Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1469 Zhao Ximing's good way

After a long time, Jin Yong has an idea.

He first gave Zhao Xumin called a phone, ready to talk about things simply, and consulted Zhao Ximing's opinion.

However, just said two sentences, I was interrupted by Zhao Ximing: "You wait, I will apply for an emergency overtime quota in the intranet."

"Okay, what did you say?"

Jin Yong: "..."

Good guy, just apply for a time to apply for an overtime quota first?

Tenda's regulations are strict, not accepting.

Jin Yong is just a simple story.

Zhao Ximing couldn't help but laugh: "Sure enough, Jiangshan is easy to change, and it is difficult to move."

"For most people, when making decisions do not involve their own interests, they can always be generous, generous, wise, and once they involve their own interests, natural will become a door, small gas, short-sighted."

"Everyone is so, the summary, but as a boss, he can benefit the most, so the temptation is the biggest."

"There is always a steel will like, you can resist all temptations from beginning to end, and always have a very few."

Jin Yong asked: "That ... what should I do?"

Zhao Ximing said after a moment: "This thing is difficult to do, saying that it is also good to do it."

"It is difficult to say, because this matter actually exceeds your ability to category. It is not only a work problem. It is also a workplace problem. You do it, nature is clipped between Tenda and Longyu Group, Also violated your intention; if you don't do it, the last result will only be replaced, things will not change anything. "

"If you have never jumped out this circle, then this problem is unexpected to you."

"If you can jump out of this circle, no longer do the handful chess pieces, it will do more."

Jin Yong couldn't help but spirit, it seems to open the door of the new world: "What should I do?"

Zhao Ximing said: "It is very simple, the pot! Just give the pot to Tengda, you will be safe, things will be solved."

Jin Yong has some confusion: "Is it to Tengda? This ... How is this?"

Zhao Ximing smiled slightly: "I went to find Tenda, which is responsible for docking the" bomb marks 2 "project, let them contact Zhou Wei, with the name of the Tianhuo Studio and Tenda Group, publish a statement!"

"This reason is also very full: Now online players don't trust us, so I will publish a statement of stabilizing players."

"The content of the declaration is that this game is jointly developed by Tenda Games and Tianhuo Studio. During the development and operation, Tenda mode is completely used, especially in operation activities, will also strictly use Tenda's operational mode."

"The tripartite has reached an agreement, and the operational activities will strictly abide by several principles: can only cut prices, other activities such as paid lottery, and gold rebate will not be involved, please supervise all players!"

"Through the player certification, the previous blurred content is embodied, directly push the boundary to Longyu Group!"

"Just first block the space of the game game, then no one will ask you to play the text game."

Jin Yong stunned, and then it immediately: "Wonderful! This way, the whole situation is completely different!"

The previous situation is that Tengda Group and Longyu Group are one-on-one, Jin Yong clip in the middle, and it is not a person.

Tengda is required to be as simplified as possible, and Longyu Group hopes to engage in some activities as much as possible, earn more money.

Although there is a corresponding provision in the contract, it is impossible to do any space at all. These spaces have become the battlefield of the two sides, and Jin Yong himself is very unfortunately become the Presbyter of Longyu Group.

In this process, there are more attitudes of the Tianhu Studio, because they also have the genes of liver , are unlikely to stand a certain party, it is likely to be adjusted on both sides, and rain mud. As for players, they may not know what the bending around this is naturally wound, and it will not play a key role.

Does Tengda have done this to the Longyu Group in the contract within the contract? It seems that it is not committed, after all, Tengda will also pay a penny.

Longyu Group's boss is thinking about this, so I have moved this thought and let Jin Yong go to try to detect.

Jin Yong actually became a rope of Tenda Group and Longyu Group's tug-of-thalepe strength. Can this have a good?

But Zhao Ximing, this is a clean.

Released by Tengda Group and Tianhuo Studio, the operation plan is public, so all players will be witnessed.

In this way, the blurred boundary in the original contract will not exist. Players will naturally supervise the most stringent standards, and then want to do something little action, all will be exposed under the supervision of players.

At that time, the players know where the problem is, it is sure to be on Longyu Group!

