After a comprehensive understanding of the gameplay, the audience between the live broadcasts has exhibited great interest in the "bomb marks 2".

Even many people downloaded it.

But at the same time, there are also many people show deep concerns because of the quenching of the Tianhu Studio and Longyu Group.

Sentence is not good, these two companies belong to the type of "dog can't get eating"!

The Tianhu Studio does not say, the game, the game, nine-nine, is a typical representative of the "several" home without the mine "; Longyu Group as a game operator, can also be called It is a "bad spot", operated game, in addition to IOI forced to compete, other games have not been ignorant.

These two game companies have double swords, this is still?

I think I feel horrible with my feet!

Liver lie to lie, can be said to be a nature, or it can be said to be a addiction. This gaming has been in the game company. Once you have dyed, you can't quit.

Because liver and are indeed directly drawn, upgrade online data and revenue data, and it is very obvious.

But the cost is that it will greatly reduce the upper limit of the game.

However, for most game companies, did they have not considered the upper limit?

Anyway, retaining data and revenue data is put on. The company earns a lot of money, and then gives employees to bonus, this is.

Once the practice of liver is selected, it will never quit.

Because I really changed, I will inevitably cause the plump of data, the company's income, the employee bonus is gone, even the player will not see it ... The whole company will never allow this situation from top to bottom. appear.

Therefore, the liver is naturally a habit, continuous continuation.

Like someone, once I tried the way to make a quick money, I will never make a slow money in the future, and the ability to grow in the long run, the whole person's upper limit is abolished.

Of course, "Sprays 2" currently does not see any signs of liver lover.

But ... most of the players don't think this is the two companies.

Many players feel that this is a circle! It is necessary to put the dog in killing!

First raise the leeks first, then suddenly sway the sickle, cut a tiger and tiger, can't cut a handle.

Because everyone feels that the nature of deceivement is impossible, then the reason why the game is online is so conscience, inevitably there is another picture.

Although this game is developed with Tengda, but after all, it is just a designer of the total ideas and Tengda!

Tengda certainly didn't have a lot of strength, otherwise Tengda was developed, do you want to give such a good item to the Tianhuo Studio and Longyu Group?

Since there is not much in Tengda, there is not a strong voice, the Tianhu Studio and Longyu Group are certainly difficult to resist the temptation. As the game is gradually hot, they will gradually improve the skin's price, constantly try players, increase Game revenue ...

Players are difficult to think about it, this can't blame them in the heart, the key is that there are too many things.

The commitment of the game company must not be expected, after all, people are the first goal of making money.

But the words come back, is the players choose?

no choice!

Because the game mechanism of "Sprays 2" is currently the unique existence in the FPS game, no matter how similar games are domestic or abroad. Players can find alternatives and can't find it.

Therefore, even if the players are full of worry about the Tianhu Studio and Longyu Group, it can only take a step.


At the same time, Longyu Group Headquarters.

Jin Yong is on duty, staring at the various game data of "Sprays 2".

These data can no longer use "good" to describe, it is just hot!

The pour entry of a large number of players even gave him a bit unsailed, and the plan to make full playback of the intensiveness and even a bit conservative. He made a bit of an urgent need of several sets of servers, and even some of the load of Longyu Group is not high. The server is also temporarily misappropriated, which barely supports the influx of enthusiastic players.

In major live platforms, on the website, "Sprays 2" is more brushing, with an unimaginable speed, becomes the most popular games during the Spring Festival!

However, as the person in charge of the operation department, it is not a special thing. It is also to stare at the incident, do not have a malignant bug or operate an accident.

Although the Spring Festival holiday overtime is very hard, this Longyu Group is still open, overtime fee is full, maybe in the bonus after the game, the entire operation department is also painful and happy.

Jin Yong also very generously self-pockets to send the Spring Festival red envelope, and the overtime is also in the peaceful and atmosphere of its music.

Just then, Jin Yong's phone rang.

His expression is instantly serious, is this not Ding? How did you call it from you?

Jin Yong did not dare to neglect, and rushed to pick up: "Hello?"

"Do you rest assured that the data is completely exceeded. This is definitely a super explosive model. It is very likely to meet the market share and revenue levels that exceed" marine fortress "!"

