Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 792 Ultimate Dream Logistics Team

December 18, Sunday.

Wu Yue, with the manager of the office, and his head.

"Let's go to Los Angeles, hire a tour guide in the local area, four bodyguards and drivers, and rent a small bus."

"Five team of FV Club, two teams, SUG Club, plus you, I, leader, coach, analyst, a total of 20 people. Plus two translations, three photographers, photographers, This is 25 people. "

"It's still five people."

"With a team doctor, ensure the health of the players, usually can take some simple physical training in the hotel, keep your body."

"This is also four people."

Wu Yue, with the number of fingers, how do you get 30 people?

Mainly, the quota for the summary is too much. Wu Yuelian photographer has three, other people including translation, leaders, coaches, analysts, team doctors, etc. must be brought together. The result is still four people, I really don't know who the belt.

Although I have no special requirements for the identity of the person, after all, this is a business travel. How much is the person you have to fight with the game?

I am very generous, the gesture made is like letting everyone go to Los Angeles public tourism, but Wu Yue can't really get a public tourism, but the pressure is large.

Give it a few million, this is not a good result!

Land Manager proposes: "Wu, our club is full of full calculations, I really can't think of more people. Not as good as this, you will ask Zhang, see if there is any suitable candidate on his side. "

"After all, it is the total capital, and there are four places to take people on the side of Tengda. The scene is more likely to pass. Moreover, such high standards of public trips, the employees on the other side should also come."

Wu Yue suddenly headed: "Yes, ask Zhang Zi."

"That's that, I will call Zhang, and you will call Ding Ding, the SUG club."


DGE Equipment Club.

Zhang Yuan: "There are four places left? No one can choose?"

"Well ... we have four people, but there is no problem, I want to think about it."

After listening to Wu Yue, Zhang Yuan was in meditation.

The FV club is in progress, and I will have a high accommodation standard, and it is necessary to bring enough 30 people!

And this is not counted in the local tour guides and bodyguards in Los Angeles.

Take so many people?

Don't say domestic, even the world's extends is also quite quarantine. Do not say anything else, the domestic professional players in the first two years also often played at their own expense, and the things of sleeping roads are often heard.

Especially in this international competition, because of the expenditure after going abroad, the expenditure is saved, the less the number is, the better.

But I always give a far-specific treatment, why?

After Zhang Yuan, Zhang Yuan immediately thought of two points: first, showing Tenda's financial resources to the outside world through the FV club; second, do not count all the expenses to protect the logistics, try to achieve good results as much as possible!

Because the FV club has been binded to Tenda, the better the FV club, the longer it, the longer the face, and the face of the company and Longyu Group.

If you don't have a bonus, it's a secondary, the key is the heat and advertising effect.

So, this time, the accompanying person is definitely not to travel, and there are fewer fewer fewer roles.

Zhang Yuan said: "If you look at the entire Tenda Group, there are four more suitable candidates, but I don't know if they are willing to go."

"Ye Zhou, Yan Jing, Baowu, Zhou Pengyuan."

"Ye Zhou is the person in charge of the Ocean game, the game designer, the operation of the IOI national service, which is very understandable to the data of IOI. Of course, understand the old version only."

"Yan Jing, GOG designer, has been responsible for game design and numerical balance from GOG."

"Bao Xu, Tengda Game Senior Elder Designer, Ashes Players, Most games, GOG and IOI are not here. And travel experience is very rich, good physical fitness, strong pressure resistance."

"Zhou Pengyuan, the original DGE club two team commander players, only the age is indeed more big and the state is more powerful, and it has decided to retire retirement and returned to the DGE Club as the head of the coach. The game experience is rich, the various tactics of GOG Master skilled. "

"These four people's understanding of GOG and IOI is definitely the top, and should be able to provide guidance on tactical development and data analysis."

"The only problem is ... I have to ask the whole thing this matter."

"In addition to Zhou Pengyuan is now the DGE head coach, I can arrange, the other three either is Tenda, or the person in charge of the department, and I am a flat level, I can do not move."

On the phone, Wu Yue also heard a glimpse: "Zhang, there is no need! This is also too happy!"

"Our club goes to Los Angeles to play a game, and the person in charge of the two core gaming departments of Tengda Group and the main designer are accompanied by the main designer? This ... seems to be a bit unstoppable."

Zhang Yuan said: "You don't worry about this, and you should consider the problem. If you are afraid of delay, I will consider other people."

Wu Yue thought about it, I nodded: "Good Zhang, then I will wait for it."

Zhang Yuan hangs the phone and immediately hits the summary, explains the situation.

On the phone, Yu Qian just got up for a long time, it is touching the fish net coffee for a break.

I heard Zhang Yuan wants to take Ye Zhou and Yan Jingchao, and Yu Qian is bright, and it is readily agreed.

"No problem! Let them go! And this must have to go, can't go off!"

Yan Qian is unable to arrange them.

Now Ye Zhou is responsible for the operation of the overseas version, and Yan Jing is responsible for the new version of GOG and domestic operations. These two people can say that it is currently suffering from the sum of the people.

They work hard to work, the market share of GOG will improve!

The better their work is doing, the higher the difficulty of money.

The trip to the entire FV club team is the end of the next month, which is the end of the IOI global finals.

Yan Qian didn't think that the FV club can win, after all, the European and American team started early, training more, and first adaptated the version, the FV club is a mid-way restructuring is less than a month's team, why go to Europe and American old cards?

Most of them are eight, the up to four places are eliminated.

But I have been eliminated, nor does it affect their travel in Los Angeles!