Before the player is, maybe it will take Tenda, Tianhu Studio and Longyu Group, but now, only the fire output Longyu Group.

It is equivalent to Jin Yong to jump out, no longer is the troops of Tengda Group and Longyu Group, the Tianhuo Studio persuaded, and the players do not know, but become Tenda Group, Tianhu Studio, players Together, stare at Longyu Group, see what moth do you dare to do!

Of course, Jin Yong can't expose in this process, can't let the boss know that he is , but to let this thing seem to be in the process of completing the boss work arrangements in Jin Yong, Pre-judgment, I accidentally blocked Longyu Group's Shavilion.

Jin Yong is very happy: "Thank you Thank you! This method is great! Then this matter is troubled by Zhao's arrangement!"

Zhao Xing smiled slightly: "Reassure, pack it on me."

After hung up the phone, Jin Yong couldn't help but feel emotional. Sure enough, this kind of thing is still Zhao always!

Moreover, Zhao always goes to Tenda, it seems that the business level and the field of view have improved.

Before Zhao, Although Zhao is also a pot, but it doesn't seem to do real practical, now, the pot is still in the shadow, no traces, but I can do things in my unconsciousness, I have to say it. This is a huge progress.

As for why this change occurs ...

Maybe just because the environment is different?

In Long Yu Group, even if you want to make a big event, it is difficult to make a big event. In this case, the most preferred is Ming Zhe to protect, take into account your promotion and salary.

But in Tengda Group, the entire company is active, as long as the situation is good, it can naturally achieve good achievements, then Zhao always naturally, the situation will be, it will give things a good job. .

Jin Yong is a bit envious.

Strictly speaking, the remuneration of Tengda will definitely be much higher than Long Yu Group? Not necessarily.

For employees in the middle and lower layers, salary is definitely high, but it is not necessarily for the upper layer.

Longyu Group's high-rise money is a lot, and there are also various shares, and the person in charge of Tengda has no shares, only high dividends. It is not as good as it is worse than it.

Key to the key work environment, work atmosphere, this employee is free, and the ability to get a full-played environment, let them feel that they are a company, even the owner of the company.

In Tengda, regardless of the sections, even the generals are included, everyone is the relationship between partners, and is the division of labor.

But in other companies, it is often hometown, and even has the trend of development of the relationship between personal relationships, and people think that they are not the owner of the company, but slaves. Take more money, but it is just a slave.

Jin Yong thought for a while, no longer thinking down, after all, the more I want to get the acid.

Now he is the person in charge of the "bomb march 2" project, the project bonus, the operational activities are also comfortable, this position is very good, there is no need to get a job to Tenda.

Besides, I want to go, I don't see such a high position there, I will stay.

Still do your own job first!


in the afternoon.

Jin Yong's fake model is a new operation plan according to the demands of the boss, while focusing on the dynamics of the Tianhu Studio.

Suddenly, his eyes bright.


This announcement is a Tianhuo studio, but it has tied to Longyu Group of Tenda Group.

Obviously, this announcement is definitely not what Zhaobi wants to send, but it is found that he is in Tengda. Zhao Xuming and Yan Jingchao should have a foreign embassy, ​​Xiao Zhizhi, and let Ziuling have sent this announcement.

The speech is not difficult to guess, nothing is: "There is a lot of artistic words on the Internet, and the players don't believe we will stick to the current operations, and will definitely deceive the jun, thereby producing a very bad impact on" brackets 2 ", must It is necessary to eliminate the impact in time, and also bring more heat and discussion to "bomb marks 2", so that the game is more fire. "

Relatively speaking, although Zhou Wei also likes the practice of liver , he still listened to the general words, and the boss of Longyu Group is completely different.

Jin Yong is open an announcement.

"Dear players:"

"" Bravs 2 "is the Times FPS game developed by Tengda Group and the Tianhuo Studio, and Longyu Group operates the FPS game. Make two solemn commitments: "

"First," Sprays 2 "will strictly follow the pricing table to formulate the price of game purchases, and under any circumstances, it will never exceed the calibration price;"

"Second," Sprays 2 "during operation, there will be no other recharge and consumption activities other than price cut discounts."

"This statement, welcome all players to supervise!"

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