Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1629 The head of the water army is lost.

August 10, Saturday.


Hu Xiao is very proud to show off the results of our own water army.

"How is the boss, this time you are satisfied?"

"Although I just started, because the late studio didn't play the card, the water army brush was a bit obvious, but did not play the effect. But we will soon replenish it!"

"After these few days, we have put the" measured body tail "game ', which is not fun.' This concept is infused to give a lot of players."

"And now the misunderstanding is released, and there is no propaganda when the studio has just been sold, in fact, it is waiting for the partnership with the luxury apparel brand."

"But you can rest assured that this small episode does not affect our work!"

"Although this game has been jointly cooperated with the luxury apparel brand, this is a new brand, and there is no enough heat on the Internet. Most netizens don't pay special attention to this event."

"And we send you the featuring heat is constantly rising."

"As long as we can grab the Luxury clothing brand, we must achieve your goal."

The other side replies to: "Well, yes!"

"I saw this game evaluation, I have a level it is very level! This author can work for a long time."

Hu Xiao is very happy: "Yes? Can you get your recognition, it is our pleasure. You look after ..."

His words have not been finished, I heard the knock on the door.


Hu Xiao is a little surprised. He remembers that he doesn't seem to be taken, and has never bought express.


Hu Xiao got up to open the door.


On the other hand, Yan Qian looked at him to respond to the chat window of "Xiaoxi Hui".

But wait for a while, but I found that there is no story.

The other party didn't return him.

Yan Qian is very surprised, what is going on?

According to reason, the service attitude of the water army has always been very good, basically 24 hours online, and call. Most of the time to find the fastest reply, like this chat, halfway, do not say, no reason, the situation is extremely rare.

"Maybe people have three urgent?"

Yan Qian's prestige is waiting for a while, and the result is still there any response.

"Forget it, I have time, I have been waiting for this, and then I say that the role of the water army is basically reached. Although the end of the payment is still not paid, this kind of thing is definitely more urgent."

"When will he follow me, when will I pay?"

Yan Qian stood up and stretched a lazy waist, and the beautiful song continued to see the discussion of the game on the "Masters Tree".

On Thursday, the late studio has officially announced the "Waiter Tree" game with the Luxury apparel brand.

And for the new costume brand of Luxury, it also launched the official website.

The relevant publicity activities also launched synchronously.

Because many foreign costumes boycott domestic cotton, the Volkswagen is a time node that is very high in the domestic apparel brand. Luxury apparel brand has been launched, naturally, has also been sought after by many people.

Many people have shout, support more and more excellent domestic apparel brands, and break over the domestic costume market has been monopoly in foreign brands.

However, after all, the time is still very short, and there is no sufficient heat.

At this time node, many domestic clothing brands are working hard to promote themselves. Many of these apparel brands are excellent workmanship, excellent quality, and many are old names, and even condense the brand of national emotions.

The attention is dispersed!

Luxury This brand is originally a new brand, but also in English name and trademark, it looks like a fake fake devil.

Although some players know that Luxury this brand itself is derived from the game of "struggle", and its appearance is a kind of irony to foreign luxury clothing brands.

But knowing that these people are a few, and many people don't care about it.

"Washed" game with luxury apparel brand, although there is a certain linkage effect, such as players can design games in the "Waterial Tree", and then produced by the Luxury apparel brand. But after all, the game just launched, excellent design is also concentrated, and a lot of players and technologies can be piled up enough to design.

Therefore, although it has also obtained a certain heat, the Luxury apparel brand and the "measurement of the body are tailored" game have not truly perfectly combined.

This makes the activities in the early days of the Water Army appear fruitful, especially the game review, let Yan Qian feel big!

So far, no one can truly refute this game evaluation.

Although there are also a lot of Tengda's hardcore fans, in this game review, the "measurement of the body tail" is actually there is its unique game, but this argument is obviously not strong enough, it is impossible to refute this Article evaluation.

Yan Qian couldn't help but let go.

As long as this state can continue for three or four months, let the "measurement" and luxury apparel brand can make money after the settlement, then thank you.

At this moment, the mobile phone put on the sofa sounded a sound.

Yan Qian instantly alert, this is the special tone he set.

This means that Joe is also sent again!

Yan Qian is like a big enemy, he knows that this kind of thing is absolutely less than Qiao teacher.

Just this time the public opinion is so beautiful, can Joe teachers caught the public opinion?

In this regard, Yan Qian is highly suspicious.

He rushed to open a new video of Joe Liang, and it was an evaluation of "measured body tail".

Moreover, it is also the opposite of the black publishing, the topic is similar, called "Waiter Tree, indicating that some domestic game designers have entered a new stage. "

It is simply singing a platform.

Previously, the title of the black passed said that some game designers in China walked into the dead. This is to say that the game of "Washed" is excessively paying attention to the detail of the stack of piles, but ignores the most important gameability for the game.

And the new video of Qiao Liang seems to be refuted from a higher angle.

Yu Qian did not dare to neglect, hurry and click to view.

He is very skilled in the beginning of Joe Liang's familiar to the audience, and accurately positioned the analysis phase of the game of the "measurement".


"There is a game evaluation says" Washed Tree Tail "game indicated that the producer walked into the dead end, overemphassed, the contents of the stack. The quality of the game itself is very high, but it completely ignores the game's gameplay, do it. It has become a game that is not fun. "

"First of all, I want to declaration, the fun of the game is diversified."

"If a player likes to play online games, don't enter the stand-alone game, and then criticize the single game is not fun, there is no game sex, is this not a very absurd?"

"The game" game of "Washed" is the game of the game, so that high-freedom game can reflect the difference between players and players. In the process of designing clothes, players can give their own The intelligence and creation is the highest pursuit of entertainment activities. "

"Can't you say if you can't feel the game, do you say fun?"

"Of course, some people may say this time, most people can't feel this pleasure. For a huge VR game in this huge VR, isn't it still a failure?"

"Here I want to say" Isolated "games and different games that everyone see. It is in the same vein with the game design philosophy of the late studio, and there is obvious improvement."

"This is also what I said in the title."

"The" MOD Trete "game marks the domestic excellent game producer headed by mobile game producers such as Tenda Games and late line studios, has entered a new stage!"

"This game is more focused on the impact of games while retaining gameplay. This is a more advanced and practical function, and it can even be a pioneer exploration."

"For a long time, the game is just a role in people's spiritual level. A good game, through excellent plot, novel gameplay, let players get spiritual pleasure and satisfaction."

"But as technology continues to advance, the concept is constantly developing, more and more game producers are not satisfied, they want to make the game and reality, and the late studio is this is this By!"

"Whether it is a real estate intermediary simulator VR version or a safe civilization driving VR version, or now" measured body tail ". The late studio allows the game to make the game and reality constantly contact, convenient people's life. This is working hard Transcend the original function, expand the boundaries of the game! "

"As for this game, how is the reality that constantly happens, please listen to my thin way."

Seeing that Yu Qian feels little.

Broken, I was found to find new blow points!

What is the problem that the luxury apparel brand is not a very ordinary linkage? Many games in the late studio have been linked to realism. Whether it is a real estate agency simulator or a safe and civilized driving, the linkage with reality should be better than this costume brand?

How to evaluate the luxury apparel brand than before?

Don't you find some unprecedented rhumi?

The sudden inclination of the water army has a little bit of the heart, and the video of Qiao Liang is a bit more panic.

Yan Qian hurriedly clicked the play button and continued to look down.

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