"The server is also no problem, although it is a bit stressed, but I have urgently toned some, other, wait for the Spring Festival holiday, I can think about it."

"Oh ... new operation plan? But Ding, Tongda ..."

"Good Ding, I know."

Hanging up the phone, Jin Yong's expression is no longer as optimistic before, but caught in tangling!

As the big BOSS of Longyu Group, Ding has begun to just asked the "bomb marks 2", but this is clearly known to ask, because Jin Yong has just sent a briefing of the data to him.

After the cold, it is a topic.

Dan always wants Jin Yonggan to add some new operations!

According to the old rules, this is not very good. After all, the data is hot after the game is hot, and the iron is hot, it can promote players, and improve revenue, which belongs to regular operations.

But Jin Yongneng can hear the meaning of the boss, obviously, this new operation plan does not engage in new patterns, inevitably can't make it.

Jin Yong also said that the requirements of Tengda were said, but DING said that it is not to move those activities all at once, a little bit.

It is not necessary to hear the liver and heavy, which can be slightly changing to improve a little skin price, such as adding some pre-conditions to get skin, or doing some cost-effective, but it is still the activity of deceived.

Although Tengda requires a request for operations, it is impossible to set the requirements so dead.

In terms of the operation plan given by Tengda, it is clear that the pricing of the existing appearance, skin, props, and clarifies the scope of the operational activities: only price cuts, other activities such as paying lottery, gold rebate I don't recommend it.

But ... this program also specifies the pricing of the current appearance, and does not lock the pricing of the subsequent appearance.

Moreover, only the activities such as paying lottery, the golden rebate, and did not say it all.

Even if you don't engage in these activities, don't you have a new activity that is completely different?

These aspects are strict, all have airs, can be discussed, and there is no truth in the contract.

As the operator of the game, Longyu Group is still in some of the most basic rights. Tenda is impossible to completely deprive. It has to make Longyu Group's ability to deal with some emergency matters.

I can't always encounter anything, Long Yu Group has to ask Tencent to make a decision? That is not realistic.

Therefore, although the sand is small, it is still there.

Now the boss of Longyu Group is to let the Jin Yong want to act in this clause space, and increase the revenue without causing the fierce opposition to Tenda.

This is also a human condition.

Before the "Braise 2" is online, no one thought of it's specific to what extent, then the operating strategy is a good idea, and everyone has no feeling.

But now the data has come out, then look back to see the originally planned operational strategy ... I feel a little bit of pain.

We must know that the game is more than two dollars in such a game, it may be unbearable to the player, but it may be tens of thousands of extra income!

And I have to do it early, the more you want to drag it.

Jin Yong naturally clear this, so he tangled.

One side is the request of the boss, while Zhao's teachings, in the heart, the intersection is in the heart.

Mr. Zhao's time suddenly made him inspired. He feels that as a game operation, he should indeed look long, and choose the best operation plan for this game. If the "bomb marks 2" heat is generally, in order to revenue high hepatal It is the best solution.

But Ding's general order can't be discordped!

If Jin Yong directly rejects the boss's request, then his person in charge of this operation department will don't do it. Change other people, it is estimated that you should continue to pull it with Tear, and there will be no changes.

He is very clear, Ding will never give up this idea easily.

After all, "the" bomb march 2 "is in the end, how long can it be reached, this no one dares to pack. However, the short-term data brought about by operations, but it is visible and touched.

Golden is in the chair, caught in the chair.

The idea of ​​dangerous ideas must be given back.

Although it is a task that employees should complete the owner of the boss, this thing may directly affect the success or failure of "bomb marks 2".

Jin Yong felt that he must have his own thoughts and considerations in this matter, and it can't be asked by the boss.

If you don't do it according to the requirements of the boss, I finally succeeded, then my company is still active;

But if you do it in accordance with the boss, finally failed, then the boss is impossible, seeing the end, I still have to fall.

So, who is more correct? Is it a boss or a total of Tenda?

This is simply a part of sending.

So, the problem now has become: I have to be responsible for the operation plan of "Burst Shard 2", to firmly put the Tenda's operation plan, and I can't be caught by the boss.

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