Temporarily completed the big frame of the script, and Yan Qian felt satisfied.

According to this progress, you can add a little detail tomorrow, you can throw it directly to Huang Sibo.

"Well, today's work tasks are almost completed, take a break!"

Yan Qian habitually opened Alit Island and was ready to start chasing.

I just saw it for a long time, and I came outside the office knocked on the door.

When I looked up, I was Xin Assistant.

"The email of our company's mailbox is full, and the colleagues in the Ministry of Human Resources are busy with screening and archiving. But because there are too many people in the resume, I urgently need to enter a screening standard."

Xin Xian's looks at Yan Qian, the meaning of the words is "this screening standard can only be kept".

: "???"

It is preparation to open the grand face of the grandparents.

The email is full?

How can it be!

The greatness of the vigilance is always smelling a bad taste.

He quickly opened the company's mailbox on his computer, and found that there was a lot of unread mail in the mailbox. The red number "999+" on the inbox was extremely eye-catching!

"This ... What is going on?" Yan Qian is a little dizzy.

Xin Assistant smiled: "It should be an official interview with the effect of your internal letter."

"You go to see Weibo hot search and know."

"But now, it is first to determine a screening criterion. After all, so many resumes, if you have to arrange interviews, manpower is definitely not enough."

Yan Qian fell into a short sluggish state, and the silence was swayed after a moment: "OK, you go out first, I think it is better again."

Xinyi nodded and retired.

Yu Qian feels that this is not so simple, it is definitely not a problem that the screening criteria can solve, and quickly open Weibo.

As a result, look at the hot search list, the topic of the seventh place is Herone Tengda's internal letter!

"what's the situation?!"

"I sent a clearly the intranet, how to run to Weibo hot search?"

Yu Qian was originally forgot.

The original intention of him in such an internal letter is nothing more than encouraging his own employees to draw water, more touch, and reduce the burden of loss of loss.

The results were sent to the intranet, and many employees were very disappointed in the windbow fart.

Therefore, Qianqian did not pay attention to this matter.

I didn't think of this manuscript, I have been playing in Weibo!

Yan Qian quickly opened, and found that his internal letter has become a long screenshot, and it was reproduced by netizens.

I will see the discussion of netizens again, and Yan Qian can't help but feel cold.

"I didn't look wrong, this is really internal letter of a boss?"

"If the capitalist's words can't be believed ... ? How do you not be the same as the script I think?"

"I am touched, how can this good boss? Give me a fight!"

"This is the internal letter of Tengda? Will Tenda recruited employees? I have to go!"

"Don't don't do it, I think this is speculation! Even if this internal letter is true, most is also in the perspective!"

"But my friend is Tenda employees, Tenda's welfare treatment is really good, real thing!"

"Some people say that this is a standing? The other company boss is also standing! You can also set up, you can speculate, dare to send such internal letters?"

"Hey, have you found that this open letter is like a public letter before the copy, that" work hard, can live better! "

"It's really, it's all over. Is this in intentional ironic?"

"Heaven, too much program effect, I was powdered by this boss!"

"Lying in the trough, don't say it, I will go to Tengda's resume!"

The response of the sand carving netizens on Weibo is too warm, let Yan Qian have some extension.

When this interior is circulated in the intranet, it has also triggered some repercussions, but it is not fired to this extent.

Although the top post has been hanging in the internal forum, there is a new reply every day, but most employees have seen the blood, but they have passed.

Because the internal forum is Tenda's employees, like Hao Qiong, this employee, has already been often accustomed to Tenda's generous benefits.

So, I saw that everyone's internal letter is very fresh, but it is not too touched. After all, everyone knows that is such a good boss.

You can get on Weibo, and the situation is suddenly wrong!

The sand carving netizens on the Internet have seen this god company, this kind of god boss?

Previously, the official platform had already blown a pass, which triggered a certain reaction. Now it is now an internal letter, and Tengda's image has been completely standing in many netizens!

So far, most players' impression of Tengda is:

The boss is a Bole, very good at discovering talents;

Employees are very excellent, the internal atmosphere is active, and there is no big company's desire to be the hometown;

Welfare is excellent, not pressing employees;

So far, Tengda's industries involves many fields, and they do have a sound color.

There is also a key point, Tengda is in Beijing, this is a second-tier city, both good supporting facilities, will not have a huge pressure like a super-city city.

