Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 791, spending money, no small matter (big chapter, monthly ticket)

FV Electronic Athletic Club.

Wu Yue, who just received a message, was very speechless, and he was angry.

"Official as this? Our FV Club's participating places are officially given, the number of seeds is called by this, the result is a total of three teams, and the other two have arranged to go to Los Angeles training. We are completely news?"

"I really don't take us as a team of biological?"

"Just because there is a little festive with the whole side, is this human attitude?"

These electricity clubs are very bright. The FV Equipment Club will soon get news: Longyu Group officially organizes the two teams to go to Los Angeles training in advance, and the expedited visa is already doing, it is said to be in Los Angeles Summit is a full package of Longyu Group, and will also take the bridge to help about the European and American team training.

As a result, these news is known from other channels. Longyu Group has not intended to inform the FV club, even in a fake, explain!

This can only explain one question: Long Yu Group is deliberate without FV club to go to Los Angeles.

The land manager has been persuaded: "You have eliminated the gas, this thing is really too much, but we have no good way."

"This time I went to the Los Angeles to play training, it should be the act of spontaneous organizations there, and I don't have a worldwide process hosted by the head."

"So Longyu Group can also say that we are lying, without this point, they don't want to bring anyone who wants to bring anyone. Many other competitions, you will not enjoy this treatment."

Wu Yue said: "This is discrimination! It is a difference! We should complain, or simply send a microblogging public, let everyone look at the people of Longyu Group!"

The land manager rushed his head: "Wu, this is not appropriate!"

"Long Yu Group did not promote this matter, if we explode, Longyu Group can immediately change the mouth, this is the club spontaneously, Longyu Group is just responsible for pulling the bridge, which played a small role. Because The truth of this thing is very easy to cover up. Let's rush, as long as Longyu Group is playing Taiji, it is easy to cover the past, but it seems that we are more than the heart of a small person. "

"As for the complaint, it is more useful. Is it not equal to what is the official '?"

"Moreover, e-sports are still in the end, it is also a result. Let's go online now, bring this matter, bring a wave of rhythm, if it is a World game, it will definitely fight, to that time we will I have reason not to take it. "

"Think about knowing what the world will say when the world will say: such a team is also a good idea to think about the official money to go to the Los Angeles training game? At the beginning, the quota will be given to SUG!"

"As long as we lose, the rhythm will definitely fly, we can't consider the consequences now."

Wu Yue black face nodded: "Well, it seems that Zhao Ximing is a bit of eating, and it feels that even if we are out, you can't get the benefits, so you will be so eye-catching, it is to kill the chicken monkey, hit us to give Tenda look good."

"That ... can't we eat a dumb loss? Longyu Group does this disgusting thing, we can't help but say it?"

Lu Jing wants to think: "said it must be able to say, but not now."

"When the result is not coming out, I jumped out of the group, it is a matter of idiotecy. On the one hand, I added huge public opinion pressure to my players, affecting them to play; on the other hand, in case the game, the other party will take the opportunity Falling down the stone, eat melon people will not stand in us, it is really going to be directly entangled. "

"The best way is actually the autumn, and we will win these things through the game, and the wind output is the best choice."

"So, for us, the best choice now is to bear the weight, try not to let this thing affect your own attitude, actively prepare for the battle, we can use public opinion stress against Longyu Group "

"As long as we have better results than the other two clubs, then no matter how we have got the crown of upfame, even if it is just a fourth, eight strong, there are also speech."

"At that time, we can say that the official difference is not good, if you give us the same treatment, maybe our achievements can be better, and so on.

"In short, everything still looks at the results, there is no grades all over white."

Wu Yue is silent for a moment, and it sighs and sighs: "Difficult!"

"We are now good, but from the previous qualifiers, the strength is just between Jiefang, but also the light of the schedule. The bladder is not necessarily to win them. "

"The advantage of going to Los Angeles training is obvious, can be lowered to make Europe and America service, better adapt to the version, and training with the current strength of European and American teams, the strength will definitely be faster than us."

"We wanted to win, they can't just think about fantasy."

Land manager nodded and felt that the situation was really very serious.

Electronic competition is not said to be determined, perseverance can win, and also need scientific training methods and good supporting facilities.

Many players are talented, but they can't be achieved in some clubs, which is often because the club's management is poor, the training mode is wrong, and the supporting facilities can't keep up.

Wu Yue said: "Do you want us to go to Los Angeles?"

Land manager silence for a moment: "Long Yu Group organized them to go to Los Angeles because it can be tangled with the fingers, to the high-end account of the European and American clothes, can come to the official identity with the European and American old team to travel. Look at Longyu Group's attitude towards us, even if you go to your back, there is no such thing! "

"We can't always go to Los Angeles. As a result, the team members will play Rank in the low segment of the European and American clothes all day? Isn't it more practice?"

