Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1628 What is going on this apparel brand?

Qiao Liang did not know that the late studio has been paying attention to online public opinion.

The game "Washed Tree" condenses the blood of all staff of the studio, how can I give up?

Whether it is no propaganda in the previous period, it is still in the face of the wind wave in the Internet, it is only because of the late studio of Lin Ya and Cai Jiadong and others are brewing a bigger storm.

At this time, the chamber of the chamber, Lin Double, Cai Jiadong, and several masterborn people are all in the meeting.

Lin is handed over the meeting information to Cai Jiadong, distributed by Cai Jiadong to everyone.

"The previous preparation of the Luxury apparel brand is all completed."

"We have contacted the best clothing processing foundry in China, which is all the best fabrics, especially in our domestic high-quality fabrics, such as long velvet cotton, etc.

"In addition, we have also contacted a number of outstanding designers into the" measured body tail "and luxury apparel brand, becoming our official apparel designer."

"Games, the designers who invited the internal tests before designing many good game clothing, and there are some excellent designs in the game after the game is online."

"Integrate these players design and official designers, you can launch our Luxury brand's first series of clothing."

"It is time to publish the" Washer Tree "and the Luxury brand's cooperation plan!"

Everyone nodded and the expression was full of excitement and expectation.

This day is finally arrived!

When Yan Qian came to the late studio, he was in the opportunity to see the game, Lin is not there, is Cai Jiadong.

At that time, Lin is in the south and going to cooperate with these costumes.

After this "measurement of the body,", there was no large-scale publicity and promotion, nor did not announce the cooperation plan of the luxury apparel brand, which is to let the bullet fly for a while, accumulating the heat.

In fact, for the late studio, the worst situation is not black or being embarrassing, but no one cares.

If this game is sold, there is no spray without publicity, nor any heat, then this game is really cool!

But now the online discussion is not low, whether it is the water army in black, it is a player to argue, there is a discussion.

This late-running plan can be launched smoothly.

Lin Ning suddenly talked, continue: "In addition, I noticed recently an international news hot spot. We will not take the initiative to heat, but if the hotspot has been put on our face, don't use it I just said that I can't go! "

Cai Jiadong stunned slightly, immediately understood the meaning of Lin Biao.

"Total Lin always said that many foreign apparel brands teamed up with the news of our country's chilled cotton?"

Lin Night: "Yes!"

"In fact, I have long seen these foreign clothing brands are not pleasing! Many of our national clothing brands are really too disappointing. Consumers don't have much choice."

"But now it is different. Since we decided to do a luxury brand, then there will be a battle with these foreign clothing brands."

"This event is an excellent opportunity."

"We must use this opportunity to shoot, try to let Luxury stand directly in the domestic apparel brand market."

"First play the famous gas to do line mode, wait until the sales volume will quickly expand it to the line, expand it to large shopping malls in all cities, and squeezed the share of foreign clothing brands."

"Do you have any confidence?"

Everyone said Qi: "Yes!"

In this case, even if you have no confidence, you have to say confidence!

Although the foreign clothing brand is indeed very strong, many excellent domestic brands have been doing so long, and they have never played them, not to mention the Luxury brand that has just been born.

But this battle is more than just the fight between clothing brands, but also the battle between China's brand and foreign brands.

How can this combat retreat, how can I accept it?

What's more, the Luxury brand is the spirit of the total Tengda, which is the profound criticism of foreign brands and luxury products. Have such a powerful theoretical weapon in hand, how can we down to foreign brands?

Everyone couldn't help but fight, and they said that they were resolutely won the war.


August 8, Thursday.

Joe is sitting in front of the computer and scratching, he is very bored.

I have thought about it all day, and I didn't think it would refute this evaluation.

Not only that, he is still looking for inspiration online. During the process of finding material, he sees a lot of "Washed" game without game sexual post, but also gives him enough.

"Water Army! This is definitely the water army!"

"The signs of this water army are too obvious!"

"These watermasters are so embarrassed, it is simply this!"

Joe Liang is angry.

The growth history of Joe's accounts can be seen as the history of the struggle with the water army.

Starting from Tengda's earliest game, the water army has not stopped. And Qiao Liang as a loyal player of Tengda game, each time is the first line of the anti-river army.

Objectively said that the water army tapping the game online, making it so much heat. And Qiao Liang refuted these water army's process, he kill the four-party heroic, and did a huge contribution to his rose powder.

But this does not affect Qiao Liang's disgust to these waterjun.

It's too angry!

The key is that these water troops have also relatively converge, and they also know how to mix in the players in the black Tengda game, secretly touch the rhythm.

As a result, this time is not installed.

The game has just been online, and the official has not been able to make a large-scale publicity. The water troops have become rampant, and they give this game on the major forums and websites, brush the low score, Strive to instill players: "This game is very poor, not fun" this concept.