Comprehensive factors, Tengda suddenly became the fragrance of many job seekers!

As the saying goes, I am not afraid of not knowing the goods, I am afraid that the goods are better.

In other company bosses, the wolf culture, 996 is a blessing, and Tengda's boss actually trip to it, and the employees will rest more, pay attention to the body.

This kind of humanistic care that has fallen, so that many other companies' social animals are simply touched!

As a result, many people turned into Tengda's tap water on the network, and they were crazy on Weibo to say good words; there were some more and brittle, started to investigate the resume!

Time passed, Tengda's corporate mailbox has exploded, and 999 + mail is all all kinds of job resume.

Yu Qian thought that the official interview will trigger some bad consequences, but they did not expect it to be so serious!

Looking at the 999+ mail in the mailbox, the HRs of Yan Qian and the Ministry of Human Resources were taken as headaches.

However, the reason for the headache is not the same.

HR is just a happiness of happiness, so many people squeeze the head to Tenda, nature is easier to filter out of excellent talents.

And the general is relatively stiff.

He didn't mind numerous employees, but there were some big cows in case, and it was easy to bring it to the project, which is not to vomit.

However, all of these people will be refused directly, nor well.

Now Tengda is not the previous little transparent company, there must be many people who are staring.

If it is discovered that Tenda is only a garbage staff, the excellent talent is not, will there be some doubts about Tenda, or the total motivation?

Yan Qian can't let too many people doubt their motives, and they can't let too many people doubt the existence of the system itself or challenge.

"Recruiting this issue, I have to think of a proper solution, otherwise I will have endless suffering."

Yu Qian is embarrassing, and now Tenda is already a big company.

In the future, with the development of the business, the employees recruited are more and more, and Yan Qian can't be like the previous pro, personally pick it up.

Then, HR must continue to discover those excellent employees.

That's in general, will it be more and more people going to tally?

Whoever gets this!

"I have a way to scree some mixers as much as possible."

"Too good staff, which is gold to glow. After coming to Tengda, I can't take crazy back. I can't live. I don't accept this batch, let them go to other companies to send heat, and will not waste social Resource. "

"Too garbage staff, it's too conspicuous. Some special stupid people may also make big news, do not meet the low-key temperament of Tengda. It is best not to recruit."

"So, I want to take a batch of precocious, like the mixer like the old horse, it is very good. I said what they are old, as long as I point to a wrong direction, I can guarantee the loss."

"Well, it's right, I want to screen the mixer!"

Qian Qian quickly thought about the countermeasures.

After half an hour, Yu Qian called the Xin Assistant.

"Send an announcement, telling you that there is no large-scale recruitment plan for Tenda. For those resumes that have been sent, let the human resources department engage in a talent library, start up, and then say."

"The recruitment of Tengda will go on the right track. During this time, I will let the human resources department formulate a general selection standard, and Tenda will selection talents regularly in accordance with this standard."

Xin Assistant did a record.

"General, the Human Resources Department has already screened a batch of good seedlings, the resume looks very good, all the fields have. Do you want to arrange an interview to these people?"

: "No!"

"The resume is beautiful, the actual ability is not necessarily strong. Now Tenda is in the eyes of many job seekers, and there must be many water in the vitality."

"We won't have in the past, and will not just use a resume to select talents! More importantly, what is the actual ability."

Xinyi nodded: "Well, indeed, now the resume fake is quite common. Since I have a better selection method, I will come."

Xin Haijun is also very clear, and

Since I don't like these resumes too beautiful, I'm going to work.

Yan Qian is a breather, and a back thorn is hiding in hand.

Xinmie said: "However, the general, the recent departments have some people to expand, always have a group of people to fill the positions of these vacant."

: "Yes, urgently need to supplement the person's department can admit a batch as appropriate. If it is not lacking the department, don't admit the 'reserve talent'."

Xinyi nodded: "Okay."

Yan Qian asked: "Who is the person in charge of the human resource department?"

Xin Assistant: "Xiao Hao."

Yan Qian blinked: "Which Xiao Hao?"

Xin Assistant: "... Hao Yun."

"Oh, it is TA." Yan Qian put a look "I am very familiar", in fact, I have never heard of it, even the man is a man, I don't know.

This cannot be strange to always don't care about employees, and the key staff now is too much.

The human resource department is an inexpensive department in the Eye, which is whistling who is idle.

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