February 12th, the third day of the year.

Rabbita live, Zhang Yan's live broadcast room.

"Well? How are you doing me to play" bomb marks 2 "?"

"I have said that I will not play FPS games, and I am the anchor of" safe and civilized driving ", will not be rebellious!"

Looking at all kinds of brazies that let yourself play "brackets 2", Zhang Yan is somewhat helpless.

"Braise 2" has been really high, almost a full network brush screen, several big anchors have spectators, and let them try.

Some small anchors feel that "bomb marks 2" is a chance of popping fire, and the focus of live broadcast has been completely transferred; and those big anchors do not have a rapid action, but they are also waiting to come, ready to take out some of the money. Play, try it.

Because the aesthetic feelings are so keen, they see "Braise 2" is actually a game that is very suitable for live.

On the one hand, the rhythm of "bomb marks 2" is very good, moderately, the development period and the combat period are intervals each other, the anchor can take the time to fight against the audience, do some programs; on the other hand, "bomb marks 2" game mechanism The upper limit is extremely high, whether the survival mode is still a classic model, whether it is a single wolf or a commander, it can show your own level.

There is no doubt that it will become a live broadcast platform after GOG.

However, Zhang Yan did not pay attention to the demand of the bar, but after explaining it, he continued to start today's driving exercises.

Although Zhang Yan is still not a big anchor, her brain is very awake, know where her base disc is in.

Many times, the more the big big anchor is easier to suffer, although I know that my basic disk is, but I still worry that I may can't catch the trend, so when I come out, I will drill in my brain, and the result will give my base plate. lost.

After a while, the new game is on, I want to come back to broadcast the game before, and the audience does not buy it.

Zhang Yan did not have this kind of trouble, she has always been a self-motivated small anchor, and there is no pursuit of popularity and heat.

Otherwise, she is impossible to practice the track mode in the low cereals of the popularity.

"Well? At two o'clock in the afternoon, there will be a joint conference on the Shifang and Sterff Motor?"

"Shenhua? Sterf?"

These two brands have activated some memories of Zhang Yan.

Will it be related to the new car called K1 in "safe and civilized driving"?

So far, there is still a great controversial on the Internet, these disputes are mainly concentrated in its safety driving performance.

Safe driving performance is too strong, so that players think that Tengda is the money to collect Svertif, and advertise in force.

But there are also many people feel that this is also awaiting, after all, the details are full of doubts. For example: Why is you named using K1? Why don't you exist in reality? Tengda gave the position of "safe civilization driving" is "simulated real driving", why do you want to make such a high-level automatic driving?

The past experience tells the players, Tengda has a doubt, often buried, will have a reassembly!

For reason to eat melon netizens, this time, the best choice is not to question, let the situation will be fermented, patiently wait to have no reversal.

But there is no way, it is still a small number of people who can maintain a sense of reason, most people are still difficult to endure.

So Tengda's way can we trial nothing, because most people fight against Tenda, but the weakness of humanity.

Moreover, even if you don't think of the K1 model in "safe and civilized driving", Shenhua and Sterf's name are put together, it is also enough to catch people.

As a large factory in domestic mobile phone and intelligent hardware brand, Shenhua can be said to be top levels in software development. It is a rigorous and stable synonym, and the quality of Sterffo is also a monument, it is good in the new energy vehicle Technology accumulation.

What can these two joint development conferences? It must be a new car!

Cannot send a Sterf brand phone? Isn't that neuropathy!

Therefore, many people can't help but guess.

Will it be ... is the K1 in the "safe and civilized driving"?

But this idea is a little outrageous, making it difficult to believe it. Which game is better than the reality first? Moreover, the automatic driving technology of K1 is a bit outline, not too similar to the level that can be achieved in reality.

In short, this news came out, immediately triggered the attention of the people who had no work in the home during the Spring Festival!


The launch time is scheduled to 2 pm, not at night, this is still a little strange.

Because of the evening development conference, the obvious heat will be higher.

This release is that Lin Yu personally opens, just like a new mobile phone that has been released before, only the content released from the phone into a car.

In the live broadcast, there is a lot of viewers, some are looking forward to what kind of new product will bring a new product, and some people are just to see "safe and civilized driving" has not involved false. Propaganda, this automatic driving technology has no game to blow it in the game!

