This FV team's championship is a bit strange.

Just like the wild player, last year's championship is a storm swordsman, this year's championship is a storm swordsman - void hidden!

The storm swordsman is a normal human image, the whole body is wearing the armor, holding a long sword in his hand, and the void hob is a seemingly like a human void, weapon is two pre-claws.

These two image itself is quite big, there is not much comparability, but it is still forced to do.

Making a good storm swordsman - the skin, the action module is still the original module, but the armor of the storm swordsman, the original insect bunting became two short swords, the whole body still has Storm surge effect.

Moving, attacking action, and skill action, or to retain the characteristics of void hidden people as much as possible, just close to the storm swords in the appearance.

The action module does not change it is very reasonable. After all, you have to make players can see which hero is.

In addition, Huicheng Animation: The armor of the storm swordsman is broken, the long sword is also thrown on the ground, the void hidden people have drilled out from the inside, and hit the void.

The same is true for other four people.

In fact, this practice is quite common. Before IOI has also passed the skin of the "Element Interchange" theme, that is, interchanges the elements of the animal traam and pets, and the response is not bad.

But after this skin came out, I found that it is not that thing.

Players are too heavily associated with one by one, completely want!

Players have guess that this championship has at least three layers of meaning.

First, this note is compared to the void hidden, the storm swordsman is the true love of the player, and the choice of void hidden doing skin is not there. The official forcibly strengthens the void people, so that only it can only be used, can you still do?

But no matter how, the hero in the heart is always a storm sword.

Second, the storm sword passengers are dead, the armor is broken, the long sword is also thrown on the ground, is it killed by a void? Of course, it is a finger-killed company. The company chopped the storm swordsman, so that he did not continue to survive, and forcibly let the void hidden.

Finally, is the void hidden? Perhaps this time is a void lingering from the storm sword passenger body, next time, another hero is drilled out from the void hob. This header is a balance of the game, which has chopped the void hidden, in fact, this ending has been predicted.

Summary, this skin is to remind everyone to remember the good things that fingers do during the two worlds. Anyway, every player has its own interpretation, everything is inhere.

Think of the FV team in the first global finals of IOI, holding his own hero to kill the four-party picture.

Think about the FV team in the 2nd Global Finals of IOI, holding the hard-working picture of the hard-working strong hero.

After this, all are full of blackbox operations that fingers!

Yan Qian looked at the discussion of the players, it was simply a collection.

He also wants to shout for his finger!

In fact, these pots can all be buckled on the head of the fingers? It is not, some things may not be its original meaning, which may be because some objective factors are limited, or simple to be misunderstood by the players.

But the current problem is that the players have no trust in the fingers!

This is the so-called "Tasi Trap": Once the emperor has become a hateful object, then he is also averse to him, whether it is doing a good job or misconduct.

In other words, once a certain organization has lost their credibility, no matter what the truth is true or false, everyone will think that it is talking about the fake; whether it is doing something for good or malicious, everyone will feel that it is Out of malice.

Just take this event, how do you want to change the same activity in GOG?

Not like, everyone will open the new spring skin, Valentine's Day skin and championship.

As for the champion skin, everyone will never interpret and speculate so much, but simply think it is a whole alive.

No way, this difference is the result of the previous word of mouth accumulation, and it is useless.

In short, the contrasts of GOG and IOI new year activities have made Yu Qian feel bad.

"Wait, it's not right. This 10 million ... how seems to be I personally gave GoG?"

Yu Qian feels that this new spring red envelope will be a bit more familiar. I don't think about it. Is this a million profit?

At that time, Yu Qian also made various departments to pay a report, explain how to use this 10 million profit volume, the result is not submitted to the application, feeling like this is not needed.

So Yu Qian took this 10 million hard plugs.

As a result, I didn't think it was, I was used here!

In fact, this red envelope event without GOG, IOI's Spring Festival event is not so miserable. With a pair of GOG, the players on IOI immediately couldn't live, and they ran.

It can be said that the GOG is 10 million, completely playing the effect on the fire!

But can this be geek and Zhao Xunming? It seems ... also blame them.

Yan Qian gave them this tens of thousands of plugs, can they bake? Make a Spring Festival event, send a red envelope, seem to be a reasonable choice ...

