before, it is the same as the skin. Your game is made to make a lot of things, do you have a bit of B? Still resting this skin? "

"But this is not the most pleasant, the most exciting thing is the championship of the FV team! Obviously the attitude of the FV team is obvious, such a garbage company does not match the player's support!"

"Hey, look at the next door, another year's big feedback! Just a new year, all kinds of red envelopes do not want money, what is a grounding operation? The Spring Festival is a red envelope this is the operation of the grounding gas! "

"Slow, buy a set of FV team's skin, IOI goodbye, completely no longer staying!"

There are still many similar posts.

In short, the entire forum is all filled with a farewell atmosphere!

Yan Qian was dizzy.

what's the situation?

This new year activity doesn't seem to have a problem, is it so excited? What did you have?

Carefully study the contents of these posts, and Yan Qian rely on the seat and seems to be a bit clear.

If you only see this update, it doesn't have any big problem. If this event is GOG, or more other famous games are better, it is absolutely able to gain some praise.

At least, it will not be awkward.

But IOI is different, these seems to have no problems, but it is precisely in piercing the wounds of players!

First of all, this is entirely routine operation in the Spring Festival to define the skin and Valentine's Day. But the problem is that since the finger company lost IOI's autonomy, Daxak Group has been in order to do its best to recover costs, such skin activities have already made too many times!

Although it is not bad, put the main energy on the skin, and other updates will become less.

For a long time, IOI's game mechanism update, balance updates and new hero development plans, all concessions. Players are not stupid, can you see this is to do: to circle!

There is no relationship with the money, but the game content is good?

So, this time I saw that IOI was out of skin, and the players did not have any desires in any helium, and they were directly classified to "IOI on the bottom line lie".

Can this still have a good?

Second, this routine balance update is anger.

According to reason, the strong hero of the World World Priority is a normal behavior, but the problem is that the unfair treatment of the FV team has been too much, so that all domestic players have lost their fingers in this matter. trust.

Regardless of what fingers do, it looks like a FV team!

This FV team took a long time, and a big Jin Cai took the "several strong heroes and stood on the same level with other foreign teams. As a result, the company chopped a knife. what?

The key is to strengthen the hero, nor a hero who is good at FV team, which makes people feel very targeted.

How do other foreign companies think that players can't control, but they will be angry with the treatment of the FV team.

Many people can't help but think, if the champion is not a FV team, but what is the other foreign team, the finger will still cut the strong hero so much?

Once this kind of guess, it is hard to returns.

Once again, the contrast to IOI and GOG activities makes IOI's players.

The Spring Festival event on the side of GOG is called "New Year Red Packets of the Board", with a total value of 10 million red envelopes, all players spell the gift in the game!

It is spelling the air, not the speed of hand, the account of the Login in the New Year's Day is divided into collections.

The red envelope is 50 million, the lowest red envelope is 0.88, the highest is a number of 888 red envelopes.

As for anyone who can take these 888 red envelopes, I have to look at luck.

Of course, according to Tengda's consistent draw rules, similar activities have certain requirements for activity, in order to prevent ox. The higher the weight of the player in the game, the luck will also get the corresponding improvement.

The key is the money, players can even choose direct withdrawal!

If you do not make up, you can also choose to multiply this money in ten, become a coupon for purchasing skin, and support deduction.

Simply, if you draw a red envelope of 0.88 yuan, you can exchange 8 8 coupons, this coupon can be used to buy any skin.

If you take the 188 red envelope, you will redeem a 1880 coupon. This coupon can be used multiple times. For example, I bought a price of only 10 yuan of the skin, then give you a skin and one. 1870 coupons until the entire coupon is full of consumption.

Taking into account the price of Tengda skin, those who smoke 888 red envelopes, if they do not withdraw but to become coupons, they are afraid enough to buy GOG in the next year.

Even if the red envelope of 0.88 is not pumped, there will be a coupon of a sun-selling coupon as a comfort.

One is a new spring skin to make money, one is to send a new spring red envelope to spread money, which is simply tall.

Which game is more people, is this not a clear?

Finally, the FV team's championship has become the last straw that crushed the IOI player!

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