If not, that is embarrassed, "safe and civilized driving" is still going to spray!

Lin Yu has driven a lot of conferences, and the rhythm is quite perfect. The audience between live broadcasts follow her explanation, deepen a little understanding of this new car.

Then everyone discovered that this is not the new car K1 in "safe and civilized driving"?

The only difference is that Lin Yong spent some time to introduce this new brand "polar", telling the deep concept of this name and the meaning of this LOGO.

"Safe and civilized driving" deliberately did not mention the brand name of "Hevei", probably to prevent spoiler, and left the interpretation right to the conference.

Then, the performance, safety, etc. of this car is.

With the explanation of Lin Yun, the barrage has begun to gradually change.

The question of eating melon people began to move from the "safe and civilized driving" game, transferred to Shenhua and Sterffo.

At the beginning, many of the blacks were still holding the mentality of "safe and civilized driving" jokes to see the conference.

As long as you get there, the K1 released in the reality is so cocktile. Basically, the "safe and civilized driving" game, K1 is not true, is a face!

But with Lin Yu's introduction, the audience discovers a lot of parameters, and it is right!

For example, the acceleration performance, handling, security, etc. of this car.

Especially automatic driving technology!

At the climax of the press conference, Lin Yun focused on the two advantages of this extreme front K1: blade battery and automatic driving technology!

At this two points, I immediately let the onlookers eat the people. Some are excited because of new technologies, some feel that they caught the current and excited!

When Lin Yu is still introducing the basic principles and core parameters of these two new technologies, the fierce confrontation has been launched!

"It turns out" safe and civilized driving "game is true? It seems that it seems that the monster is the game, people are in the game in the game in accordance with the parameters given by the manufacturer!"

"No, the Ocean game does not make anything? Shen Hua's old braggy is forced, they said that the L4 level is automatically driving is L4? Will you verify?"

"What is the L4, L3.5, that is all the netizens, the game has been said to be L2."

"The game said that L2 'under' laws and regulations allowed, the problem is that the current law only allows L2, that isn't it hints that the real level is far more than L2?"

"I think this is not quieting, and it is definitely what God and Stervo are asking for this."

"And everyone should pay attention to it, the real world is not the same, and the vehicle operation of the entire city in the game is the system operation. It is easy to do the automatic driving of the L5-level no accident, and even want to put The automatic driving level is difficult. But the reality is completely different. "

"Yes, the game may be forced to use this level of automatic driving, is a no heart."

"Anyway, I can do this in my unfinished reality, even if the Ocean game can escape the false propaganda, I can't escape the review is not strict!"

With the parameters of the model of the pole K1, the attention points of the audience have gradually changed.

But those who say that the fake propaganda of the Yangyang game before, because they are still unable to believe that the automatic driving technology of the pole K1 can reach the extent of the game!

However, after Lin Yu introduced the principles and parameters of the blade battery and automatic driving technology, the publisher entered the most critical link.

"Next, we will carry out two open tests in the open roads outside Sterffo's battery development center and the Shenhua Automatic Driving Research Institute of the Magical."

"These two public tests will use live broadcasts to show everyone the results of blade batteries and Shenhua automatic driving technology!"

Lin Yu finished, press the remote control in his hand, and the PPT on the big screen is switched to the scene.

During the scene, the product manager and the host were arranged, and the live broadcast of the two trials was conducted.

The barrage was in an instant.

"Oh? This is dare to broadcast live?"

"There are a lot of companies that have lived on high-tech live broadcasts, cautious!"

"Oh ... don't you give the audience a vaccination first this time? In case the test fails, the audience has to shout" Long live "Li Sister"! "

"I can understand the field test of this battery. It may be similar to the test has been done many times, but how to get the automatic driving technology? If the live broadcast is changed, the road conditions are changed every moment! do?"

"Is it evacuated in advance?"

If there is still many people sleeping because of the introduction of the parameters, then Lin Yu announced that the two tests were live broadcast, and the heat of the entire live broadcast suddenly came.

Some people look forward to the success of the trial, looking forward to the landing of this black technology, and some people are looking forward to the live broadcast.

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