"What should I do, IOI can still get rid of ..."

"Let me see the official website of Longyu Group, the brothers, can not lose confidence, I also expect you to pull me ..."

Yan Qian opened the official website of Longyu game, but after seeing the home page, he was stupid.

The big banner of the official website is basically the various games of Longyu Group agents. The previous IOI has been in the first, and it is also advocacy as a key game.

However, now the top page of the top page is easy to Lord!

The company's IOI has been squeezed behind, the first game has become "bomb marks 2"!

"What is this? Even the recommendation of IOI has been withdrawn ??"

"People walk tea is cool, this is! Long Yu Group has not been ignorant, is this not a stone of IOI?"

"It's too much! Condemn, you must condemn!"

"Hey ... don't you, wait."

"Now pushing" bomb marks 2 "? This game has been developed?"

"" Braise 2 "makes money, I am divided into ... that is fine, please increase your strength!"

Yan Qian was still ignorant for IOI. After all, IOI was given him a hopes. If IOI can't stop GOG, then you have to be a Moba circle, which is definitely not willing to see.

At that time, GOG didn't have the last opponent. It's really lying and making money!

I want to burn the money to fight the price war, there is no opponent!

Although the skin is cheap, the player is more! Moreover, in addition to skin charging, the derivative industries including the electrical competition industry are also making money, which is a very complex chemical reaction, absolutely unbearable.

It is now not just that the recommended bits of IOI on Longyu game official online.

Because this shows an attitude of Longyu Group, the subsequent publicity resources will naturally decrease!

Isn't this a shocking?

But Yu Qian is thinking about it, is wrong, Longyu game is "bomb marks 2", and it is a designer who is "bomb marks 2", you can get 4% of the bonus from this game!

Of course, this 4% refers to 4% of the net profit obtained in this game in this game, but it is a lot!

Yan Qiangang began to develop "bomb marks 2" is rushing, mainly to try the water, if you can summarize the failure experience, then Tenda can be used here.

But after I know that I also have a bonus, I have completely changed my thoughts.

This game is a loss, the money is out of the Tianhu Studio and Longyu Group, and Tengda will not share the amount of loss, but if you make it, it is a real bonus!

The key is as direct competitive games in "Maritime Fortress", maybe reduce the income of "maritime fortress" or quite fragrant.

"Give me a fire! The more fire is better!"

"Although there is 30% of this side, I can withstand! For bonus, I am willing to spend more, think about how to spend this money!"

Yu Qian instantly forgot the previous unpleasant, point "Braz 2" to start playing.

"Yan Jing, I am pinned in you, you better put this game to me, if you can't get a bonus, you will wait to suffer the VIP class!"


At the same time, many FPS games in the players group, the news of "Sprays 2" officially launched.

There are also many people who are discussing in the fan group of Chensha.

Chensha's net name is "Folding Shensha", is a very senior player in FPS game, technology is also very good, originally a well-known person in the "anti-terrorist plan" circle.

When the Tianhuo studio developed "bomb marks", he once asked him to experience the game as a leader of the player group. Later, he also passed the bridge through Lin Dynasty, and the propaganda and promotion of "Maritime Fortress" has set up the sweat work.

Of course, he slowly does not play "counter-terrorism plan" and "bomb marks", but focus on "marine fortress".

After the rise of live broadcast, Chensha also signed the live broadcast of the wolf, and now there is a big anchor of the "Sea Fortress".

In fact, Chensha has started to think about the live broadcast of the rabbit, but there is no way, the live broadcast of the wolf will open a big contract, or make money.

His fan group is basically a loyal player of some FPS games. In addition to playing games together, it is chatting in the group.

And recently, everyone's game time is significantly shortened.

This is mainly because of the "sea fortress" game is also a bit old. After all, it is a 09-year game. Now it is 13 years. Although the content of DLC and daily updates are also good, there are some new epic weapons. , But the decline in interest is unable to avoid your business.

But these two days, the players in the group apparently found a new discussion focus.

Because Chensha as the old friend of the Tianhuo Studio and Tenda Group, the same experience as the FPS game, participated in the internal test of this new FPS project for some time!

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