"More, we have a lot of money, it is also very expensive, you have to eat some good food, add someone else, and add someone else, how can you have 20 people? If you take into account the situation of training, we have brought our second team to the past, then you have to double. "

"Of course, our club can get this money, the problem is to spend money and do not necessarily guarantee the training effect, the price is too bad."

Wu Yue thought, it is really a matter.

Longyu Group organizes two teams to Los Angeles training, because people have high-end accounts, and can be trained from the European and American team. If there is no, it doesn't have to adapt to the adaptation environment in advance.

Considering the thirteen, Wu Yue said: "This kind of small thing does not seem to be very disturbed, this way, I gave Zhang Mr. Tengda's E-sports Department, let him help staff."

"If there is nothing necessary, we will not go, stay in the domestic team to play training, other training competitions will be about the world."



December 17, Saturday.

Today, there is a routine conference for lifetime.

This year's Spring Festival is relatively early, January 23, so the time of the exam week has also been in advance, and the management of the lifetime is also spenting a lot of time review.

This management claims also do not have much information about it. After all, most products are still in the end of R & D, including automatic intelligent lifting bar, etc., there is no sign of tallery, so this is natural. There is also a useful information.

Yan Qian knows that it is a hard battle next month.

Results The billing cycle is just catching up with the exam week, and I have to say that this feeling is very acid.

Can you better than the old horse in this exam, you can see this.

The management of losses reported the situation of their respective departments, so quickly from the persons of the EDM.

This tube claims have been followed by Zhang Yuan. It was originally responsible for the DGE club. Escape his eyes.

"The GPL presenter is about to enter the second half. The current game is smooth, accidentally encountered BUG in some games, equipment issues are also properly solved, should be able to accumulate a lot of experience in the spring season."

"At present, the main lineup of each furniture tolerance of GPL is basically fixed, and those teams that do not participate in the GPL preseason, are also in training, and actively prepare for the Spring season."

"The new group of players in the DGE club has been swept away, although the strength is better than the earliest team, this batch is good, and after the trades of the old team, it is in various new The team is still in the main position ... "

Yan Qian took the hand of the teacup could not help but

Although I have already prepared it, I really feel the heart when I heard this news.

It is also a ten player, how much is it!

This group of players are Huang Wang, Jiang Huan they were bought after they were purchased away, and they were still selling very well. This time, the transfer fee is enough to drink a pot.

DGE's players sell well.

The first is the reputation of the DGE club, the potential newcomer tends to come to the DGE club to mention the price, and other clubs also feel that the players who buy DGE clubs will never lose, so they buy more simply.

The real potential newcomers are willing to come to DGE club, because once the results can be jumped to other clubs to take the big contract, DGE never engages in card contract or snow, newcomer is more secure; For the club, DGE Club is not directly involved in competition, and it is not a threat to his own grades, and also helps training a team member, so it is also happy to buy people from DGE.

From DGE, the old players will come back to the five places, will come back to DGE newcomers. Over time, "DGE came out of the players alone" became the entire league audience, the club's inherent impression, let DGE enters one Beneficial circulation.

So, DGE's new team members are like a leeks, and they can sell all over a period of time and earn a lot of transfer.

In this regard, Yu Qian is also powerless.

He pretended calmly drinking tea and asked: "So, how much is the transfer fee?"

The management losman said: "Ten players, the performance of these people is different, some of the C-bodes with strong operation or with command capacity is relatively high, the transfer fee is more than 1.5 million, if it is the kind of performance, It may be only 78 million, about one million. These players are adding together, and the transfer fee is sold for about 13 million. "

: "..."

A ...

This number is serious than his psychological expectation!

The transfer fee of Huang Wang, Jiang Huan and others is about 2 million, so Yu Qian also thought that these young players transferred 1 million to top.

But obviously not such a thing!

At the earliest time, Huang Wang and Jiang Huan said the transfer fee of this star player also a little a little ametry. After all, the major clubs are in order to hold the GOG Global Invitational Receive, for high bonuses and exposure.

However, as GOG has gradually improved the market share of GOG, the success of the GOG Global Invitational Tournament, the heat of the GPL league is high ...

After this series of operations, Huang Wan and Jiang Huan have the price of this star player, and it is also expanded quickly with more and more capital admission!

Now their transfer fee is not two million things.

The head of the header has risen, and the price of the second batch of new potential newcomers in the DGE club will naturally rise.

Ten people seem to have a lot, but the transfer fee is added together, I have rushed to 13 million.

