Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1627, how is the game, is it not fun? (Qiqi monthly ticket)

August 7, Wednesday.

Qiao Liang hide in his own small room, with the latest DouBtProvr glasses, while playing your hands quickly, while emitting a laughter.

If it is not his two hands, the handle will be triggered with a very serious misunderstanding.

At this time, in his game screen, there is a beautiful and beautiful girl, wearing traditional Chinese traditional costumes, and the clothes fluttering is like an ancient myth.

Qiao Liang is editing the costumes on the fairy in the entry mode, or changed a remembering long sleeve or changed a dress, or changed the color of different blocks. It's just a lot of money!

After a long time, Qiao Liang felt that his eyes were slightly tired, and this was reluctant to pick VR glasses.

"This game is really fun, it is a super large pinch simulator."

"The finish of other games is very complicated, but even the clothes do such metabous games, it is still one."

"The most important thing is that it is also a VR game, you can view your sister 360 degrees without dead end."

"Do you want to say defects? Still there."

"First, only three yuan of sisters, no secondary sisters. If there is an anime style, it should be more exciting."

"Second, this girl can only stand in place or do some simple actions, without some depth interactive play, relative or too monotonous."

"Third, this sister is in contrast. Although the style of underwear can be adjusted according to the difference in clothing, there is no way to completely remove, some regrettable."

"Cough, this can not say more, say more, I am like a metamorphosis."

"I am now good is also a well-known game area UP master, well-known single machine game anchor to pay attention to their own image."

"But the words come back, this game is still not particularly high, which may be limited to hardware thresholds. Out more and more players, there are more and more online outstanding design, this game will definitely burst!"

So far this game has been sold for three days, Joe Liang has been paying attention to the latest trend of this game.

It has passed three days, and the late studio seems to have not planned to do a large-scale publicity, but it is very frequent in the water army. It has brought a lot of heat to this game.

Many players see that there is no gameability of the Water Army Black, and they know that the late studio has released a new VR game.

Qiao Liang naturally bought the new VR glasses and games in the first time, and he carefully experienced a reason why this game was poor.

In fact, it is two points.

First, the configuration of this game is too high. Want to experience in the highest match, not only require a high-computer, but also the latest 8kVR glasses. If you experience the original device, there will be some shortcomings in the picture quality.

Many times, the difference in quality will directly affect the first impression of the game in everyone's heart.

Second, this game content is indeed relatively monotonous, and only the gameplay of design clothes. Although you can also interact with netizens, you can use some big clothing design, but because of the few players, the online design is also relatively small. The interactive gameplay in this regard has not been fully developed.

The gameplay of the game does not have the characteristics of rapid spread, and the propaganda work in the early stage of the studio is not very powerful, so the early heat is a natural thing.

Throwing these two questions, Qiao Liang feels that this game is still very good.

It is possible to make such a function of pinching and apparel design so perfect, so that this game has a pinch simulator and tailor simulator.

This is what other games have never tried.

The design of this gameplay is not greasy for many female players and farming players.

Qiao Liang considers whether to make a video, introduce this game to the players?

Just he did not find a good entry point.

He originally thought that a few sets of very beautiful clothes or restored a lot of game characters in many well-known animation, so as long as they sent the entire pinching process to the Internet, they can reach a good communication effect.

Some games can only be put on the face of various anime characters, let alone this kind of face can be recovering from the face to the clothes!

The problem is that Qiao Liang is weak, and the brain feels that he can, and his hand tells himself at all.

He worked hard to pinch the online well-known anime role, and the result was helpless after two or three hours.

This professional operation has been fully exceeded by his ability.

So Qiao Liang finally gave up very simply, I think it is still to change the small sister in the game, which is more suitable for yourself.

Since I abandoned this idea, I have to change a video to make a video.

However, if you introduce the gameplay, it will look very empty. Isn't it more accepted on the Internet about the game of the game of the game?

