Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1470, Daxie, Mechanics (add more)

At the same time, Zhou Wei is also watching the data of the game, it is simply smiling.

Too good, I will take my life, it is different!

Yan Jing is also amazing, this helper with the auger studio can make such a burst game without overtime!

It seems that I will sign up for a hard trip, this money is spent!

Everyone is indeed worthy of this paid vacation.

Zhou Wei has always been a more generous boss. Although it is not able to compare with the balance, as long as the project makes money, all kinds of welfare and bonuses will never be embarrassed.

It is getting more and more heat in the "bracket shady 2", and the phone is ringing.

Zhou Yuyan stunned, then picked up the phone: "Hello?"

The phone came to a little confused, and some anxious voice: "Week, what is this announcement?"

Zhou Wei rose: "Announcement? Is there any problem with this announcement?"

Ding seems a bit of a bit asked, and then said: "This announcement is not necessary. We have to set up a strategy to be flexible, it is necessary to make adjustments according to the follow-up operations of the game. Let's show up with the player? "

"Take again, involving the operation, you must send an announcement, and the Longyu Group is coming!"

"I have issued this announcement without me, this is too unified."

Zhou Wei stunned: "Ah?"

"Ding, you don't know this matter?"

"Oh, this is a lot of people, it is certainly a little misunderstanding!"

"This is the case, I don't know where the rumors are not known online. I will definitely have some messy operations. Is this not a rumor? Is this not a smell?"

"If you haven't followed the Tengda's agreement, it is really possible to have some gold-gold operations. We can't send your own face. But you all have the agreement with Tengda, will definitely there will be this Operating activities, so of course to clarify the first time! "

"So the people on the other side of Tengda said this, I feel very reasonable, the better the announcement, the better," ""

"Breakfast, not only can wear the doubts of players, but also what we are right, why not?"

"This may be that Ding is too busy, so I didn't get news. But this also affects it, is the Longyu Group signed an agreement with Tengda? It is about a good thing, this announcement will not have anything Impact? "

"I want to say that Ding always you will immediately make a announcement, make a full set, very good."

Ding: "I, I am ..."

Obviously, he still has a lot of words.

Although the agreement is signed, the content of this agreement is still a space! Take a slight shot in the protocol, , want to plug some operational activities, nor is it completely incapable.

This announcement is sent out, equal to exposing this thing directly under all players' horizons, when you get this kind of activity, you must be died by the player!

Moreover, the players can also be accurately positioned to Longyu Group, and will not hurt the Tenda and Tianhuo studio.

However, Ding is not able to talk directly to his heart, and now it is not used.

Ding is half a day, I have to say: "I know the total week, look back, I also sent an announcement here, first this, go back."

Zhou Wei Yan: "Oh? Hey?"

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Ran is still a bit wonderful.

"This Ding is always, how does the game fire don't really be happy? No matter what, this shake money is enough for our studio for a few years!"

Zhou Weiyan continued to look at the background data.


Jin Yong is doing operational programs in dressing, and the phone is ringing.

Seeing the call display, Jin Yong couldn't help but laugh, while answering the phone, while the operation plan just did to do the seven seven eight eight is generally issued.

"Hey, Total, the operation plan has been done for seven seven eight eight, send you a past, do you briefly see?"

"What? The operation plan is not done?"

"Announcement of Tianhu Studio? What is the announcement? Oh, we also have a lot of right, understand."

Hanging up the phone, Jin Yong's face revealed a smile, and could not help but feel: Zhao, this strikes!

Not only the goal is reached perfect, but also put it out, it does not cause Ding's doubts.

Of course, Jin Yong is also forced to have. If he doesn't do anything, it is true that Ding is always pulling the skin, and the last most is that it is not a person outside.

As a game operation, Jin Yong is very clear for his work.

How much is the game operation? Of course.

Every time a golden event is a gold event, the first is the game operation, the second is the company boss and dog planning.

Every time the dog plan is very embarrassed, I only take the game, and the operation is not returned to me! What are you doing?

In fact, the operation is also very embarrassed, the program is indeed the time to do, but many times, it is the black pot for the boss!

The boss wants to operate a more profitable program, can the operation do you do? If you dare not do, you will change people!

Therefore, many times, Jin Yong also knows that this is not right, and will take the life life, will be awkward, but he can't do it. It is this line, can you do with the boss?

If you put it before, Ding always puts this request, he will not be able to do it if he is not happy.

But this time, it is not the same.

He was surprised to discover, can you still do this?

As long as I think about the way, I will move Tenda and Baizi's respect, and many problems are solved.

The boss does need to press the employee of the hand, but don't dare to be around! As long as Tengda can make people first, the boss will become a post.

Of course, it is not to be crushed or controlled these bosses. They have a lot of money, just take them, let them don't take a brain.

Jin Yong quickly placed the announcement and confirmed that it was confirmed.

After all, the Tianhu Studio has already gave a sample, and it is not difficult to take it.

Longyu Group official website, official microblogging, and other official accounts of some social platforms, and distribute.

Soon, there are players to reply.

"Good guy, Long Yu Group also announced! Then this matter is definitely fidelious!"

"It's not yet, the Tianhuo studio has appeal first, Long Yu Group does not express, isn't it equal to writing four big characters on his face?"? "

"Too good, stipulate the price of the purchase, the promise is absolutely not to engage in other operations outside the price reduction discount, this basically does not have any space to play the text game?" Braise 2 "determined that it would be like a GOG Conscience game! Unlimited optimistic! "

"I still don't believe in Tianhu Studios and Longyu Group's exercises. These two goods have always been sinking, and the food is not impossible."

"But willing to send this announcement, always a good thing!"

"Or Tenda is forced, can ask the operator to operate in accordance with its own rules! This is Tenda, other R & D companies estimate that there is no right to say, don't say that the operation plan is suggested, not being forced by the operator The design plan is not bad! "

"Who let Tenda out some sitting and design? You can design to explode the game, you will design it yourself. Just cooperate with Tengda, of course, you have to listen to Tengda!"

"So, this is not a matter of reaching the world? It also brought this kind of conscience operation to other companies, play the effect of good currency expeltion?"

"There will be more players to cooperate with Tengda in the future? It is recommended that this thing can become normal. After the game circle has Tengda certification, as long as the company cooperates with Tengda, first send an announcement to pursue these two operations. Principle, then everyone will play again! "

"I am going, this is too embarrassed?"

"A hammer, saying that they don't make money! Just let them cut the cockroach, don't always think about the leeks."

"It makes sense, in the future, I will go to play again, slowly, the whole game circle will not only have Tengda certified games, planned!"

Jin Yong didn't think of it, and the response was so good!

Obviously, the players have reached a pointless trustworthy to Tengda and Zi, so that they can jointly develop games in Tengda, send a statement, they can get the backbone of Tengda reputation, become a hot spot!

"It's hard, Tengda also changed all the Chinese game environments?"

Jin Yong suddenly had such an outrageous idea.

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