Let Yan Qian feel some vomiting blood is not this number, but time!

After all, I have also seen people who have seen the big world. A few billion funds have taken a few times, let alone tens of millions of this district.

Anyway, I can't get my own hands, just a number.

The key is how much time to earn more than 10 million!

Introducing this team member is September, now in December, a total of three months of time, transferring is 13 million!

In this way, the DGE club earned more than 4 million per month, easily.

Don't mention the business sponsorship and live contracts of the DGE club!

And the daily expenses of the DGE club are really not much. The training base is the rental of Li, and the Cui Manager of Ming Yun Villa will not hate the general cost of the forever, and the rent and water and electricity costs are all spend. How much does it cost?

The only place to spend money, may be daily expenses such as eating and fitness.

But there is a touched fish takeaway and hosted a gym. If these players are open to eat, how much is it?

Yu Qian feels very tired.

People open the clubs are burning money. The original intention of opening the club is also to burn money. As a result, it will become a money!

A club specially selling players, a club that can't be played more than the championship, thinking about it.

It is said that the DGE club has been well cultivated, and it should earn 10 million transmissions, but the problem is that these players are just a good seedllar!

Because the potential newcomers are squeezing their heads, they want to diamond into the DGE club, and regardless of their own first choice, as long as they are a few newcomers.

Just like a lot of super middle schools, you have admitted around the winds around you, and the final result is not good?

Yan Qian silently drunk the tea and adjusted his own mentality: "Continue."

The management will continue to say: "There are many clubs have received sponsors, although the number is different, and it is not possible to rely on some sponsorship to maintain the club operation, but this is a good start."

"Before the spring race, some teams should have a symbol of the sponsor. Although the sponsor is too much, it is not good, but it will make the audience feel that the league is not enough."

, sponsors will come to the club's money, and it doesn't matter.

The control lifetime is turned and said: "In addition, there are many sponsors to express a strong interest in GPL's exclusive crown, including computer vendors, peripheral manufacturers, and sportswear, digital products, cars, etc.

"However, the specific price code has not been finalized, still in negotiations."

"Currently, the exclusive cooperation quotation of single types of merchants is about 5 million levels of one year, and the exclusive title of the exclusive title is about 20 million a year. Because some details involved in sponsors, it is still talking. "

"As for the live broadcast platform, the transfer of the GPL Spring and Summer Competition will consider authorizing the three live platforms. The base price is 10 million. At present, it should be more than 12 million to see the bidding price ..."

"These are still talking about that Zhang is also summarizing all aspects of news, and should be reported soon."

Listening to this one, I feel that I have some hands and feet, my brain is blank.

I thought that the crazy seller on the DGE club is already a bad news, and now I find that the real bad news is still behind!

Recently, Yu Qian's attention was attracted by IOI qualifying competition and cold noodles, and did not pay too much attention to GPL, but did not expect that the situation was so serious!

In fact, it should be thought of, so many sponsors have to find a team to cooperate, will definitely have more people to come to official cooperation!

At present, the sponsorship price of the GPL league is also hierarchical.

A single type of exclusive cooperation refers to a single product, which monopolizes a product. For example, a sportswear has signed an exclusive cooperation with GPL, then the GPL will not cooperate with other sportswear.

Of course, this does not affect the official to find manufacturers such as computers, cars, digital products.

As for the exclusive title, it can also be seen as a chief sponsorship, that is, the best recommendation resources will be obtained, and the quotation is also the highest.

As for the competition over the live broadcast platform, it is more intense. After all, the live broadcast platforms are currently burning the money in crazy, and will not give the user a "this platform that is not very line". Therefore, the bidding price is highly fried.

It is said that this amount will not be able to compare with the kind of billion and billions of sponsorships in the memory of .

But the problem is, which is this?

The birth of GOG is less than a year, and the domestic competition is not so recognized. Now you can go to such a high sponsorship fee, and it seems that it is very deprecated!

But think about it, this also has certain rationality.

Because the heat of the GOG World Finals is before, everyone sees the tremendous potential of the electric competition, and the GPL is too good, and there is little competitors.

What's more, Shenhua and other giants have admitted, GPL's quota and other news, all in constantly provoking the nerves of the audience, and sponsors see the advertising effects brought by huge heat, and compare the quotation of traditional sports, I feel very cost-effective Naturally, I have admitted.

Yan Qian silently calculated that the GPL is very likely to make hundreds of millions of funds through the sponsorship and demobilization rights of the spring and summer.

The good news is that this hundreds of millions of money is earned throughout the year, and it will seem to be slightly better than a month.

The bad news is that the sponsorship fee of next year may be higher.