Qiao Liang is a bit confused, so I decided to find a review of this game online, see how other people blow this game, and find a sense of inspiration.

He turned over turned over to see the article entitled "" tailored "to illustrate some of the domestic game designers have reached a dead end," the evaluation.

Qiao Liang Wei Zhou brow, just to see this title had a do not agree.

But he saw that this review may seem high heat, like the number of points and comments are the top row, thinking maybe this game say there are some reasonable place, then point into view.


This evaluation begins, first of all the "tailored" a brief introduction to the game a lot, especially pinched face and clothing design system inside the high degree of freedom given high praise.

In addition, the updated hardware, game quality improvement, etc., the evaluation also gave a high evaluation.

Obviously, this is a standard routine For suppressing the first Yang!

On the evaluation does not want to seem embarrassed in the black for no reason, put it in the opening game of the more outstanding at some point to set out.

Author obviously does not worry about these advantages have what he wants to express the impact, because he has found a great direction of the attack.

"While the foregoing listed a number of advantages, but I still think" tailored "appears in the game, illustrate some of the domestic game designers have reached a dead end."

"The dead end is called the forest for the trees."

"This game is really in a pinch face and clothing produced under the terms of a lot of effort made to date freest Dressup Game. In professional mode, players can even change the shape and color of each piece of fabric, or completely from scratch, using different fabrics and dyes make clothes. "

"But the hard work on tactics and strategy can not hide the lazy, rich details of the game can not hide the lack of gameplay!"

"For this game, our players have a more common assessment: the game where good, is not fun."

"The fact that the functionality of the game is very strong, can allow players the freedom to design a variety of nice clothes, and perhaps the future of this game will be linked with the GOG and other games. But the problem is that now it is just a tool, and talk It is not on the game. "

"For the game, the gameplay is the first one."

"The game's creators apparently did not thoroughly understand it, to spend too much energy to some minor details above. Although rich and made a perfect system, but it does not give players enough fun!"

"More precisely, it should be a tool, fashion design or fashion game making tool. It is, after all, can only meet a small minority of fun small number of people, but can not have an impact on a larger scale."

"Costume design, after all, is a very professional categories, you need to have a very strong professional knowledge to make a real line with the trend, in line with the public aesthetic dress."

"So I think the game although costly, well-made, but its starting point from the start wrong! Very difficult to create enough heat, it is difficult to recover development costs, it is difficult to produce on the player's game of life or real life much impact! "


After reading this evaluation, Qiao Liang feels a bit hate to teeth.


It doesn't say this evaluation of the black and how to do it, if it is reversed is the black and white, it is easy to solve, as long as the truth is good!

But this evaluation is dark, and it is very skillful.

First, briefly introduce the advantage of this game, showing a very fair position, and then seizes the playableness of the game.

"This game is good, it is not fun!"

This sentence can be said to be the biggest ironic for a game, and it can even be an insult.

For games, the game sex and play will of course be the first. Otherwise, how delicate pictures, how well, it is just a beautiful woman with no soul. Just an empty shelf.

But this sentence is used here, it is obviously an abuse.

Is this game this game really is not fun? Not too good.

Just its fun is relatively small, and it is generally no patience that can do not understand its gameability. But for players who like to pinch, like to make fashion, this game is obviously explosive.

Too interesting!

Although Qiao Liang is not a core player of this category, he can feel this pleasure, think that this game can at least let him play for more than one or two months.

So this game evaluation is actually a concept of stealing, with the public to deny the fun, and attack this game without gameability.

Qiao Liang really wants to send a game to evaluate or send a video to refute, but think about it carefully, but I can't think of a very favorable argument.

If he is not easy to play this game, it will fall in the bottom of the wind.

Because this game is indeed a game of relatively small people. If you don't put it on fun, you will be tangled with the other side, and you can't completely refute each other.

Only find another angle can we completely remove the other party's remarks.

"But what kind of angle should I do if I should find one?"

Qiao Liang's brow wrinkled, caught in meditation.

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