Other clubs are eliminated, and the ticket is returned to China next day, this is unmanned. People's team members are working hard to train, so it is difficult to run a visa to go abroad, and still have a few days?

So, regardless of the results of the FV club, Yan Qian will ask them to come back after the end of the IOI Global Finals in Los Angeles.

Then, Ye Zhou and Yan Jingchao have suffered from Los Angeles. For a whole month, the work of GOG is not fully slow and stagnant?

Even if the two people want to go online, the Time to take more than a dozen hours with Los Angeles, one is the day in the day, waiting for them to get off work when they wake up.

very good!

Therefore, Yu Qian has not considered it, which is pleased to agree.

As for the Bao Xu and Zhou Pengyuan in the list, Yu Qian felt could have no, but since Zhang Yuan opened an account, let them go, and take a lot of money.

Zhang Yuan was still very moving.

I always trust yourself, this important department is gave it!

Call these four people immediately, let them arrange job handover, prepare to do an expensive visa.

A few minutes later, I was happy to play the game in my own position to pick up the phone called Zhang Yuan.

His expression became a mistake from Ayi, which became shocked and confused.

Hanging up the phone, Bao Xu's entire person is stiff to think about life, and have not moved for a long time.


In the other hand, Ding Fu also received a phone manager.

"What? Five players with SUG Club IOI, go to Los Angeles ???"

Ding Mi is not something wrong.

After listening to the Lison Manager, Dingxi is still coming back from the confusion state.

I didn't expect that my team was eliminated in the domestic qualifications. I didn't get the quota of the IOI World. The result is still going to Los Angeles?

This team of the SUG club, the identity is a sparring.

Because this team is also a domestic first-class team, the strength is between Jiefang compared to the other two exquisite teams.

The last game was swept away by 3: 0, and it is not a strong problem. It is mainly an attitude to collapse, and the tactical reserves are not enough.

After the qualifier, the team members of the IOI branch have been lost for a long time.

Originally, there is a chance to go to the world to go to the face, the result is a step away, the ancestors don't have anyone!

But now, things seem to have turned.

Although you can't go to the World World, so high standards of public fees, let the players are very dissatisfied!

Ding Yu thought about it, it is really no reason to refuse.

The only problem is that why is it to do this?

Ding Jun buried his head.

"Do you say ... this is a hint of ?"

"The person, this person, there is always a distinction, the reward and punishment. Previous SUG has grinded with the GPL quota, so it was renamed by the GPL, but the summary did not rush, but gave the GDL quota. "

"This is also the same, I'm squeezing the Sug's World Articles after the total restructuring of the FV club. This is not for the SUG club, but ,,,,,,,,,,, Well drink, live in the five-star hotel, this treatment is better than travel. "

"I always have a spacious person! The Sug Club has sinned him, but it is still not the previous suspect ... Actually, the Longyu Group, before saying it, once the SUG is eliminated, it will immediately abandon it ..."

"Ten strike!"

Thinking of this, Ding Fu immediately nodded: "Well, then Thank you, I am more beautiful!"

"However, I have an uncured."

"Can I go to Los Angeles with you? Just recently I want to play for a few days. You can rest assured that all the expenses here are at your own expense. You will take the five players' overhead. I will play in Los Angeles, I will not bother. Daily training. "

Lu Yilu thought: "Ding always you want to come, of course, can."

Since Ding Jiang is paying good, he wants to go to Los Angeles, the land manager and Wu Yue can still stop?

Thirty people have brought it, don't care more.

What's more, the SUG's team members helped sparring, Ding Fu is the boss of the Sug Club, this face can't be given.


Finished the SUG club, the land manager returned to Wu Yue's office.

"Wu, the Sug Club is arranged here!"

Wu Yue nodded: "Well, the remaining four places are also."

"Total, this time I value the FV Club, Los Angeles, now our team can say that it is the ultimate fantasy team!"

"You look at the four people added, it is GOG designer, IOI national service, the head of the Operations, Tengda Game Senior Game Designer, GOG Pre-command player ... plus our own coach, analyst And the team members of the three teams, this stock is simply exploded! "

Man learned that Wu Yue introduced the four members of the newly added, and the face was also shocked.

Can the main designer of the GOG can still go?

Too magical!

This is equivalent to the GOG Global Invitational Tournament, and the head office's general designer personally gives a club to do data analysis, killing chicken is not enough to describe this behavior!

Now the FV Club's data analysis team can be said to be the ultimate gorgeous.

More critical is that the Ye Zhou and Yan Jing more than two people are not going against their own battle. They are the two game departments of the Ocean games and Tenda games behind them. I really encountered what problems can be directly resolved together.

The land manager couldn't help but feel: "If you say this, we don't need the account of the IOI world service!"

"What is the high-end bureau ran? We brought three teams, fifteen people, it is full of experience with yourself!"

"A team of team members can train together with the second team, SUG. Then the second team and the SUG training test lineup strength, the team members can listen to the analyst to rehabilitate, explain tactics."

"Zero time, the players can divide a few sets of plus lines, keep the feel, this efficiency is not much higher than the high segment RANK?"

The previous land manager and Wu Yue hesitate to go to Los Angeles, mainly worry about the high-end account number, and the training effect cannot be guaranteed.

Can you never go to zero single?

But now it is not available, as long as people have enough, the training schedule is naturally filled, there is no tight account with the high-end account.

Wu Yue immediately became a strong spirit: "Everything is ready, this time you must train well, this is not to take a good grade, you can't afford it!"

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