Yan Qian considered it, this money is afraid to push it.

In this case, you have to talk to Zhang Yuan, let these sponsors pay the payment, put the money every month, don't always call, especially don't just catch this critical node before the settlement.

Otherwise, .

"Is there anything else?" Yu Qian is very tired.

According to the control list: "Oh, there is a little thing, about the FV club. It is said that Longyu Group has to arrange the domestic team to Los Angeles to train, but only the FV team ..."

Wu Yue called Zhang Yuan's business, because there is nothing to confidential, so the management compensation also knows.

Yu Qian heard, not from the eyes.

How can this be a small thing?

Flower money is not small!

This Wu Yue, this Zhang Yuan, two people should criticize! This kind of thing is not reported to me in the first time. What is it?

Long Yu Group went to Los Angeles with two teams, and left the FV club?

Good thing!

This is given me a very precious spending opportunity!

According to the overhead of Los Angeles, if you have some people, the highest accommodation standard allowed by the system ... this may spend a lot of money!

After listening to so many bad news, there is a good news.

After the end of the control account, Qian immediately called Wu Yue.


FV Club, Wu Yue is tangled for the training of the team, and seeing the total phone, rushing up.

"Hey? Tarium, is there anything?" Wu Yue asked.

The tale of the phone seems to be a bit unhappy: "Other clubs go to Los Angeles, why don't you tell me?"

Wu Yue stunned, hurriedly explained: "Oh, , this kind of small thing doesn't worry, I can handle it."

: "What can you handle? Can you take a plate to arrange the first class ticket and a five-star hotel, or can you find a trained opponent to the team?"

Wu Yue: "I ..."

He thought about it, it really can't. Although the money on the FV club is enough, it takes hundreds of thousands to go to Los Angeles this kind of thing. He is really hard to play the board to do this decision.

Yan Qian said: "There is no need to entangle this matter, go to all people to do an expensive visa! How many people are the FV club?"

Wu Yue thought: "The team of a team is 5 people, the second team members are also 5 people. In addition, add me, land managers, other staff of the team, etc. ..."

"Ah, but you can't use so many people, let a team member will be able to make a team, and six people just have three standard rooms."

I am very unhappy, I'm so happy: "How is the six people?"

"As the saying goes, the soldiers and horses have not moved, and the grain is in the first. We must fight the army, and the logistics is not can't keep up with the hammer."

"Los Angeles is unfamiliar, you have to find a translation, then find a guided tour guide to the local area, usually have a special arrangement."

"Eating, absolutely can't hurt. At that point, there is no more taste than Chinese food, and it is not possible to affect the body state."

"Please ask four bodyguards, I heard that the security of the country is not too good to ensure the personal safety of the players."

"Let's take a sparring team ... I see Sug is not bad, so I went money to bring the players on the sug, and I went to you."

"This is, a total of 30 people's quota, arrange the accommodation of 3,000 days in the per capita, have been living in the end of the game, is it probably five weeks?"

"Light is accommodation standard, you have 3.15 million. Well, you have arrived in Los Angeles, you may have to buy shopping, buy some soil specialties, go back to the back, cheap digital products, plus before, to find the tour guide, find bodyguards The cost, taking into account some possible bursts ... "

"This, make a whole, 4 million get it."

Wu Yue heard his tongue.

Go to Los Angeles, spend 4 million?

The whole FV club is added no value for so much money!

Wu Yue hurriedly said: "Torry, there is no need! Head office behind the race, it will be able to bakery, so the money that really needs us is just round-trip tickets."

"Even if we go a week in advance, this week's accommodation should be self-care, and there is no need for 3,000 standards in a per capita. The hotel is still good near the venue, and you can take it within a thousand pieces."

"The accommodation arranged by the finger company is better, but the two standard rooms will be 200 knives per night, and there are more than 1400 pieces ..."

Yu Qian didn't like to listen.

Hey, don't want me to spend money?

According to your minimum standard, six people go, live a thousand pieces of standard room, and only the first week of self-payment?

I am afraid that I want to spend more than ten thousand!

Yan Qian immediately interrupted Wu Yue: "Head Company arranged for food and accommodation, we must go? In case the accommodation condition arranged by the company does not meet our requirements?"

"The players went to the foreign country to play the competition. What is the responsibility of this responsibility? As the saying goes, it will take precautions, it can take some money to prevent these hidden dangers, this is quite cost-effective!"

"Just press me, the money will soon play."

Yan Qian said hanging up the phone.

Wu Yue looked at the screen of the mobile phone that has been hanged, caught in a stunned.

30 places?

A team of the FV club, the second team plus the five main players of SUG, which is 15 people.

Where can I find 30 people?

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