Although it is more obvious because it is too fast, it has triggered the consistency of netizens. But after these two days have gradually fermented, these water troops still don't know how to converge, and even have become advisable.

It is tolerance, can't bear it!

Qiao Liang is very angry, the consequences are very serious!

However, he wanted to refute the measures of the game, and smashed a belly fire, could only scales these gas on the water army.

"I can't make it like this, I think this time must be striking, calling a wave of heavenly justice!"

"I decided to report the real name."

"No matter if you use it, anyway, I have to do my own power. I can't watch these Surfacion continued to rampant and continue to take the good game of Tengda."

Thinking of this, Qiao Liang decided to report to the net police, and all the evidence collected in the same is true.

Have to say that these evidence is still very much.

Qiao Liang has been searching for it, and many games and movies of Tengda have signs of water Army event at the beginning of the release, and he is positioned to a few water army accounts.

Of course, a lot of water troops have a habit of replacement, will not catch a account, often a shot of a place, but this is basically a low-level water army.

Many senior watermasters are to raise their own accounts, because the account must have some fans and certain weights to play a corresponding role. These accounts are not a one-powered thing, as long as this account is going deep, I can always find some spider silk.

As for how the network police decide whether the speech of these accounts constitutes a water army, it will continue to be traced, that is not what Qiaoliang can control.

But in any case, he feels that he must reflect this situation seriously.

What is useful?

Qiao Liang believes that as long as the heart can perseverely struggle, just one day will be extended one day.


When Qiao Liang is all busy, I will return home, which is already 9 o'clock in the evening.

After a heart, Qiao Liang felt that God was refreshed. He turned on the computer to continue to browse the discussion of the game about "Waterial Tree" and wanted to continue to look for the breakthrough of the game.

Just then, he looked at him.

"The reality of the late studio actually wants to create a new apparel brand with talented games, luxury?"

"And the official website has been launched, and various publicity activities have also been fully launched!"

"Well, is this a new domestic garment brand to rise?"

"Wait, LUXURY This is not the name of the costume brand inside" Struggle "?"

After seeing the late studio announced the establishment of a new apparel brand, Qiao Liang first is ecstatic, and then fell into confused.

The reason why he is because he seems to have seen a strong rise of emerging domestic brands!

Although there are still some good domestic garment brands in China, but there is still a small gap compared to the top brands of foreign countries.

And some brands don't know why, always make some inexplicably operated operations. When the netizen has just a good sense of emotion, this kind of good feeling is lost.

Recently, Qiao Liang also noticed the international news: some foreign brands boycotted domestic longweed cotton. This news is also to let Qiao Liang angry!

In fact, Qiao Liang has already fed enough for these foreign brands.

The clothes shoes are getting more and more expensive, and the workmanship is getting worse, the key is that the IQ tax is getting higher and higher, but also always entrains some cultural output private goods.

Even some shoes have become a premium futures, many young people eat soil shoes, experience the first explosion of young people.

Clothes and shoes are clearly daily consumer goods, but these foreign "genius" brands have passed people as a scarcity, turning their lives into financial products.

It can only be said that the city has a depth, and the foreign routine is deeper.

In this environment, many people are looking forward to having a batch of high-priced domestic brands in China.

If there is such a brand, there will be many people who have turned to the embrace of domestic brands because of the unbearable foreign brands.

Only have their own problems due to domestic brands, many are not very competitive. Therefore, consumers will use the money to support the true gold, this money is really not spent.

But now, the brand of the late studio has given the model, price, and materials for clothing design on the official website.

Not only is the quality domestic materials such as long velvet cotton, but also design modeling, the price is also very cheap.

Plus the lack of the lack of the studio and the Tenda Group, this product is launched, naturally, will be widely concerned.

Not only that, the official also announced that the Luxury apparel brand will be associated with the "measurement of the body," the excellent design in the "Washer Tree" can be promoted in the Luxury brand and the designer will receive a rich return.

All of these are essential factors for success, it can be said that it is a dayful place and complete!

But the problem is what is the name of this apparel brand?

Luxury apparel brand in the game of "struggle", obviously the representative of consumerism and enjoyment, is a tool for harvesting the poor in the rich class.

Is it true that a new costume brand is really right?

Qiao Liang is not thinking about it, is it because he has not played "struggle" on the back of the studio, or does not have the correct understanding of the game of "Struggle", so do you have made this appended decision?

No, this is impossible!

Because of such a big thing, there are more than half of them know, let alone the late studio is responsible. It has a close relationship with Tengda, which is much higher than Qiao Liang for Tenda's understanding.

How can he not know the meaning of the Luxury appler in the game?

Then there is only one explanation of this matter: this is interested in the designer!

Qiao Liang couldn't help but excited. He felt that he seems to find a key entry point that can refute the game evaluation!

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